The UFO/UAP disclosure thread

Professor Emeritus

Poster of the Year
Jan 5, 2015
the ether
Step 1: don't post from that bullshyt racist tabloid the New York Post. They stay posting anti-black bullshyt. :francis:

Shows that elizondo is legit

"I'm not into self-promoting, and also, I'm considering running for Congress!" :mjlol:

If he had jack shyt to back him up, then there'd be nothing he could accomplish by being a Congressman that he couldn't accomplish by working through a sympathetic congressman right now. Ya'll know 100% that if he ran for congress it would just be an attention-seeking campaign for To The Stars and his DeLonge grift, and if he somehow won it would just be the same slow drip of bullshyt and saying-nothing that he's pulled to this point.

The video didn't add anything new the thread at all. We already knew that:

1. The Pentagon didn't take the investigation seriously and Elizondo's assigned responsibilities had nothing to do with that because he has no expertise at all in that area. He has no background in physics, flight, space, etc., he's just a regular CIA field agent with a UFO fixation.

2. The only reason the AATIP program existed was due to $22 million in graft greenlighted by Congress through Harry Reid, who funneled most of the money to his billionaire donor Robert Bigelow. Reid-Bigelow-Elizondo are a circle jerk supporting each other for obvious self-interested reasons.

Glowing Auras and ‘Black Money’: The Pentagon’s Mysterious U.F.O. Program (Published 2017)

3. Thus there are no contradictions between the claims - Elizondo's bosses at the Pentagon didn't assign him any AATIP responsibilities cause it wasn't their job or his. What he did for AATIP was a side gig designated by the legislative branch (due to corruption) that expired in 2012 and his day-job bosses in 2016 had no interest in it.

4. Isn't it fascinating that Reid got $22 million designated for AATIP, yet Elizondo says they were just two part-time employees with no resources? How do two part-time employees with no resources burn through $22 million in just 5 years? Because obviously, as I've pointed out several times, the AATIP program was just graft and most of that money went into the pockets of Robert Bigelow, who to this day has produced NOTHING to show for all the money he pocketed in AATIP contracts. The fact that Elizondo still speaks of Bigelow positively and the UFO community takes him seriously despite him not being able to produce anything concrete even after all that government access and tens of millions in funding is a huge red flag.


Jul 30, 2012
This shyt has received so much media attention. When the report finally comes out it's going to be very underwhelming, and subsequently, people will just forget about the whole thing.

Professor Emeritus

Poster of the Year
Jan 5, 2015
the ether
So they don’t know shyt?
Yup. We've been reduced to a report saying, "well there's stuff in the air bugging us every night and much of it remains unidentified....probably foreign drones."

The last few months it was all, "The pentagon has alien spacecraft in their possession" and "disclosure is coming!!!" and "They have tech 1000 years ahead of us!"

Uhhh..theres classified briefings on “off-world vehicles not made from Earth

‘Not made on this earth’: Top-secret Pentagon UFO task force reportedly expected to reveal some find

I think this week Trump will declassify ALIEN information.....

Pentagon to release UFO report on difficult to explain sightings(UPDATE) Pentagon confirms UFO video

So we gonna act like UFOs aint zoomin in / out the atmosphere?

Pentagon confirms UFO footage is legit

The absolute worst was the "off-world vehicles" shyt:

Mr. Davis, who now works for Aerospace Corporation, a defense contractor, said he gave a classified briefing to a Defense Department agency as recently as March about retrievals from “off-world vehicles not made on this earth.”

Mr. Davis said he also gave classified briefings on retrievals of unexplained objects to staff members of the Senate Armed Services Committee on Oct. 21, 2019, and to staff members of the Senate Intelligence Committee two days later.

No Longer in Shadows, Pentagon’s U.F.O. Unit Will Make Some Findings Public


As for the notion that no one else co-signed the claim of "off-world vehicles", the former director of the Advanced Aerospace Threat Identification Program (ATTIP), (the secretive Pentagon unit that studied UFOs), co signed it himself. From the NYT:

For years, the program investigated reports of unidentified flying objects, according to Defense Department officials, interviews with program participants and records obtained by The New York Times. It was run by a military intelligence official, Luis Elizondo, on the fifth floor of the Pentagon’s C Ring, deep within the building’s maze.

Mr. Elizondo is among a small group of former government officials and scientists with security clearances who, without presenting physical proof, say they are convinced that objects of undetermined origin have crashed on earth with materials retrieved for study.

