This thread being on the Coli in the locker room is such a huge oxymoron being that there’s so much negativity spewed on here.
TLR is filled with gems. I guess the 85%/5% rule applies everywhere.This thread being on the Coli in the locker room is such a huge oxymoron being that there’s so much negativity spewed on here.
Thoughts people put in the air
It eventually manifests.
It will eventually.Tried that, hasn't worked
What’s good, my brotha!Came here to check on everyone!
How is everyone holding up through the changing times? What are y’all doing to improve/prepare/survive etc??
@True Blue Moon whats up?!
Little is known about one of the most powerful mystics of the modern era. We have his first name, Abdullah, and his description from one of his most well known students, author and lecturer, Neville Goddard,
"He was as black as the ace of spades, my old friend Abdullah, with his turbaned head." What we do know about Abdullah is that he mentored authors/lecturers Neville Goddard and Dr. Joseph Murphy. Abdullah was an Ethiopian rabbi who lectured on Esoteric Christianity. In order to properly understand the impact Abdullah's philosophy had on the world we have to look at the works of his students and people indirectly influenced by his teachings.
It was Abdullah who showed Neville how to employ the law of consciousness and how to comprehend the Bible psychologically. As Neville started to see the world as a picture world, projected from within, his faith in himself grew.
Listening to Rev Ike
Rev Ike was a student of Neville Goddard
Neville Goddard was taught by an Ethiopian Jew named Abdullahgoogle "rabbi abdullah mystic"
Lords of the 7Cs | Tha 144000 | Online Conscious Community: BLACK HISTORY: ABDULLAH THE ETHIOPIAN MYSTIC
This video wasn’t released until after our brother’s passing. I believe people hear will appreciate as much as I did.