"the universe is listening; be careful what you say in it"


Aug 9, 2013
I'm trying to understand how you can consider yourself realized if you have to keep taking drugs to maintain that state of consciousness.

When somebody "realizes" something, it doesn't waver, it remains forever. When you're born and realize who your mother is, you don't forget. This is true and tangible. You can't purchase that kind of realization or "PM" someone to get it.

Small bites my friend.

Slaimon Khan Shah

Nov 8, 2012
Denver, Colorado, United States of America
it hears EVERYTHING. words, thoughts and feelings.

the universe also doesnt discriminate between right and wrong. it WILL give you what you ask for.

use this information wiseley. the secret works.
The thread starter is unfortunately making the universe sound like the One True God, Allah. Only Allah is All Hearing and All Seeing, and only Allah can grant your prayers. Please don't be fooled by the thread starter, as that could land you in eternal hell for putting partners with Allah. Please watch and share this beautiful video about Allah.


Dec 30, 2013
Its always ppl like you that provide examples that go along with your argument - you mention being torn apart about a truck and laying there, how bout the version where your laying there and some one or something saves you? this is what i meant by black and white thinking.

its people like you that disregard the absolute magic of this life and take it for granted - your so numb that all things have become ordinary to you. I know this because I am you - but this has gotten me nowhere brother.

For every bleak and negative scenario or story you can tell me - i can match you with one of faith and positivity - what does this tell you?

Tells me nothing. For the majority of people life is harsh and painful. For the majority of history life has been hell. War, disease, violence, poverty, etc.

@nikkaz In Paris you're trying to dismiss me as some soulless gray suit zombie that's not it.

I believe in a lot of spiritual stuff, I believe the universe is alive and everything is interconnected.

But when you guy's start thinking that the universe gives a shyt about you that's where you start to loose me. Because it really really doesn't. You can live a good life or you can live a bad life. It's all a roll of the dice. Look at Stephen Hawking. Great guy. Smart, studious, hardworking, trying to change the world, but he ends up in a disfigured body melted to a wheelchair. Now look at all the horrible petty men who have lived great meaningful lives and died with everyone they love around them.

There's nothing fair about this life. You can be spiritual and still accept that the universe doesn't care about you or have your best interests at heart. That feeling that you get when you take those drugs, that the universe loves you and is watching over you and everything is going to be alright...That's just a hijacking of your brains ingrained mechanisms. Your brain is using the same pathways it did when you were a kid and you felt your fathers love and protection over you. It's the same feeling people get when they think god's watching over them.

Next time you guys do drugs try stepping outside of your body and seeing that all this shyt you feel and think...it's nothing. It has no bearing on the objective reality of the world. It's just your brain trying to keep you sedated enough to live your crappy little life.

Evolution figured out long ago that the people who didn't have that self delusion mechanism and could see the universe a little too clearly...well they didn't always end up too well. And science is beginning to catch up. Studies have shown that depressed people have the least delusions and are the most clearheaded and objective about life.


Dec 30, 2013
And for you guys talking about how famous people tout the secret think about this. For every successful person talking about how The Secret changed their lives there's a million people on the verge of losing everything that believed in The Secret just as hard.:usure:

Ninjaz In Paris

ehyeh ašer ehyeh
May 3, 2012
Tells me nothing. For the majority of people life is harsh and painful. For the majority of history life has been hell. War, disease, violence, poverty, etc.

@nikkaz In Paris you're trying to dismiss me as some soulless gray suit zombie that's not it.

I believe in a lot of spiritual stuff, I believe the universe is alive and everything is interconnected.
Next time you guys do drugs try stepping outside of your body and seeing that all this shyt you feel and think...it's nothing. It has no bearing on the objective reality of the world. It's just your brain trying to keep you sedated enough to live your crappy little life.

Breh you cool I ain't try to make it sound like I was dismissing you my bad fam... :pachaha:

And also I did use to believe it was all just inside your head until I started experimenting. I used to actively Astral Project in HS & my sister always used to think I BSing or just dreaming & hell I couldn't prove her wrong until one I decided to test it.

