Absolute Sovereign
Be ready to potentially say hello to your brothers and sister across the universe in your lifetime. If that ever happened, some philosophy and/or religion would evaporate, while others would strengthen.
If I'm alive when the great contact happens, I just hope the other life forms are cool, enlightened and honorable. If the other races are hostile, spiritually weak and emit low vibrations in terms of their energy, it would be a big warning to humanity in what not to become. Imagine being light years ahead in terms of technology but having petty personalities, no sense of community and no soul. If other life forms are wise, fun-loving, enlightened and intelligent, it would show humanity what is possible.
This thread is about spirituality but this article made me think of the big question: What if instead of spirituality being a global thing (global consciousness, global sub-culture), spirituality wound up becoming a universal thing (universal consciousness, universal sub-culture)? The stakes in the game of life would exponentially shoot up to levels unforeseen. Being a bad person would not longer just cripple the world, it could potentially ruin the universe.
If I'm alive when the great contact happens, I just hope the other life forms are cool, enlightened and honorable. If the other races are hostile, spiritually weak and emit low vibrations in terms of their energy, it would be a big warning to humanity in what not to become. Imagine being light years ahead in terms of technology but having petty personalities, no sense of community and no soul. If other life forms are wise, fun-loving, enlightened and intelligent, it would show humanity what is possible.
This thread is about spirituality but this article made me think of the big question: What if instead of spirituality being a global thing (global consciousness, global sub-culture), spirituality wound up becoming a universal thing (universal consciousness, universal sub-culture)? The stakes in the game of life would exponentially shoot up to levels unforeseen. Being a bad person would not longer just cripple the world, it could potentially ruin the universe.
MIT researcheris sure there are alien life forms out there, not sure why so many people think they've been here
Alien life is almost certainly real, they probably just haven’t visited Earth yet.
That’s according to Sara Seager, a woman described as a “pioneer” in the search for exoplanets — ones that orbit a sun other than our own. She’s also leading the search to use and implement high-powered telescopes to pinpoint planets that could carry life. She described how data extrapolated from telescopic images can offer hints to the presence of life on other planets at the Perimeter Institute for Theoretical Physics this week as part of its first Convergence conference.
The Professor of Planetary Science and Physics at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology and a NASA researcher discussed her work and the search for the truth out there with the National Post’s Ashley Csanady in Waterloo.
Q: You have said previously we’re going to be able to both find and prove the existence of another habitable planet, even one with life on it, within the next 40 years.
A: We try not to over-promise, so I would start by saying that with the next generation of telescopes, we’ll have the capability to find habitable planets. But there’s a bit of a stretch between the portrayal in science fiction, movies like Avatar and Interstellar, where we can go and actually visit the planets and what scientists are doing.
We’re looking for a habitable planet… a Goldilocks planets, not too hot, not too cold, not too big, not too small, just right for life. So far, most things we can measure about planets consistently are their mass and their size, sometimes both, and how much energy they’re receiving from their star. Really, it’s just those three things we have to go by. Sometimes we can measure atmospheric properties.
We have this thing call the habitable zone, it’s the distance from a star where the planets will be heated just enough, assuming they have a thin atmosphere. A number of planets have been found in their star’s habitable zone, most of them are probably too big or too hot, but we don’t really know.
It’s amazing that as soon as astronomers had the tools to find planets in the habitable zone they found one and they they found more. I think it’s really just the tip of the iceberg. Now we’re just waiting til we have the next generation of telescopes (such as the James Webb Space Telescope and the Thirty Meter Telescope, both of which have a Canadian connection) so we can more easily access these smaller planets.
Q: How will you know you’ve not only found a habitable planet but signs of life?
A: What we call habitable now is quite simple: all life on earth needs water, so we call a planet habitable if it has liquid water. Now on a planet we can’t get a beautiful image like the Apollo images of Earth, we can’t see an ocean. But what we will be able to see (from telescope images) is vapour in the atmosphere. Water vapour is actually a very strong absorber (of energy from a star). On Earth, it’s our biggest greenhouse gas. We don’t hear about that because we’re not pumping water vapour into our atmosphere, but it’s so strong we can see it literally from far away.
We’re confident we’ll find that: rocky planets with liquid water
So, if we see water vapour on a small rocky planet, that should be indicative of a reservoir. We’re looking for a planet we call “potentially habitable,” if it might be the right temperature for liquid water, we call it “habitable” if it has liquid water. We’re confident we’ll find that: rocky planets with liquid water.
That might not be enough. Some people think you need land and ocean to get life, that if you just have an ocean everything is too diluted, all the ingredients are too spread out. They actually need to be concentrated in little pools… a completely ocean-covered planet might not cut it.
Q: Once you find a small rocky planet with liquid water, how do we detect life from this far away and telescope images?
A: Our search for signs of life, what we’re looking for are gases in the atmosphere that don’t belong. The reason we fixate on this is that we have that on our own planet Earth. We have oxygen, but oxygen is a highly reactive gas. It shouldn’t be in our atmosphere. If we didn’t have life on our planet… we would have virtually no oxygen.
