"the universe is listening; be careful what you say in it"


C L O N E*0690//////
Jul 18, 2014
Assuming you mean me, in terms of small minded thinking…..Are you talking reincarnation? I had this talk with someone whom I generally consider to be a self centered, spoiled idiot, with delusions of intellect…..Not to paint you with same brush at all….His stance was essentially as narcissistic, self centered and self praising as 'The Secret, same bullshyt rationale for inequality, suffering, tragedy, misery….The main point was that anything that happens bad to someone, is because of who they were in a previous life. The fact that he could say that with a straight face, next to someone whose grandmother is dying from leukemia is black humor at it's most tragic. Personally, there are things that I can't explain in the world, sure….but all this bullshyt, to me, is just a rationalization and comfort blanket for the smug, the arrogant, the greedy to take comfort in their existence, and blame those without their comforts for their own circumstances….that works until your mom gets raped and murdered in a home invasion gone bad or something, 'oh I guess she earned that in a previous life'….was my counter argument.

humans tend to convolute and veil reality in imagination

it all comes down to cause and effect

it is without bias or emotional implications

the easiest thing to do is to allow people to hold the beliefs they choose to

I'm here simply to find out what is truly possible
use discernment take what you want leave what you don't*


Queen of Swords
Jan 28, 2014
East of Anywhere
Everything in the universe is or is affected by energy, for example adding (heat) energy to atoms causes faster movement and expansion seen to us as melting or vaporization.

Energy can neither be created or destroyed. So, it makes sense that energy flows throughout the universe like currents in the ocean.

And like there are positively and negatively charged atoms, there is positive and negative energy flowing.

What people are saying is that based on your thoughts or the energy you are sending out, it can attract positive or negative energy.
Just like how a negative person can bring down the energy levels in a room. Animals are sensitive to energy levels, it is a part of how they communicate, it's especially obvious in dogs.

So bad things may happen to people because they may live in an area with a high concentration of low or negative energy levels, or because they may attract this negative energy.

So some things are random, because of the natural flow of energy and some things people attract.

That's just my basic understanding of what many people are talking about ITT.


May 26, 2012
San Diego
I don't mean this to sound combative or hostile, but how can that possibly explain or account for the kind of mindless, almost arbitrary tragedies of the world….? 18 months baby riddled with bullets after cartel shootout in Mexico, kids smothered by their parents….babies that come out deformed…..ENERGY did that? The kind of poverty in the slums of India? This is not energy at work. These are the works of poverty, inequality, human nature, and a number of social, political and other issues….sure I can concede a negative person may change the atmosphere on the fukking sales floor or whatever, but negative thoughts and negative energy do explain or account for the suffering of the poor, the massacres and bloody conquests of imperialism…..the natives slaughtered by US and spanish invaders, villages, cultures destroyed and crippled….entire families wiped out in Juarez…..they were THINKING NEGATIVELY?


The Project's Manly P Hall
Resting in Peace
Oct 25, 2012
I'm Hard Like D-Block Readin The Book Of Enoch...
I don't mean this to sound combative or hostile, but how can that possibly explain or account for the kind of mindless, almost arbitrary tragedies of the world….? 18 months baby riddled with bullets after cartel shootout in Mexico, kids smothered by their parents….babies that come out deformed…..ENERGY did that? The kind of poverty in the slums of India? This is not energy at work. These are the works of poverty, inequality, human nature, and a number of social, political and other issues….sure I can concede a negative person may change the atmosphere on the fukking sales floor or whatever, but negative thoughts and negative energy do explain or account for the suffering of the poor, the massacres and bloody conquests of imperialism…..the natives slaughtered by US and spanish invaders, villages, cultures destroyed and crippled….entire families wiped out in Juarez…..they were THINKING NEGATIVELY?

do you believe in reincarnation..?


