Yes, I could say that I was in existence in the mind of God before Abraham (pbuh) was on this earth. And it is possible that God told Abraham (pbuh) about a conversation between you and I, though I doubt it. Also the unknown author of Hebrews said that Melchizedek was LIKE Jesus (pbuh).
Bro, Jesus' words weren't "Before Abraham,
I AM in the mind of God". When David and Jeremiah state that God knew them in their mother's wombs, it is clear that they are communicating they were known in God's exhaustive knowledge and that He cares for them even though they (we) are insignificant. Jesus was communicating something completely different. What would have been the point of Jesus saying, "I was in the exhaustive knowledge of God before Abraham" when the Jews asked Him, “You are not yet fifty years old, and have you seen Abraham?” Is Jesus so dense to be stating the obvious? No, Jesus, the master of words and wit was undeniably saying that HE EXISTED before Abraham.. He WAS before Abraham (I AM). He was not communicating that God told Abraham about Jesus and thus His existence..
Regarding Melchizedek, He was indeed Christ, or better yet, a Christophany (preincarnate appearance of Christ). We're told that "He is the King of Righteousness, the King of Peace, He is without father or mother, He is without beginning of days or end of life, and that like the Son of God He remains a priest forever". What human could be the King of Righteousness? What human could be the King of Peace? These are not traits we humans could never attain. "There is none righteous, no, not one" (Romans 3:10) & "And the way of peace they have not known" (Romans 3:17). What human could have no father or mother, no genealogy? What human is without beginning of days or end of life? None other than Jesus Christ Himself,
God revealed in flesh! Your noting of the word "like" is interesting. Daniel says that he saw "One like the Son of Man, Coming with the clouds of heaven! He came to the Ancient of Days, And they brought Him near before Him." (Daniel 7:13-14). Was Daniel saying that he saw one
similar to the Son of Man or that he saw THE Son of Man? Words aren't univocal, they're equivocal and they take on the meaning the author intends (context).
Remember, David prophetically speaking of Jesus says: "You are a priest forever according to the order of Melchizedek" (Psalms 110:4). Now how could Jesus be the priest forever and Melchizedek be the priest forever? We know that there cannot be two High Priests so logic tells us they are one in the same (Christophany). The office of high priest was to offer a sacrifice to (temporarily) atone for the sins of the people, but Jesus
THE High Priest offered the ultimate sacrifice and lead the way to salvation through His crucifixion and resurrection.
*Quick word on Theophanies, Christophanies, and Angelophanies*
There are numerous examples of God visibly manifesting Himself in the Old Testament, or allowing angels to do so.
One cannot be similar to someone else and be that same someone. Just as one cannot be SENT by someone else and be that same someone. One cannot be WITH someone else and be that someone. One cannot PRAY TO someone else and be that someone, etc.
Please (re)visit my post about the Trinity if you have the time. Your statement is in error because you are making a category mistake. In terms of "being" you would be correct but we're not talking being, we're talking "personage". God is one in Being and has revealed Himself through the Scriptures as three in Person.
Your mentioning of Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) and the Qur'an is irrelevant here. The Qur'an says we aren't to make distinctions between prophets of God.
Muhammad and the Qur'an are VERY relevant here. You choose to deny God's revelation of Himself in the Trinity because Muhammad states in the Qur'an that only disbelievers and infidels say God is a third of the Trinity. (Sura 5:72-73) The only problem is that Muhammad misunderstood the Trinity and thus miscommunicated it. There is no third, there are no separate parts..
And your list only proves my point that Jesus (pbuh) did not claim to be God. If so, that quote would have made your list.
Appeal to ignorance?
"The absence of evidence is not the evidence of absence"
Jesus took baths but He never said it
Jesus cut his toenails but He never said it
Jesus had a stepfather named Joseph but He never said it
Are we to assume that He never bathed, never cut His nails, and never had a stepfather simply because He never said those things?
If you believe statements on the list I provided can be meaningfully verbalized by just any prophet about themselves and are not words that can only be uttered by God, I believe you are sorely misguided.
I wish to simply list and document verses describing aspects of Jesus’ (pbuh) life which show that he is not God. [Notice this is from his biographies, not dreams of what he might say in the future, i.e. Revelations]
(False) Presumption: Revelation is a dream of what Jesus might say in the future