"the universe is listening; be careful what you say in it"


Nov 17, 2014
Wasn't trying to come off condescending or anything but I been through it myself. Just take time to absorb the trip and not overdo it. It's important to keep these experiences very sporadically, maybe 2-3 times a year max.. I can't speak for you but my last trip was so powerful it made weed a full on psychedelic for about 6 months, would bring me back everytime, couldn't smoke it at all without strong visuals and thinking at cosmic levels. It feels good to be back to myself again though :manny:

i had psychedelic visuals on weed once. i was seeing sacred geometry on everything and in the air. shyt was wild. i damn near shyt myself was not expecting it. :whoo:


Oct 10, 2014
I'd advise all of you to become FLUID Astral Travelers...
I've been real interested in this since I've stopped smoking weed and have got my dreams back full force. Figured it will become easier with a sober mind. Going to try this soon when I can get a quiet night. I think I used to do it when I was younger when I'd also get weekly sleep paralysis and night terrors
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Oct 10, 2014
i had psychedelic visuals on weed once. i was seeing sacred geometry on everything and in the air. shyt was wild. i damn near shyt myself was not expecting it. :whoo:
It was after an lsd trip if I remember correctly. Even one hit of weed would bring back the geometric shapes, patterns, kaleidoscopes, and morphing. The more I smoked the stronger and more vivid it got. It was basically a 2 hour trip with lsd visuals and mushroom mind-fukk like thoughts. Cool for a bit, but after awhile it was just too much. I was lighting up to get high, not trip. I dunno if you ever heard of HPPD, but thats basically what it was, or as they describe. At the time though I liked to think of it as opening a new consciousness or part of the brain that hasn't been accessed prior to the psyche use, and noticing everyday things that the brain would normally filter out. For a good month after the trip I was seeing strong energy-like radiating / flow on white walls and in the sky, day or night.. Nighttime wasn't just dark anymore, it was real colorful like I could see all the colors making up the dark; lots of blue/purple. At night, white walls looked like a big ol TV on a static channel. shyt was pretty cool for a bit. Its been almost a year since any trip, but Even to this day I can get things to morph if I stare at it for a good 10 seconds, sober. Not nearly as strong as when I was smoking weed though.



Sinister is a system
May 3, 2012
Brehs i only read up to page 6 but the other thread someone suggested calling somebodys name u kno a few times to get them to think about u or contact u.

I did it from midnight last til this afternoon around 3 on and off and i got hit up from that person around 7:30 today
Dec 7, 2014
Nice post. As someone who did tons of hallucinogens in my teens, I would reach a sort of superficial enlightenment that was short lived. Not real. Two years ago I decided to try them again in my 30s. This lead to a me feeling reborn and completely fearless of anxiety or the things that keep you from doing what your truly want to do. It was like my mind gave me a feeling of inner peace that although was caused by the substance, it provided a goal for personal discovery to reach without the psychoactive assistance. I was doing "heroic doses" of mushroom (see McKenna but 5g+) like weekly and would host for others. I went to an ayahuasca ceremony ran by peruvian shamans. They were frauds. Thats not the way.

I was going through a period where everyone thought I was becoming some sort of shaman. A bad trip was not possible. I was too dependent on the mushrooms however. Most people dont understand that these drugs/tools are not addictive and your mind comes to a point where it decides it has enough. Your desire to trip goes away. This happened when I ate 13 gs of dried shrooms and smoked dmt when I was already in the grid and I shot up to somewhere but felt myself leaving my body. I was definitely in two places at once. Outside of body I was given a tour another world/dimension by some beings I still dont fully understand. I do not have a history of mental illness and I actually work as a therapist and hold post grad degrees. This was not me triggering symptoms of mental illness.

