Yeah. Awful. I thought about it this morning and just felt

As a huge huge fan of the show and also as someone that moved on, it's crazy seeing die hard lovers of the show either defending and.or trying to justify that mess of an episode last night.
I'll keep watching because the monster of the week episodes should be more fun. They shouldn't have even tried to do a mythology arc with 6 episodes. What sticks out to me is that the show just isn't that great, and in 2016 that might as well be bad. There is SO much good television on that dragging out that corpse of an episode last night was sad on many levels. It's like Chris Carter just googled modern conspiracies and tried to throw them all together. X-Files was good but the best eps were from other writers and directors IMO. TV was a shyt medium for dramas in the 90's besides a few things like X-Files, NYPD Blue, a very very few select shows. Not everyone will get this analogy but it's like TXF is like how GSP came into the UFC and was super advanced compared toe everyone else. But now the sport of MMA is so advanced even beyond that level.
If you liked The X-Files, but moved on to enjoy Sopranos, The Wire, Deadwood, Game of Thrones, Breaking Bad, The Shield, Justified, Mr. Robot, Jessica Jones, Homeland, (I could go on and on) or hell even Hannibal if you want to include a show on basic cable...I can't see how this X-Files reboot could entertain you. Chris Carter should've done a George Lucas and handed this off to a better writer/director, or gotten it on another network, pushed for more episodes, anything other than that premier. It's been years since I've seen a premier that was so rushed, with so much expository dialogue, so much cheesy CGI, lack of chemistry, I mean you name it. It was moving so fast that I thought I'd missed scenes. 2-3 times I thought maybe I missed a scene that would explain what I was seeing.
Not hopeful, but I'll stick around and watch the shyt show.