ayahuasca, perhaps?
i dunno, maybe so.
Tripping on Ayahuasca

ayahuasca, perhaps?
Collective Consciousness all collectively hating = Bad "Universal" Karma... Louisiana used to get it poppin with Mardi Gras & all that Black Magic & Mother Nature corrected that Karma...![]()
This is a topic that is incredibly interesting to me because I do feel it holds some weight but its not as simple at the average minded person thinks. Its not just think for something and boom it happens - its a way, its an aura, its a way of life. In many ways its about being in alignment with all things.Any of you guys have some good material on this? I'm not talking some commercial junk like The Secret or anything, something real and authentic.
Nowhere in the universe is there evidence of charity, of kindness, of mercy toward beasts or amongst them, and still less consideration amongst men. Man is only a part of nature, and his conduct is not substantially different from that of all animal life. But for man himself there is little joy. Every child that is born upon the earth arrives through the agony of the mother. From childhood on, the life is full of pain and disappointment and sorrow. From beginning to end it is the prey of disease and misery; not a child is born that is not subject to disease. Parents, family, friends, and acquaintances, one after another die, and leave us bereft. The noble and the ignoble life meets the same fate. Nature knows nothing about right and wrong, good and evil, pleasure and pain; she simply acts. She creates a beautiful woman, and places a cancer on her cheek. She may create an idealist, and kill him with a germ. She creates a fine mind, and then burdens it with a deformed body. And she will create a fine body, apparently for no use whatever. She may destroy the most wonderful life when its work has just commenced. She may scatter tubercular germs broadcast throughout the world. She seemingly works with no method, plan or purpose. She knows no mercy nor goodness. Nothing is so cruel and abandoned as Nature. To call her tender or charitable is a travesty upon words and a stultification of intellect. No one can suggest these obvious facts without being told that he is not competent to judge Nature and the God behind Nature. If we must not judge God as evil, then we cannot judge God as good. In all the other affairs of life, man never hesitates to classify and judge, but when it comes to passing on life, and the responsibility of life, he is told that it must be good, although the opinion beggars reason and intelligence and is a denial of both.
Interesting thread. Many of the topics in this thread remind me of the Jaden and Willow Smith interview. That thread had people who disagreed with everything the kids said, those who disagreed with some of it and those who followed everything the kids said.
I bumped that old thread up because it goes hand-in-hand with this one. I accidentally double-posted in that thread but the relevant post is here: http://www.thecoli.com/posts/11840694/
Many of these topics are becoming more mainstream. Hollywood has a way of sneaking these ideas into movies, shows and sometimes twists the message. But I reckon most of us truly get ideas concerning the power of thoughts, chakras, soul auras, astral projection, healing, time, sacred geometry and so forth. It's good to be among my fellow brothers and fellow tribesmen. Some kids who aren't brainwashed are growing up natively believing and understanding these ideas. Some of you guys are going to have very interesting children. I have to repeat: your children will be very interesting. And I believe you will all be interesting parents too. The consciousness of this planet is changing.
how does karma play into what happened to New Orleans..? that's looking at the bigger picture with decidedly christian lenses
There is nothing real and authentic about this. It's just another religion. "You just gotta believe bro. I can't show you the way you gotta believe before it'll happen to you".
Yea right.
The truth is the universe is cold and uncaring. Most people live and die lives of hardship and pain. The truth is the greatest men in the world, the pure hearted ones that would have changed the world and enlightened us to a higher plane. The ones that, according to your theory, should have lived the best lives and gotten the best karma. Chances are they died at childbirth or were killed by a drunk driver or happened to be born in some third world country with no access to drinking water.
You think all of the people that died during the black plagues had it coming?
What about those hundred million native Americans massacred by the founders of this country?
All those innocent children and families killed as collateral during the various wars this country has been through.
The only reason you guys can even jack yourself off about this bullshyt is because you live in a first world country and live the kind of lives where you can honestly believe in bullshyt like "The Secret" without starving to death or getting your legs blown off.
Nicki minaj right ass cheek....my hand is coming."if you can picture it in your mind; you can hold it in your hand"
Have you ever heard the wolf cry to the blue corn moon or asked the grinning bobcat why he grinned?
Can you sing with all the voices of the mountains?
Can you paint with all the colors of the wind?![]()
I tell you what bro, you may be right, but this way of thinking you mention has got me absolutely nowhere. based off your words i can tell you consider yourself "realistic" but from the outside looking in the shyt just looks negative.
The most wretched and frail of all creatures is man, and withal the proudest. He feels and sees himself lodged here in the dirt and filth of the world, nailed and riveted to the worst and deadest part of the universe, in the lowest story of the house, trapped worse than bird or fish, and yet in his imagination he places himself above the circle of the moon, bringing heaven under his feet.
Pretty much this.
Whole thread is some smart dumb nygga shyt. This type of thinking is for people who aren't able able to accept that the world is random, cruel, and unfair and will always be that way regardless of what you think about it.
It's the truth.
The confidence, self esteem, and drive that comes from believing in bullshyt like religion, and the universe and all that other BS does make your life better and does make you more successful. It's definitely good for you, that's why we evolved to be susceptible to this shyt.
But that doesn't mean any of it is real. It isn't. Imagine the hubris necessary to think that this universe, which has existed longer than we could possibly fathom and is larger than we could possibly fathom somehow revolves around us and that our deepest inner wishes somehow influence the universe to do our bidding. It's crazy when you think about it but that is honestly what you guys believe.
Man you could all easily go out and get torn apart by a freight truck and lie there for hours succumbing to your injuries and all this believing will be for naught. Because when your day come the universe will not reach down and snatch you out of the way of that truck anymore than it's done for the billions of people who have died horrible deaths before you.
All this wishing does is give you rose colored glasses.
A policeman sees a drunk man searching for something under a streetlight and asks what the drunk has lost. He says he lost his keys and they both look under the streetlight together. After a few minutes the policeman asks if he is sure he lost them here, and the drunk replies "No" but that he didn't want to look in the dark. The policeman asks then why he is still searching here, and the drunk replies, "because this is where the light is."
Its always ppl like you that provide examples that go along with your argument - you mention being torn apart about a truck and laying there, how bout the version where your laying there and some one or something saves you? this is what i meant by black and white thinking.
its like people like you that disregard the absolute magic of this life and take it for granted - your so numb that all things have become ordinary to you. I know this because I am you - but this has gotten me nowhere brother.
This is a topic that is incredibly interesting to me because I do feel it holds some weight but its not as simple at the average minded person thinks. Its not just think for something and boom it happens - its a way, its an aura, its a way of life. In many ways its about being in alignment with all things.Any of you guys have some good material on this? I'm not talking some commercial junk like The Secret or anything, something real and authentic.