As time went bye I continued to trip regularly but about 4 months ago, I just lost all desire to after a bizarre experience. I was just chilling and decided to smoke some dmt as I got this pipe that would allow you to "cross over" every time when I got it dialed down. Its not as easy as you think. So .4 mgs vaped later I shot up like a sling shot was greeted by these same red faced beings who were furious at me. I felt like I was trespassing in their world and that was what I felt it was communicating to me. I kind of did it out of boredom so it was like Im taking advantage of a powerful tool. They knew that or I projected that thought onto it. Smoking DMT is like 20 minutes of timelessness and alien worlds and visions. Its like seeing the answer sheet to a test but if you end up using it every time, you dont really learn that way. So I havent done anything for the past 4 months.

The thing with drugs like Shrooms and DMT is that they dont actually give you enlightenment, if they do its short lived. They give a glimpse of a new reality that is only temporary. It is your own duty to find your way back there without any assistance. This is where I am now and I am stuck. I dont believe it is as simple as positive subconscious projections. There is another level of something I still dont understand but it made me stray from atheism but not towards any religion. Pure humble acknowledgement that you will never know what is going on so dont fool yourself. However, there is nothing wrong with believing in projectig your reality, but get your ass to work still.

For those who have a hard time finding mushrooms check out this bookstore. I guarantee you will be content. It is a right of passage in understanding the universe and how it is way more powerful than your current idea of what it is. There is nothing to fear.


Those considering DMT, there is something to fear but in order to bypass the fear you must face it. It is one of the most rewarding things I have ever done in my life.

The person in my avatar is Kilindi Iyi. He is an African martial arts master and takes 30 gram+ doses of mushrooms to battle on other realms. I know that sounds nuts but it is not. he is one of the most interesting people in the world. Aaliyah was his student.

Do look into him.


Oct 10, 2014
:wow: Good post, and I agree with the superficial enlightenment. But one will only realize after they've come down from it. i feel Im not yet ready to do DMT and see entities, but maybe some day.

That's a powerful video; Ive had it bookmarked for a year and a half now

Ninjaz In Paris

ehyeh ašer ehyeh
May 3, 2012
The thing with drugs like Shrooms and DMT is that they dont actually give you enlightenment, if they do its short lived. They give a glimpse of a new reality that is only temporary.

Very sorry to hear that breh... everyones path is different. My cousin did Shrooms once & it changed him & he has been on a completely different path since then. Just as I have a stripper friend who tried to become enlightened through spirituality etc & eventually went back because she said it wasn't real just temporary. :to:

Different strokes for different folks I guess... you'll find your way... :salute:

i find it hard. i think i need to stop drinking on weekends and detox my body. im broke so i eat shytty cheap foods too. im sure that doesnt help.

I've been real interested in this since I've stopped smoking weed and have got my dreams back full force. Figured it will become easier with a sober mind. Going to try this soon when I can get a quiet night. I think I used to do it when I was younger when I'd also get weekly sleep paralysis and night terrors

Did some chakra meditations last night and started to get that feeling. Started feeling slight vibrations and woke up quick.

I've done this so many times breh... & it's JUST as REAL as a DMT/Salvia Experience & WAAAAAAAY more profound, the shyt is *BEAUTIFUL*... to *KNOW* you exist forever & to KNOW there are endless worlds, endless lifetimes ahead of you, an endless family... endless playground of stars & planets... it's amazing brehs... just wait until you see it... I thought it was all bullshyt at first... :wow:



Absolute Sovereign
Nov 17, 2012
Liberia, Madagascar
Talks about consciousness reminds me of Graham Hancock's TED Talk called "The War on Consciousness." This talk was supposedly censored/banned. It's under 20 minutes (18:45) and is worth watching. He tripped but eventually stopped using marijuana and apparently leveled up after using ayahuasca.



Nov 17, 2014
Talks about consciousness reminds me of Graham Hancock's TED Talk called "The War on Consciousness." This talk was supposedly censored/banned. It's under 20 minutes (18:45) and is worth watching. He tripped but eventually stopped using marijuana and apparently leveled up after using ayahuasca.

i always watch graham hancock. his first podcast with joe rogan is piff. :blessed: