I try to be positive but my mind is negative.
Very sorry to hear that breh... everyones path is different. My cousin did Shrooms once & it changed him & he has been on a completely different path since then. Just as I have a stripper friend who tried to become enlightened through spirituality etc & eventually went back because she said it wasn't real just temporary.
Different strokes for different folks I guess... you'll find your way...![]()
I was picking up the negativity and anger from my employer (who I now think is rascist, lol)
It was a slow poison and soul crushing thats been going on since I heard a cry for help from his daughter lingering around me a few months awhile back. Since then I knew something was up.
Recently everything's been pressuring me, I think it has something to do with the Jupiter transit. I skipped work when it was apparent that they knew that I knew my employer isn't what he seems, but all subtle on some Gus vs Walter shyt.
After a 4 day haitus, during which my body detoxed. I felt the pain of the abuse and anger his family suffered. I was trapped in the matrix for a minute. I experienced infinity, consciousness lock, where everything I was thinking was me. I understood soul DNA, I think I'm connected to Malcolm X and a few other powerful souls.
I felt trapped in my destiny, like I was being propelled to my future wether I like it or not. I felt chosen to continue on the other of people I respect and look up to. Like they were training me for this and they all knew exactly who I was. I understood how consciousness time travels. How everything exists at once in a time line, and yet is shiftable.
I looked up some Pleidian channeling which made me sick, probably purging my field for me. And then a Sirian channeling, which calmed me down and allowed me to exist as an individual being on a normal time line. They day was Blue Magnetic Night on the Mayan Calendar. "I am the stillness that is the dancing." Which helped calm and center me.
I felt the negative thought forms of my coworkers. I heard what they actually think of me. Very ugly and hateful things. Gossip is so ugly. But now I see them truly. It was an intervention. They think me a slave. I am too humble at times. I can feel when their suxking my soul even now.
Very overwhelming. I tasted mushrooms, so I figured the last bit of them was being purged from my system. Which comforted me. @Indica gave me some good advice right before or during all this, I can't remember. I was in bed for four days. I thought the world ended AND was saved. I was afraid to do outside, lol. But thankfully, it takes time.
Today I printed out some pictures of Anubis doing His work and posted it in and around my tattoo room for protection. Packed some crystals too.
Then bam, an old friend walks in and wants a Hermes tattoo. Hermes and Anubis are connected in Egypt/Greek history. I consider Anubis my patron God of tattooing, as we both prepare bodies for voyage. I think I was chosen for this brehs.![]()
'The Secret' is such a sickening, laughably stupid narcissistic, ideology….My closet friend likes that shyt, we go at it sometimes…but it isn't really a fair argument. Last time I was saying
'so the 43 mexican students who were abducted by the Army, a(nd social institutions that are supposed to protect them) and cartel sicarios, killed and dumped in a mass grave, still undiscovered…..they brought that on themselves….you don't think there was one positive thinker in that group'?
It's such a repulsive way of thinking, encourages systematic and sanctioned inequality, victim blaming, classim, etc etc.
I'm not trying to attack you those are honest to god questions. I have a curious, scientific mind.
What is it like from the drivers seat when you astral project? Do you blink? Can you feel the wind or the sun? Are you conscious of yourself breathing or your heart beating? All these questions should be answerable. And the implications are large. If you can feel the sun that means the suns rays are bouncing off your "skin". Which means you should probably be casting a shadow. It also means you should physically be able to interact with things.
I would like to learn how to astral project so I could see if it's real and I can test out some hypotheses.
Conscious as fukk... it feels like a dream until you get good at it then it feels like THIS... then when you get really advanced THIS feels more like a dream...
Like I said breh... try it for YOURSELF... you can't go off of other peoples words not even mind but you keep convincing yourself it isn't real by going off of what OTHERS have said...
Going around discrediting it without finding out for YOURSELF ain't doin' you no good...
last time thy did shrooms in abundance(like 8-9 grams)i literally hit a point where i thought thy twas going to faint/die&had to literally walk in inches to make it to the bathroom,hit thy knees in front of the sacred alkhemical porcelain,went to cleanse,didn't(didn't eat shyt that day),yet thy still felt much better..then sat on the tub and meditated/got thy bearings back and went to lay down in the dark() and almost instantly floated to space,came back down and entered the King's Chamber of Triple Darkness for a spell,then proceeded outside the pyramids,then entered a sacred fountain and listened to it&light chanting,thee funny thing is at this point i was blind/couldn't see,but thy mind kept repeating "Taj Mahal",maybe next time i'll be blessed enough to actually see it,in'shallah..
after that i went back into thy sister's living room and saw a huge portrait of the Eye Of Heru(pbuh) on her wall in perfect symmetry,it twas black&calcium(ha,a code within itself...!)copper silicate...
and when a distant instant replay of a particular "break down" thy had comes back to thy memory banks of Nile i'll share,mi diablo ahk,thy memories only come back to me in certain frequency belts,i can't just "access" certain memories off top anymore,it has to be in streams of consciousness,which just shows what a 360 thy mind has done in some sense cause i used to have somewhat of a photographic memory,but thy had to re-tune that shyt cause thy just had far too much trauma,pain,even lightweight PTSD for the shyt i've been through as a kid,and concurrently thy would cling on to the few good things like static electricity on Linus's blanket,which isn't healthy per say cause you try to chisel your current experiences to match those..
when thy read that Einstein didn't even memorize his own fukkin address or phone number thy knew i had to rotate the gears/perform a celestial exorcism..rote memorization is no bueno,precisely the problem with Ameri3kan education,too much storage of left brain drivel..
WordOnce you take 5+ gs of mushrooms, your ego is so destroyed you actually have less fear than a typical 2-3g trip. You just feel truth pour into you and there is no ego to fight it. Its like a stream of knowledge you cant debate. Some is painful and I keep a tape recorder, if I can move.
Darkness, silence, closed eyes, 5-8 gs, youre going to have a very meaningful experience that is not like drugs. Solo is fine for this type of work and often preferred.
Once you take 5+ gs of mushrooms, your ego is so destroyed you actually have less fear than a typical 2-3g trip. You just feel truth pour into you and there is no ego to fight it. Its like a stream of knowledge you cant debate. Some is painful and I keep a tape recorder, if I can move.
Darkness, silence, closed eyes, 5-8 gs, youre going to have a very meaningful experience that is not like drugs. Solo is fine for this type of work and often preferred.
can you give give the detailed process of how astral projection is done then?¿?¿?¿![]()
Mind Awake, Body Asleep (The Basic Principle)
Falling Asleep + Busy Mind = Dreams
Falling Asleep + Focused Mind = Astral Projection
small minded thinking breh... sounds like someone brainwashed to believe they only live once...![]()
Assuming you mean me, in terms of small minded thinking…..Are you talking reincarnation? I had this talk with someone whom I generally consider to be a self centered, spoiled idiot, with delusions of intellect…..Not to paint you with same brush at all….His stance was essentially as narcissistic, self centered and self praising as 'The Secret, same bullshyt rationale for inequality, suffering, tragedy, misery….The main point was that anything that happens bad to someone, is because of who they were in a previous life. The fact that he could say that with a straight face, next to someone whose grandmother is dying from leukemia is black humor at it's most tragic. Personally, there are things that I can't explain in the world, sure….but all this bullshyt, to me, is just a rationalization and comfort blanket for the smug, the arrogant, the greedy to take comfort in their existence, and blame those without their comforts for their own circumstances….that works until your mom gets raped and murdered in a home invasion gone bad or something, 'oh I guess she earned that in a previous life'….was my counter argument.