This is KINDA true but.... We still haven't seen game worlds with almost limitless amount of interiors, extremely fast loading, ultra realistic physics, hell facial motion capture is still not advanced. Oh advanced realistic A.I is still not here. Or a bunch of NPCs on screen like something like this.The harsh reality is that 3D game design matured with the ps3/360 generation and you're just gonna get new twists on the same shyt you've seen a million times before. The ps1-ps3 generations are like the 70s and early 80s in Hollywood where the mold for everything you're seeing now was created. Its the same deal visually. We're out of the stone ages where just having a face texture that kinda sorta looked like a face was enough to be mind blowing. The diminishing returns are finally here.
I can go on and on. Some of you guys are speaking WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAY too damn early like Jesus Christs. These are freaking cross-gens. For crying out loud Perfect Dark Zero and Kameo looked like Xbox original titles.