I told her to put one of the Xbox games on top of the tv & that I would be able to project upstairs & tell her which game it was. I called her from the basement & told her to place the game on the TV. It took about 2 hours to "get out" because I wasn't that good in HS (too much drama, mind was restless) but when I got out I went upstairs. When I came back I called her & told her I'd be upstairs in 2 minutes & don't do anything funny like switch the games. So I go upstairs & she asks me what game I saw "Mr. Projector" & I started to doubt it myself because I told her all I saw was 2 rocks sitting on top of the top & IMMEDIATELY she had a look of horror on her face & left the house screaming. It *REALLY* took my sister a moment to herself before she came back in said she never put a game on the tv just 2 rocks to prove I was on bullshyt cuz I would "believe" I would see a game in a dream...

I eventually taught her how to do it & she's more advanced then me at this point because her boyfriend was murdered and this taught her death was nothing to fear. I've done several tests to prove it before I got so "advanced" in my spiritual journey that I no longer "believe" much anymore... just "know"... what used to feel like dreams feels realer then this & it really makes you see the illusion that THIS is a "sort" of in a sense just dream & cats are sleep but a LOT of dudes are waking up & it's GREAT... :pachaha:

I don't blame you for thinking it's bullshyt too tho breh I really don't all I can say is either try it for YOURSELF & come to your own conclusion or go off word of mouth... don't even trust my word breh cuz I believe in finding truth for yourself... :blessed:

Ninjaz In Paris

ehyeh ašer ehyeh
May 3, 2012
And for you guys talking about how famous people tout the secret think about this. For every successful person talking about how The Secret changed their lives there's a million people on the verge of losing everything that believed in The Secret just as hard.:usure:

That type of thinking is WHY it didn't work... :pachaha:

Breh... the people using the "Law Of Attraction" in there life are too busy enjoying their life to talk about it. The ones you hear about are usually the complainers or those looking for extra validation. Those who "know" just know. Go to YouTube... how come Justin Biebers "Baby" has nearly something ridiculous like a 75% dislike to like ratio yet it was still the #1 Song in the Country? Why breh? :pachaha:

Because haters & insecure people feel the need to go out of their way to hate or criticize or to self-validate meanwhile people who liked the song simply sat back & enjoyed it... :pachaha:

Look at how miserable some of the Booth dudes are finding out their Heroes like Kendrick may not be who they thought he was AS A PERSON completely dismissing his dope catalog... :pachaha:

Look breh, they can't just like his music & disagree with his opinion without arguing for page after page... and what did any of it accomplish? :pachaha:

Change your Polarity breh... it'll change your life... I don't even know what negative thinking feels like anymore... :blessed:
Last edited:
May 1, 2012
That type of thinking is WHY they it didn't work... :pachaha:

Breh... the people using the "Law Of Attraction" in there life are too busy enjoying their life to talk about it. The ones you hear about are usually the complainers or those looking for extra validation. Those who "know" just know. Go to YouTube... how come Justin Biebers "Baby" has nearly something ridiculous like a 75% dislike to like ratio yet it was still the #1 Song in the Country? Why breh? :pachaha:

Because haters & insecure people feel the need to go out of their way to hate or criticize or to self-validate meanwhile people who liked the song simply sat back & enjoyed it... :pachaha:

Look at how miserable some of the Booth dudes are finding out their Heroes like Kendrick may not be who they thought he was AS A PERSON completely dismissing his dope catalog... :pachaha:

Look breh, they can't just like his music & disagree with his opinion without arguing for page after page... and what did any of it accomplish? :pachaha:

Change your Polarity breh... it'll change your life... I don't even know what negative thinking feels like anymore... :blessed:
:wow: that positive lifestyle


Absolute Sovereign
Nov 17, 2012
Liberia, Madagascar
I mentioned earlier how in pop culture esoteric knowledge and themes pop up. Even in a children's cartoon like The Last Airbender, a fairly extensive segment about the 7 chakras occurs.