C L O N E*0690//////
Jul 18, 2014
Everything in the universe is or is affected by energy, for example adding (heat) energy to atoms causes faster movement and expansion seen to us as melting or vaporization.

Energy can neither be created or destroyed. So, it makes sense that energy flows throughout the universe like currents in the ocean.

And like there are positively and negatively charged atoms, there is positive and negative energy flowing.

What people are saying is that based on your thoughts or the energy you are sending out, it can attract positive or negative energy.
Just like how a negative person can bring down the energy levels in a room. Animals are sensitive to energy levels, it is a part of how they communicate, it's especially obvious in dogs.

So bad things may happen to people because they may live in an area with a high concentration of low or negative energy levels, or because they may attract this negative energy.

So some things are random, because of the natural flow of energy and some things people attract.

That's just my basic understanding of what many people are talking about ITT.

you're halfway right

IMO your actions should take precedence over thoughts

I don't ascribe the power to affect the world around you solely to thoughts

what you think most definitely affects your own mindscape
and I would more so say that like thoughts attract like thoughts

it becomes frustrating and a source of much pain and confusion when so much emphasis is placed on thoughts
when a person changes their mind and yet their reality is consistently negative:mjcry:
it has less to do with the negative nature of their thinking
and more to do with their actions

the energy of a thought moves in a closed circuit so to speak
if you want that energy to be of any profit focus on your actions

although if you decide you don't care about your physical circumstances and you are satisfied to live solely within
the positive energy of your thoughts and imagination you have a right to that choice:yeshrug:

like monks and all dat*



Queen of Swords
Jan 28, 2014
East of Anywhere
I don't mean this to sound combative or hostile, but how can that possibly explain or account for the kind of mindless, almost arbitrary tragedies of the world….? 18 months baby riddled with bullets after cartel shootout in Mexico, kids smothered by their parents….babies that come out deformed…..ENERGY did that? The kind of poverty in the slums of India? This is not energy at work. These are the works of poverty, inequality, human nature, and a number of social, political and other issues….sure I can concede a negative person may change the atmosphere on the fukking sales floor or whatever, but negative thoughts and negative energy do explain or account for the suffering of the poor, the massacres and bloody conquests of imperialism…..the natives slaughtered by US and spanish invaders, villages, cultures destroyed and crippled….entire families wiped out in Juarez…..they were THINKING NEGATIVELY?
Energy is not the whole of the equation. It is merely apart of it. It does play a role. But remember people have free will and make choices that may cause or affect energy levels.

It may not be so much that the victim was thinking negatively but that the perpetrator had negative energy (harmful thoughts and intentions) that spreads to other people and causes hate and fear.
It's like a disease or cancer that festers and grows.

People have their own energy fields, the earth has an energy field, and energy flows in the void. You may have to do a little research on the basics to get an understanding.


C L O N E*0690//////
Jul 18, 2014
I don't mean this to sound combative or hostile, but how can that possibly explain or account for the kind of mindless, almost arbitrary tragedies of the world….? 18 months baby riddled with bullets after cartel shootout in Mexico, kids smothered by their parents….babies that come out deformed…..ENERGY did that? The kind of poverty in the slums of India? This is not energy at work. These are the works of poverty, inequality, human nature, and a number of social, political and other issues….sure I can concede a negative person may change the atmosphere on the fukking sales floor or whatever, but negative thoughts and negative energy do explain or account for the suffering of the poor, the massacres and bloody conquests of imperialism…..the natives slaughtered by US and spanish invaders, villages, cultures destroyed and crippled….entire families wiped out in Juarez…..they were THINKING NEGATIVELY?

energy is a blanket term in this case

like I said before the universe is indifferent to events IMO
your emotional state and your response to events in your life are completely personal and self contained

when bad things happen to people it's simply cause and effect
the effect of proximity to various dangers brings about numerous ills
the ignorance and vice of your predecessors become the root of your sickness and so on

when it appears that things happen for no reason It is simply an inability to trace the chain of causation
some people I guess call this karma

however I don't think it works in the fashion people think
you know do bad get punished or do good get rewarded
nah that's not how it works

it's up to you to be aware of your actions and the actions of those in your environment
and act in a manner that brings the results you desire

but because most people place their lives in the hands of others
their karma is not their own you could say
the actions of others are more impactful in their lives than their own
bad karma/unfortunate events happen by proximity

I would say a lack of power
the inability to live freely is bad karma
and that's most people so shyt jahahahaa :lolbron: what can you do

you make the choice to hold the ideas and to take the course of action you deem best
and if wise you only bond yourself to equals and superiors

I mean I'm a common sense type of dude
I run off of instinct

you don't have to get lost in the spiritual / esoteric*

Ninjaz In Paris

ehyeh ašer ehyeh
May 3, 2012
Everything in the universe is or is affected by energy, for example adding (heat) energy to atoms causes faster movement and expansion seen to us as melting or vaporization.

Energy can neither be created or destroyed. So, it makes sense that energy flows throughout the universe like currents in the ocean.

And like there are positively and negatively charged atoms, there is positive and negative energy flowing.

What people are saying is that based on your thoughts or the energy you are sending out, it can attract positive or negative energy.
Just like how a negative person can bring down the energy levels in a room. Animals are sensitive to energy levels, it is a part of how they communicate, it's especially obvious in dogs.

So bad things may happen to people because they may live in an area with a high concentration of low or negative energy levels, or because they may attract this negative energy.

So some things are random, because of the natural flow of energy and some things people attract.

That's just my basic understanding of what many people are talking about ITT.

They don't hear you though... :sas1:

I'm noticing some of these dudes are so insecure they'll even ignore the SCIENCE behind "Magic"... :sas2:
The Movie "Transcendence" reminded me people fear what they don't understand... :sas1:

Just look at the "Prove It" Cops posting in the thread providing ZERO CONTRIBUTION... :sas2:

#ThisTeaTho :wow:


Queen of Swords
Jan 28, 2014
East of Anywhere
They don't hear you though... :sas1:

I'm noticing some of these dudes are so insecure they'll even ignore the SCIENCE behind "Magic"... :sas2:
The Movie "Transcendence" reminded me people fear what they don't understand... :sas1:

Just look at the "Prove It" Cops posting in the thread providing ZERO CONTRIBUTION... :sas2:

#ThisTeaTho :wow:
Some people hear certain buzz words and automatically dismiss it.

I'm just trying to put it in basic layman's terms. :yeshrug:


Absolute Sovereign
Nov 17, 2012
Liberia, Madagascar
Rather than say "if you are born in this generation you are this" and "if you are born in that generation you are that," the Infinite Waters channel says auras are not tied to when you are born. Your aura is simply who you are. Thus all people can be indigos, crystals or rainbows. Interesting video. Some kids are now self-identifying as indigos these days. This isn't to say there aren't certain general traits in generations but it's a little more complicated when it comes to a person's aura.



Mar 18, 2013
in one of the books i read there was this little story. i dont remember which. ima paraphrase.

"an enlightened old woman was walking on the side of a mountain when she heard a cry. she looked to the bottom of that mountain where she saw 3 baby tiger cubs crying for their dead mother. realizing they would starve to death without their mother, the old woman jumped off the side of the mountain so the cubs would have something to eat."

at first, this story had me like :dahell:

then as i read on, i began to understand that the energy that flows thru our veins is borrowed from this universe. its all one huge sphere of energy which we refer to as the spirit. every single living thing on this planet borrows its energy from the same source. when we die, that energy returns to the flow of the universe.

now that im about to be a dad, its taken on a little more meaning.

my wife is 5 weeks along. at some point in the last 2 weeks, our little embryo's heart suddenly started beating. how? where did the sudden energy for his heart come from? i believe in my heart it was borrowed from the same eternal energy source that we all get it from. it flows all around us and a piece of it flowed into our seed and gave it life.

