"the universe is listening; be careful what you say in it"


Absolute Sovereign
Nov 17, 2012
Liberia, Madagascar
5 Quick Ways To Make Your Home A More Meditative Space

[url=http://www.huffingtonpost.com/news/meditation/]Meditation[/URL] isn't just calming; it's life-changing.

The practice has been proven to [url=http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2014/09/19/meditation-benefits_n_5842870.html]protect your immune system[/url], [url=http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2015/02/17/long-term-meditation-brain-loss_n_6693514.html]safeguard your brain[/URL] and [url=http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2014/11/11/meditation-reduces-stress-harvard-study_n_6109404.html]alleviate symptoms of anxiety and depression[/URL]. And you don't need to visit a special retreat center -- or even a special room -- to meditate. You can do it every day... at home.

"You can set up a meditation space anywhere," [url=http://www.target.com/c/emily-henderson-ways-to-shop-home/-/N-4yqbz]Emily Henderson[/url], a home style expert with Target, told The Huffington Post. "It's just a quiet space that enables you to physically and mentally remove yourself from the stress of everyday life."

In fact, HuffPost recently revamped our in-office meditation space:


The makeover came with help from Henderson and interior designer [url=http://joshuasmithinc.com/profile]Joshua Smith[/URL]. They've pointed out five easy elements that, when incorporated into your own home, will transform your space into a meditative oasis:

1. Opt for calm colors.
Embellish your meditation spot in cool and neutral tones like blues, greens and light purple. "Even soft pink has been shown to have a soothing effect," Smith says.

2. Add candles.
Natural light from a window is ideal for meditation, Henderson says. If that's not possible in your space, then choose indirect, soft candlelight for a similarly calming sentiment.

3. Feature important objects.
"Incorporate items that help you to connect and lift your spirits," Smith says. "They could be objects found in nature, a picture or even meaningful quotes. You can also place a symbol of your religious or spiritual practice if that applies." An [url=http://www.target.com/p/sand-filled-hour-glass/-/A-16261680#prodSlot=_1_17]oversized hourglass[/URL], for example, doubles as a design statement.

4. Find comfortable cushions.
Comfort is key to meditation. Make the most of your space and add a bit of ceremony to the experience by meditating on a [url=http://www.target.com/p/threshold-outdoor-fabric-pouf/-/A-16343279#prodSlot=medium_1_1]floor cushion[/URL] that stows under your bed when not in use.

5. Use a table or "altar."
Any surface -- even a bedside table -- can serve as a place for the important objects, fresh flowers or candles that center your focus during a meditation session, Smith says. Visit your altar each time you meditate to let your brain know it's time to practice.

Voilà! You're meditating at home!




Absolute Sovereign
Nov 17, 2012
Liberia, Madagascar
Why Meditation Is Really a Group Activity


Just because you’re in your own head doesn’t mean you have to go it alone.

Of all of the things I’ve learned in my years as a health editor, nothing has changed my life as significantly as learning to meditate (I’m trained in a technique called Transcendental Meditation). As I wrote about in my book 20 Pounds Younger, TM changed my entire demeanor, so much so that friends started asking me if I’d done something different with my hair!

Almost from the start, I noticed something strange: The times when I meditated with other people — my coach, friends, or a small group meditation held at The David Lynch Foundation, where I was taught — I went deeper, felt less antsy, and transcended more often.

As it turns out, my experiences weren’t anomalies. The website About Meditation talks about the “Buddha field,” which is “a field of consciousness that develops when everyone comes together with the same intention.”

Mallika Chopra, author of Living With Intent, has written that “while meditation is fundamentally about self-exploration, the coherence from meditating with others makes it personally and socially more powerful. While some are skeptical, there have been numerous studies that have shown that a large group of people meditating together has a measurable effect on the greater population.”

Sign me up! Actually, we can all sign up … for a massive group meditation.

Mallika’s father, Deepak, and my friend Gabrielle Bernstein, a best-selling spiritual author, are leading a global meditation for compassion with this stated mission: to gather more than 500,000 people online from nearly every country with one common intention — to turn around the rising tide of disconnection in the world and, through renewed empathy and love, reconnect to what truly matters.

While you may not experience the so-called “Buddha field” through the Internet, I believe that a group meditation at this scale has to generate some extra positivity in the universe. And nothing is stopping you from throwing a meditation party at your place. Just saying.

The event is on July 11 and you can sign up for the live stream here.


I've been spending a lot of time around little kids and find the way they look at the world is refreshing. They naturally "get" a lot of things that many adults have trouble understanding. They naturally meditate or "tap" into things that some adults need to read books to understand. I've seen some people dependent entirely on using drugs to reach an altered state. In contrast, I've seen little kids go into an altered state at will. Some people might call those kids Indigos, Crystals or Rainbows but I genuinely believe we can all do it. There isn't some secret to tapping into one's higher self. There's no rigid requirement like if you were born after a certain date that it's "too late" for you. Ralph Smart, Mr. 'Infinite Waters Diving Deep' said "we are all Indigos, Crystals, Rainbows." I tend to agree with him. The way we vibrate is free will based on the lives we lead, the way we talk to ourselves in our inner thoughts and how we treat others. Of course, those labels can be rejected outright too. But if those labels are accepted, I see it more as a general label that can be applied to young, middle-aged and old alike.

True Blue Moon

May 2, 2012
VA. Living in the City of Angels
This forum can be so negative immature and bitter.

Sending positive vibes{{{{{{{{{{{{{{

I just peeked into a thread about Obama and there were like five different perspectives, all filled with vitriol and negativity. Had to click out. I'm realizing more and more that dwelling amongst negative shyt is just as bad for your mind and spirit as cigarettes, sugar and fried food is to your body.

Thank God for threads like this, cuz I like The Coli, but damn.
May 1, 2012
I just peeked into a thread about Obama and there were like five different perspectives, all filled with vitriol and negativity. Had to click out. I'm realizing more and more that dwelling amongst negative shyt is just as bad for your mind and spirit as cigarettes, sugar and fried food is to your body.

Thank God for threads like this, cuz I like The Coli, but damn.
I hear you Breh I'm trying to get better at steering clear of that energy and not letting it influence me to act out of character
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Absolute Sovereign
Nov 17, 2012
Liberia, Madagascar
This is an aura test that has a few more colors included than your run-of-the-mill aura tests I've seen on the internet. This test says people have a primary color and a secondary color. My main color is Indigo and my secondary color is Violet. So if I ever ruin the world, you can just blame me and all the other Indigos.

What color is your hue?