If you don't believe in chakras, don't sweat it. If you do, then think about your life and what blockages you have. For example, some guys who have problems in relationships besides having a 2nd chakra issue (sexual energy), might not have their life in order and suffer from the 1st chakra too (survival). The negativity can harm the 3rd chakra as well (willpower) and you'll be too messed up to attract much. The 4th chakra of heart might be off too. Some people who do charka tests not only find out they are deficient in several areas, some have been in the negatives (yes, a score below zero) in several aspects of their energy. Get your life in order and things like attracting higher quality people to date and just living your life's purpose will improve too.


Dec 30, 2013
Breh you cool I ain't try to make it sound like I was dismissing you my bad fam... :pachaha:

And also I did use to believe it was all just inside your head until I started experimenting. I used to actively Astral Project in HS & my sister always used to think I BSing or just dreaming & hell I couldn't prove her wrong until one I decided to test it.

I told her to put one of the Xbox games on top of the tv & that I would be able to project upstairs & tell her which game it was. I called her from the basement & told her to place the game on the TV. It took about 2 hours to "get out" because I wasn't that good in HS (too much drama, mind was restless) but when I got out I went upstairs. When I came back I called her & told her I'd be upstairs in 2 minutes & don't do anything funny like switch the games. So I go upstairs & she asks me what game I saw "Mr. Projector" & I started to doubt it myself because I told her all I saw was 2 rocks sitting on top of the top & IMMEDIATELY she had a look of horror on her face & left the house screaming. It *REALLY* took my sister a moment to herself before she came back in said she never put a game on the tv just 2 rocks to prove I was on bullshyt cuz I would "believe" I would see a game in a dream...

I eventually taught her how to do it & she's more advanced then me at this point because her boyfriend was murdered and this taught her death was nothing to fear. I've done several tests to prove it before I got so "advanced" in my spiritual journey that I no longer "believe" much anymore... just "know"... what used to feel like dreams feels realer then this & it really makes you see the illusion that THIS is a "sort" of in a sense just dream & cats are sleep but a LOT of dudes are waking up & it's GREAT... :pachaha:

I don't blame you for thinking it's bullshyt too tho breh I really don't all I can say is either try it for YOURSELF & come to your own conclusion or go off word of mouth... don't even trust my word breh cuz I believe in finding truth for yourself... :blessed:


That does sound interesting. How do I astral project?

Let me ask you this. What do you think is the science behind astral projection? Does your soul leave you body like in movies when someone dies

Or are you stepping into third person camera in the longest single take tracking shot that is the world.

  • If this is real what happens if you die when astral projecting?
  • Assuming it's connected to the physical world, does it use up caloric energy to astral project. The brain already eats up a lot of energy. This seems like it would eat up more.
  • If so, could one loose weight if they changed nothing about their habits but adding Astral projection
  • Are you in a body while astral projecting. Can you look down and see your legs?
  • Are you flying or do you teleport places?
  • If you're flying is your speed and acceleration affected by the laws of motion. Can you go faster than the speed of light? Can you accelerate and stop instantaneously or are you held to the laws of physics. If so why? and does your mass while flying correspond to your mass in real life.
  • Can you affect things while projecting? It would be interesting to see how an astral projector would affect a random number generator or a Schrodingers cat scenario.
  • Are you projecting as a wave or a particle? This isn't something you would be conscious of but I'm curious what would happen if you passed through a double slit experiment
  • Is your projection just a matter of conscious quantum entanglement with the physical world
  • Can you stare at the sun when you project or does it hurt your nonexistent eyes? Do loud noises cause you discomfort?

And last but not least...if you can project and see things and you have tested it to your satisfaction why have you not used your powers to say...find out the winning number for the power-ball, or astral project to a scratch card factory and find out which ones have the million dollar prizes.:leostare: There's millions of uses for this kind of power. You would give a whole new name to insider trading.:whoo:

MJ Freedom

All Star
Aug 1, 2014
Been on this heavy.. If you listen closely its everywhere. Most "powerful" people today understand the power of positive thinking.

"You gotta treat your vocal chords like it's a fortress
And treat every single one of your words like reinforcements"
Mural by Lupe Fiasco

"I taught my team about manifestation , people are basic they thought I was crazy."
Sit Down by Kevin Gates

"My mind is infinite , I think and grow rich"
Back on my regimen by Stic.man
Which one of these rappers is a "powerful" person?