the old woman in the story understood this. she understood that who she was is meaningless.

what do i mean by that?

my name is Amaury. i am a dominican man from harlem, ny who now resides in the bronx.

but is that who i really truly am?

no. who i truly am is my soul. amaury is just dust in the wind. just the vehicle for my soul to experience this world. one day i will be forgotten. meaningless. just another of the trillions of dust particles that have touched this world.

but my soul is eternal as is everyone's. my mind and body will perish, but my soul will continue to flow with the universe.

its the idea of reincarnation. but people get confused because they think its jack, joe or jane who will be incarnated. no. who u are(who u think u are) dies with ur body. its your energy force that continues because it cannot die. it simply returns home to the source until another embryo's heart needs a spark.

the old woman in the story understood this. she was enlightened and disconnected from this superficial idea of WHO she was and knew WHAT she actually was. just another piece of that eternal everlasting energy. just like those cubs. so she sacrificed her human existence to end their suffering, and she went home.

when i came to the realization of what the story meant it rocked my world and showed me how meaningless our ego's and superficial existence truly is.


Mar 18, 2013
sometimes i get pulled back in to the fukkery. :wow: im far from enlightened but im awake now. :salute:

this is where im at with it too. i feel like i know what im supposed to do and who im supposed to be but i cant control my behavior yet. however a moron who knows he is a moron is 100 times smarter than a moron who thinks he is a genius.


C L O N E*0690//////
Jul 18, 2014
in one of the books i read there was this little story. i dont remember which. ima paraphrase.

"an enlightened old woman was walking on the side of a mountain when she heard a cry. she looked to the bottom of that mountain where she saw 3 baby tiger cubs crying for their dead mother. realizing they would starve to death without their mother, the old woman jumped off the side of the mountain so the cubs would have something to eat."

at first, this story had me like :dahell:

then as i read on, i began to understand that the energy that flows thru our veins is borrowed from this universe. its all one huge sphere of energy which we refer to as the spirit. every single living thing on this planet borrows its energy from the same source. when we die, that energy returns to the flow of the universe.

now that im about to be a dad, its taken on a little more meaning.

my wife is 5 weeks along. at some point in the last 2 weeks, our little embryo's heart suddenly started beating. how? where did the sudden energy for his heart come from? i believe in my heart it was borrowed from the same eternal energy source that we all get it from. it flows all around us and a piece of it flowed into our seed and gave it life.

the old woman in the story understood this. she understood that who she was is meaningless.

what do i mean by that?

my name is Amaury. i am a dominican man from harlem, ny who now resides in the bronx.

but is that who i really truly am?

no. who i truly am is my soul. amaury is just dust in the wind. just the vehicle for my soul to experience this world. one day i will be forgotten. meaningless. just another of the trillions of dust particles that have touched this world.

but my soul is eternal as is everyone's. my mind and body will perish, but my soul will continue to flow with the universe.

its the idea of reincarnation. but people get confused because they think its jack, joe or jane who will be incarnated. no. who u are(who u think u are) dies with ur body. its your energy force that continues because it cannot die. it simply returns home to the source until another embryo's heart needs a spark.

the old woman in the story understood this. she was enlightened and disconnected from this superficial idea of WHO she was and knew WHAT she actually was. just another piece of that eternal everlasting energy. just like those cubs. so she sacrificed her human existence to end their suffering, and she went home.

when i came to the realization of what the story meant it rocked my world and showed me how meaningless our ego's and superficial existence truly is.

:salute:that was on point b

that's the way to digest these concepts and yet remain grounded in reality

:mjcry:life moves on
identity is the only thing that really dies:blessed:*


All Star
Oct 31, 2014
Two questions,

What does it mean when you get a lot of deja vu?

And what does it mean when you get a dream and it becomes 100% reality?
