Damn Nina 

kinda feel the same way...I wouldnt say its flat out bad, but I was kinda underwhelmed by a lot of stuff. and Im a huge fan of the og series. I feel like they needed to step the game up in some way because tv shows nowadays have crazy quality, OR they had to throw in some crazy hooks...as is, neither of that happened. didnt feel the acting too much either tbh, again standards have changed a bit in the game.Good episode, not great but thats Carter for you and Spotniz for that matter, if you followed the original show his was always good to really good..never great..He was always surrounded by better writers then he ever was ..I can tell this shouldve been a two parter, they wanted too reveal and do too much..the mythology is going to suffer in this format since they were always two parters, but from what I hear the Motw eps should be good to great.and the redressing of the original conspiracy? wtf is that about?! ..5/10 for the premier
They should've pushed hard for 12 episodes..As a huge detailed show as the xfiles was, they need that extra episodes to showcase why this show is as good as it was at its peak , flesh out the details,showcase the actors really acting..a great story like most of season 4-5...kinda feel the same way...I wouldnt say its flat out bad, but I was kinda underwhelmed by a lot of stuff. and Im a huge fan of the og series. I feel like they needed to step the game up in some way because tv shows nowadays have crazy quality, OR they had to throw in some crazy hooks...as is, neither of that happened. didnt feel the acting too much either tbh, again standards have changed a bit in the game.
if it wasnt for strong nostalgia, this would prolly be a very meh episode for me. as is it's a 6/10