In the interview, Mr. Elizondo said he and his government colleagues had determined that the phenomena they had studied did not seem to originate from any country. “That fact is not something any government or institution should classify in order to keep secret from the people,” he said.
In it, they referred to “a series of unclassified slides,” of somewhat uncertain lineage but apparently shown at congressional briefings, that mentioned “off-world” vehicles and “crash retrievals.” Kean told me in an uncharacteristically hesitant but nonetheless matter-of-fact way that she had begun to come around to the idea that U.F.O. fragments had been hoarded somewhere. In 2019, Luis Elizondo had suggested to Tucker Carlson that such detritus existed. (He then quickly invoked his security oath.) Kean cited Jacques Vallée, perhaps the most famous living ufologist, and the basis for François Truffaut’s character in “Close Encounters of the Third Kind,” who has been working with Garry Nolan, a Stanford immunologist, to analyze purported crash material for scientific publication. (Vallée declined to speak about it on the record, concerned that it might undermine the peer-review process, but told me, “We hope it will be the first U.F.O. case published in a refereed scientific journal.”)
In the story, Kean and Blumenthal wrote that Harry Reid “believed that crashes of vehicles from other worlds had occurred and that retrieved materials had been studied secretly for decades, often by aerospace companies under government contracts.” The day after its publication, the Times had to append a correction: Senator Reid did not believe that crash debris had been allocated to private military contractors for study; he believed that U.F.O.s may have crashed, and that, if so, we should be studying the fallout. When I asked Reid about the confusion, he told me that he admired Kean but that he had never seen proof of any remnants—something Kean had never actually claimed. He left no doubt in our conversation as to his personal assessment. “I was told for decades that Lockheed had some of these retrieved materials,” he said. “And I tried to get, as I recall, a classified approval by the Pentagon to have me go look at the stuff. They would not approve that. I don’t know what all the numbers were, what kind of classification it was, but they would not give that to me.” He told me that the Pentagon had not provided a reason. I asked if that was why he’d requested sap status for aatip. He said, “Yeah, that’s why I wanted them to take a look at it. But they wouldn’t give me the clearance.”
In it, they referred to “a series of unclassified slides,” of somewhat uncertain lineage but apparently shown at congressional briefings, that mentioned “off-world” vehicles and “crash retrievals.” Kean told me in an uncharacteristically hesitant but nonetheless matter-of-fact way that she had begun to come around to the idea that U.F.O. fragments had been hoarded somewhere. In 2019, Luis Elizondo had suggested to Tucker Carlson that such detritus existed. (He then quickly invoked his security oath.) Kean cited Jacques Vallée, perhaps the most famous living ufologist, and the basis for François Truffaut’s character in “Close Encounters of the Third Kind,” who has been working with Garry Nolan, a Stanford immunologist, to analyze purported crash material for scientific publication. (Vallée declined to speak about it on the record, concerned that it might undermine the peer-review process, but told me, “We hope it will be the first U.F.O. case published in a refereed scientific journal.”)

So there are two possibilities:

#1: The government is lying its ass off about not having evidence of alien craft. If you accept this possibility, then why would you trust anything in the report? The government could be lying and it's all just our own craft, it could be lying and trying to instill fear of invasion Watchman-style in order to pursue its own aims....if you claim the government is just lying then why gas up the report in the first place?

#2: The government doesn't have any off-world craft. If this is true, then Eric W. Davis, Luis Elizondo, Leslie Kean, and other enthusiastic members of the UFO community who are supposed to be "the respectable ones" are all completely full of shyt.

Honestly, I don't know why more people haven't seen #2 by now. Elizondo has repeatedly contradicted himself, admitting that they don't know if these things are alien or just made by other nations and then turning around and basically saying they're aliens but he just can't reveal it cause of NDAs. He so clearly plays the role of the classic bullshytter, stringing out a story for as long as possible without ever actually committing to anything, that I'm surprised he has the following he does.

Imagine if any other supposed government whistleblower had played "disclosure" this way, talking so much while actually saying so little. They would have been bushed years ago.
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Agent Mulder

Fight The Future
May 26, 2012
U.S. government prepares to issue landmark report on UFOs

U.S. government prepares to issue landmark report on UFOs
reported on June 3 that U.S. intelligence officials have found no evidence that unidentified aerial phenomena (UAP) witnessed by Navy pilots are alien spacecraft, but cannot explain the unusual movements of these objects and cannot definitively rule out extraterrestrial explanations.

The Times, citing senior administration officials briefed on a classified version of the report, said officials found that the vast majority of more than 120 UAP incidents over the past two decades - many observed by personnel aboard U.S. Navy aircraft and warships - did not originate from any American military or other advanced government technology.

The term "unidentified flying objects," or UFOs, long associated with the notion of alien spacecraft, has been replaced in official government parlance by "UAP." In addition to the UAP 2004 incident, others from 2014 and 2015 occurring off the U.S. East Coast have been confirmed by the Navy, with the objects deemed "unidentified."

The report, to be issued by the Office of the Director of National Intelligence, will include the work of a U.S. Navy-led task force established by the Pentagon in August 2020 to examine UAP incidents. U.S. Senator Marco Rubio was instrumental in commissioning the report, ordered as part of broader legislation passed last year.