Every kid has learned in school that our atmosphere is mostly nitrogen, 80 per cent, mostly oxygen, 20 per cent, with maybe a per cent of Argon. That’s very important for exoplanets; if there’s an alien civilization around a nearby star with the kind of space telescope we’re trying to build, they’ll see oxygen, they may not 100 per cent know that’s caused by life, but they’ll know that shouldn’t be there.
Q: So it wouldn’t necessarily need to be oxygen though, right?
A: Right, then the question is the list of gases, which raises a bit of a problem. Because what we end up finding is pretty much any other gas, including oxygen at some level, though it’s produced by life, it usually has another source.
We’re actually in a bit of a limbo right now, because there are gases produced in large quantities but they are created by geophysics and atmospheric chemical reactions as well; there are gases produced in small quantities specific to life on Earth (but there isn’t enough to detect them from this far away).
So we’re looking for gases that are present in quantities that can’t really be explained any other way.
Q: They say theoretically one in six stars has something in that Goldilocks zone, what does it take to prove we think this is habitable? Are there any planets we think hold life already?
A: Not a single one right now. And that one in five, one in six number is still a bit speculative actually. It’s sort of an extrapolation after a very long scientific inquiry.
We know that exoplanets are extremely common… evidence is showing that every star has planets and rocky planets are common also.
Q: Is it possible life could be on a moon?
A: It could but planets are so hard to see themselves and moons are even harder. It’s possible we could see the moon of a giant planet. But we’re not ready yet. We just have this tantalizing evidence that those planets are out there. We’re sure they’re there; we see small rocky planets. We know they’re out there but we have to look at their atmosphere, assess their greenhouse power (by extrapolating data from telescope images) to look for water vapour and signs of life to know anything more.
We don’t have any for sure yet, we just have a lot of possibilities.
We’re not necessarily talking about little green people waving their hands at us
Q: People talk about these exoplanets circling ‘nearby’ stars, but what does that actually mean?
A: We think our Milky Way looks like a spiral galaxy (with) hundreds of billions of stars, and in our universe we think there are hundreds of billions of galaxies. But the only region we can search for habitable planets are the very nearest stars to us in our galaxy.
If you took an image of the entire Milky Way with all its spiral arms and you just used a pin or the tiniest circle you could draw with a pencil, that’s where we’d be searching for planets that could be like Earth. Even with the biggest telescopes we could construct today, planets are just so tiny, their signal is so weak that we need the biggest power that we can have, so we can only look very nearby.
Q: So how far away is that?
A: Our nearest star is about four light years away. The planets we have found so far range anywhere from 10 to 20 light years away to thousands of light years away.
Q: Do we need to send satellites to be closer to these stars to definitively prove the existence of life on other planets?
A: We’d like to… if we could.
We do not know how to send interstellar spacecraft to other stars. It’s sort of a dream actually of the whole community of space enthusiasts that one day we will be able to send a probe there, if not human beings.
Our fastest Voyager 1 spacecraft has left our solar system, it’s billions of kilometres away now. If it were on its way to the nearest star, it would still take about 50,000 years to get there.
If we could figure out how to go even faster — that one’s going 20 kilometres a second — then maybe we send a probe sooner
Some people think they could find a way to travel a tenth of the speed of light, and that way it would still take 40 years to get there.
Q: So do you think we’ve had visitors from other planets here?
A: I don’t actually. People love believing that; I’m not quite sure why so many people believe actually, even the number of people who write to me telling me that we have been visited or they have personal evidence, it’s just unbelievably huge numbers of people.
I have not seen any evidence that it’s real actually, but when I say this, then it just suddenly unleashes a bunch of new emails that they definitely have evidence.
But no, the distances are so vast and that’s not why (I don’t believe), but because there’s no hard evidence. None of the arguments are very helpful or offer any kind of proof.
Most likely when we see signs of life we won’t know if it’s created by intelligent life or just by single cell bacteria or a slime covered world
Q: But you believe it’s out there?
A: It’s gotta be out there.
Just to make sure it’s clear, we’re not necessarily talking about little green people waving their hands at us. Most likely when we see signs of life we won’t know if it’s created by intelligent life or just by single cell bacteria or a slime covered world.
Like on our own world, if the aliens are looking at us, and they see oxygen in our atmosphere, we didn’t produce that. We’re using oxygen. We’re producing carbon dioxide.
If there are intelligent aliens somewhere else probing our world, they wouldn’t know about us, they would just know there’s something out there producing oxygen.
Q: What about the suggestion there was, or maybe still is, life on Mars?
A: It’s very similar actually, (to planets in the Goldilocks zone). There’s evidence of very tiny variable methane that appears to come and go, and it’s in much smaller quantities than we could observe on an exoplanet, but it’s the same thing: could this be produced by geophysics or there actually possibly some subsurface bacteria?
Mars has no water on the surface now, but there’s plenty of evidence that water once flowed on the surface, and I think there’s some dream or hope that there are these subsurface pockets where actually there could still be life.
But it’s tempered by the problems we have for exoplanets: that methane could be produced by life like it is on Earth or it could just be produced by geochemical reactions.
— this conversation has been edited and condensed for clarity and length