Kanye West fan
Chakra Tests
1) Chakra Test by Life Coach Peter ten Hoopen - a vital aid in chakra balancing and healing, reiki, meditation.
2) Chakra Test
1) Results
Sahasrara Chakra - Crown Chakra (Positive 8, Negative 2)
This chakra is very active.
Positive aspect is strongly developed.
Negative aspect is hardly present.
This chakra shows good positive development.
Ajna Chakra - Third Eye Chakra (Positive 5, Negative 1)
Activity of this chakra is fair to good.
Positive aspect is rather strongly developed.
Negative aspect is hardly present.
This chakra shows good positive development.
Vishuddha Chakra - Throat Chakra (Positive 8, Negative 0)
This chakra is very active.
Positive aspect is strongly developed.
Negative aspect is currently inactive.
Overall development is perfectly positive.
Anahata Chakra - Heart Chakra (Positive 7, Negative 1)
This chakra is very active.
Positive aspect is strongly developed.
Negative aspect is hardly present.
This chakra shows good positive development.
Manipura Chakra - Solar Plexus Chakra (Positive 10, Negative 0)
This chakra is very active.
Positive aspect is very strongly developed.
Negative aspect is currently inactive.
Overall development is perfectly positive.
Svadisthana Chakra - Sacral Chakra (Positive 6, Negative 0)
Activity of this chakra is fair to good.
Positive aspect is rather strongly developed.
Negative aspect is currently inactive.
This chakra shows good positive development.
Muladhara Chakra - Root Chakra (Positive 9, Negative 1)
This chakra is very active.
Positive aspect is very strongly developed.
Negative aspect is hardly present
Overall development is perfectly positive.
2) Results
Root: Over-Active (100%)
Sacral: Over-Active (81%)
Navel: Over-Active (88%)
Heart: Over-Active (81%)
Throat: Open (75%)
Third Eye: Over-Active (88%)
Crown: Open (62%)
Sahasrara Chakra - Crown Chakra
Pos 3 Neg 6
This chakra is very active.
Positive aspect is present, but weak.
Negative aspect is rather strongly developed.
Positive aspects are insufficiently developed.

Pos 4 Neg 4
This chakra is very active.
Positive aspect is present, but weak.
Negative aspect is present, but weak.
Positive and negative (almost) equally strong.

Pos 3 Neg 5
This chakra is very active.
Positive aspect is present, but weak.
Negative aspect is rather strongly developed.
Positive aspects are insufficiently developed.

Pos 3 Neg 3
Activity of this chakra is fair to good.
Positive aspect is present, but weak.
Negative aspect is present, but weak.
Positive and negative (almost) equally strong.

Pos 4 Neg 2
Activity of this chakra is fair to good.
Positive aspect is present, but weak.
Negative aspect is hardly present.
Development of this chakra is largely positive.

Pos 5 Neg 2
Activity of this chakra is fair to good.
Positive aspect is rather strongly developed.
Negative aspect is hardly present.
Development of this chakra is largely positive.

Pos 2 Neg 4
Activity of this chakra is fair to good.
Positive aspect is hardly present.
Negative aspect is present, but weak.
Positive aspects are insufficiently developed.