Na, I just don't think realization is a cheap thing that can be achieved by taking a particular drug, reading a particular book, watching a particular movie, etc; even becoming a disciple of the the most eminent guru on the planet won't guarantee your anything.
I can respect your views, but I don't agree with them. Our conceptions of realization obviously differ drastically.
Every path is different & unique to the individual. Some people come to find themselves through a book, or a drug, or a near death experience, or a dream, or a life changing event such as death.
The problem is you can't see that everyone gets there THEIR OWN WAY. You want to keep "Realization" to YOURSELF without even "realizing" that whats known as "REAL" is "RELATIVE" to the individual.
Look at how some of these "REAL" nikkas are highly worshipped & idealed...

"As Above, So Below."

You still think of us as separate... which lets me know you're not Enlightened. You'll get there one day breh...