Public fascination with UFOs generally dates to 1947, when the pilot of a small airplane reported seeing nine "saucer-like" objects flying at supersonic speed near Mount Rainier in Washington state. His account gave rise to a newspaper headline about "flying saucers" and preceded a wave of similar U.S. sightings in subsequent months.

That same year, U.S. military officials said wreckage recovered near Roswell, New Mexico, represented remnants of a crashed weather balloon, though theories of a downed alien spacecraft and recovered bodies of extraterrestrial beings have lingered in UFO lore.

Reacting to such incidents during the height of the Cold War, a CIA advisory panel concluded that UFO sightings posed a potential threat to national security. So began the government's history of official skepticism toward such reports, according to Christopher Mellon, a former deputy assistant defense secretary for intelligence who has urged greater official transparency on the subject.

While publicly dismissive of UFOs, the Air Force investigated and cataloged more than 12,000 sightings under its Project Blue Book program, categorizing 701 cases as "unidentified" before the project ended in 1969. The Air Force later said it found no indication of a national security threat or evidence of extraterrestrial craft.

Conventional national security risks posed by such incidents will likely be covered in the forthcoming report, according to Mick West, a UFO skeptic and researcher. On the other hand, West added, "evidence that UAPs represent something extraordinary - like anti-gravity, possibly aliens - has not been forthcoming and it is unlikely it will be."

Reporting by Pavithra George and Will Dunham in Washington and Steve Gorman in Los Angeles; Additional reporting by Mark Hosenball in Washington; Editing by Rosalba O'Brien
Nov 1, 2014
This is unsatisfactory to all parties. Even people who don't think these are real. Whether you're pro offworld life or against the idea you still got no answers whatsoever.

They are real. And apparently the govt doesn't know a fukking thing about them.

They could only debunk 1 case out of over 100 with certainty.

That is ridiculous.

Micky Mikey

Sep 27, 2013
:heh: All this just to say, "They're real, we don't know what they are, and we need more help trying to figure it out." All while confirming that they aren't some clandestine domestic or foreign military tech.

Assuming this is true, this is an incredible admission. The Government is never going to come out and say its Aliens because of national security concerns. However, if you read between the lines you can pretty much draw a conclusion for yourself.

If nothing else this paves the way for more mainstream scientists to take it seriously and do their own independent research.

Professor Emeritus

Poster of the Year
Jan 5, 2015
the ether
I wonder if this convinces anyone that Eric W. Davis and Luis Elizondo and others who claimed the government already knew what these were are completely full of shyt. More likely they'll just keep kicking the can down the road. Everyone who was promising some process of "disclosure" doesn't want to look dumb so they're gonna keep juelzing shyt forward even though we'll continue to get nothing of substance showing aliens.

This is unsatisfactory to all parties. Even people who don't think these are real. Whether you're pro offworld life or against the idea you still got no answers whatsoever.

They are real. And apparently the govt doesn't know a fukking thing about them.

They could only debunk 1 case out of over 100 with certainty.

That is ridiculous.
It's not too surprising, because every time they have good data it's not a UFO. Pretty much by definition, the only things that are called UFOs are shyt that they have poor data on. If they ever get close enough or take good enough footage to actually identify the object, it becomes "a balloon sighting" or "a drone sighting" and isn't a UFO anymore.

It could also be a reflection of how little effort they put into the report, which I already talked about a lot.

Assuming this is true, this is an incredible admission. The Government is never going to come out and say its Aliens because of national security concerns. However, if you read between the lines you can pretty much draw a conclusion for yourself.

Breh, stop reaching. :comeon:
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Professor Emeritus

Poster of the Year
Jan 5, 2015
the ether
Oh, and they’ve ruled out those darn camera glitches you’ve brought up in the thread a few times already :sas1:

So for the record, thus far, these UFO’s are NOT:

- Weather balloons
- Top Secret air/spacecraft
- Camera Glitches (lol)
- Hoaxes

I’ve seen you blame these things on weather balloons, camera glitches and even military personnel who don’t know what they’re looking at. But that’s all been ruled out - these are real unexplained UFOs - so please, explain to us how you were “right” @Rhakim :pachaha:

On the contrary, you have been wrong SEVERAL times in this thread and I suspect you’ll continue to dish out explanations that can easily be bushed.

Um, really?

"While the report explicitly stated that "unusual" activity had been reported on multiple occasions, it also did not rule out that those incidents were the result of errors or "spoofing."

"In a limited number of incidents, UAP reportedly appeared to exhibit unusual flight characteristics. These observations could be the result of sensor errors, spoofing, or observer misperception and require additional rigorous analysis," the report said."

That's directly from the report. I don't expect an apology. :usure: