I think one thing that Muslims should realize is Christians aren't dividing God into thirds as the Qur'an states. Christians are fiercely monotheistic and state that there is no other god than God the one. "Hear, O Israel: The LORD our God, the LORD is one." We (Christians and Muslims) can wholeheartedly agree on that.
God cannot be divided, God is not made up of parts, and this is not what the doctrine of the Trinity states. Instead the Father is fully God, the Son is fully God, and the Spirit is fully God. The confusion comes with mistakes in category. Most Muslims I've conversed with hold that "God is one, so God cannot be three" and that would be correct in the categorization of His "Being". But Christians hold that He is one in "Being" and three in "Person". So in other words, there is one "What" (in being, nature, and essence) and 3 "Who's" (Persons/ Trinity).
Trinitarianism is not the opposite of monotheism, that would be polytheism- and the Trinity is not polytheism. There is only one true God but the Bible doesn't limit Him to just one divine Person. Unlike us humans, God isn't limited in His Personage. Stating that Jesus prays to the Father or the Father sent the Son thus making them separate doesn't disprove the Trinity, it is exactly what the Trinity says!
The Bible teaches that Jesus is the Creator (Col. 1:15-17) and if we hold the Bible to be the ultimate authority (which I recognize that Muslims do not) then we don't dismiss Him as a "messenger" but recognize Him as being part of God's revelation of Himself to us.
God cannot be divided, God is not made up of parts, and this is not what the doctrine of the Trinity states. Instead the Father is fully God, the Son is fully God, and the Spirit is fully God. The confusion comes with mistakes in category. Most Muslims I've conversed with hold that "God is one, so God cannot be three" and that would be correct in the categorization of His "Being". But Christians hold that He is one in "Being" and three in "Person". So in other words, there is one "What" (in being, nature, and essence) and 3 "Who's" (Persons/ Trinity).
Trinitarianism is not the opposite of monotheism, that would be polytheism- and the Trinity is not polytheism. There is only one true God but the Bible doesn't limit Him to just one divine Person. Unlike us humans, God isn't limited in His Personage. Stating that Jesus prays to the Father or the Father sent the Son thus making them separate doesn't disprove the Trinity, it is exactly what the Trinity says!
The Bible teaches that Jesus is the Creator (Col. 1:15-17) and if we hold the Bible to be the ultimate authority (which I recognize that Muslims do not) then we don't dismiss Him as a "messenger" but recognize Him as being part of God's revelation of Himself to us.