Ninjaz In Paris

ehyeh ašer ehyeh
May 3, 2012

That does sound interesting. How do I astral project?

Let me ask you this. What do you think is the science behind astral projection? Does your soul leave you body like in movies when someone dies

Or are you stepping into third person camera in the longest single take tracking shot that is the world.

If this is real what happens if you die when astral projecting?

Assuming it's connected to the physical world, does it use up caloric energy to astral project. The brain already eats up a lot of energy. This seems like it would eat up more.

If so, could one loose weight if they changed nothing about their habits but adding Astral projection

Are you in a body while astral projecting. Can you look down and see your legs?

Are you flying or do you teleport places?

If you're flying is your speed and acceleration affected by the laws of motion. Can you go faster than the speed of light? Can you accelerate and stop instantaneously or are you held to the laws of physics. If so why? and does your mass while flying correspond to your mass in real life.

Can you affect things while projecting? It would be interesting to see how an astral projector would affect a random number generator or a Schrodingers cat scenario.

Are you projecting as a wave or a particle?

Is your projection just a matter of conscious quantum entanglement with the physical world

If you can project and see things and you have tested it to your satisfaction why have you not used your powers to say...find out the winning number for the power-ball, or astral project to a scratch card factory and find out which ones have the million dollar prizes.:leostare: There's millions of uses for this kind of power. You would give a whole new name to insider trading.:whoo:

Think about this fam... you thought I dismissed you... this is TheColi so I get it... :yeshrug:

You struck back attacking me... :whoa:

I understood there was simply MISCOMMUNICATION & had no pride or ego to "protect my screenname" with a nasty reply back.... I apologized because I HONESTLY wasn't coming at you fam but someone else might've shot back out of negativity & ya'll could've gone back & forth & hated eachother... Me? Naw... I live what I am now... which is positivity (i still participate in fukkery though, im aware of more life outside, not dead inside lol)... :pachaha:

This is why I told you don't believe me because I believe you gotta decide for yourself... :obama:

Imagine if we could ALL just solve small problems... just by communicating... :wow:


Dec 30, 2013
That type of thinking is WHY they it didn't work... :pachaha:

Breh... the people using the "Law Of Attraction" in there life are too busy enjoying their life to talk about it. The ones you hear about are usually the complainers or those looking for extra validation. Those who "know" just know. Go to YouTube... how come Justin Biebers "Baby" has nearly something ridiculous like a 75% dislike to like ratio yet it was still the #1 Song in the Country? Why breh? :pachaha:

Because haters & insecure people feel the need to go out of their way to hate or criticize or to self-validate meanwhile people who liked the song simply sat back & enjoyed it... :pachaha:

Look at how miserable some of the Booth dudes are finding out their Heroes like Kendrick may not be who they thought he was AS A PERSON completely dismissing his dope catalog... :pachaha:

Look breh, they can't just like his music & disagree with his opinion without arguing for page after page... and what did any of it accomplish? :pachaha:

Change your Polarity breh... it'll change your life... I don't even know what negative thinking feels like anymore... :blessed:

Nope. Nah. That's a cop out almost every religion, cult, pyramid scheme, and spiritual movement uses.

You can believe in something whole heartedly and still have nothing to show for it.

I was saying there are a lot of people who believe in the secret who have nothing to show for it. You can't say that they didn't believe enough or "know" the right knowledge because that's just begging the question.


May 6, 2012
thy twas breaking down the numerology/calender systems/history coding about 2012 in 09 back on the :hamster:,i'm not sure if anyone in the particular thread goes back that far but there's a few postas in TLR who could vouch(though most prolly wouldn't/would downplay it cause of disagreements about other matters:troll:)

@SunZoo and @LeyeT could,and in fact this post will be an invitation to those brovas to drop jewels,cause they're both highly educated about these matters&we'd have to basically take on all of Know The Ledge by ourselves,back when these subjects weren't as en vogue as they are now...in'shallah

always down to build :obama:

what yall talking about tho :ld: