That does sound interesting. How do I astral project?
Let me ask you this. What do you think is the science behind astral projection? Does your soul leave you body like in movies when someone dies
Or are you stepping into third person camera in the longest single take tracking shot that is the world.
If this is real what happens if you die when astral projecting?
Assuming it's connected to the physical world, does it use up caloric energy to astral project. The brain already eats up a lot of energy. This seems like it would eat up more.
If so, could one loose weight if they changed nothing about their habits but adding Astral projection
Are you in a body while astral projecting. Can you look down and see your legs?
Are you flying or do you teleport places?
If you're flying is your speed and acceleration affected by the laws of motion. Can you go faster than the speed of light? Can you accelerate and stop instantaneously or are you held to the laws of physics. If so why? and does your mass while flying correspond to your mass in real life.
Can you affect things while projecting? It would be interesting to see how an astral projector would affect a random number generator or a Schrodingers cat scenario.
Are you projecting as a wave or a particle?
Is your projection just a matter of conscious quantum entanglement with the physical world
If you can project and see things and you have tested it to your satisfaction why have you not used your powers to say...find out the winning number for the power-ball, or astral project to a scratch card factory and find out which ones have the million dollar prizes.

There's millions of uses for this kind of power. You would give a whole new name to insider trading.