Breh this shyt looks fake as fukk.
No talk about the Mexican Congress showing two fossilized alien bodies?
No talk about the Mexican Congress showing two fossilized alien bodies?
Maybe I need a bot that just repeats, "Breh this shyt looks fake as fukk" to every post here.
The sad thing is, with AI artists, deep fake videos, and 3D printing, we're on the verge of hoaxsters being able to create literally anything they want to that looks as good as they want. If "believers" are accepting this hokey half-assed shyt now, then how annoying is it going to get when the actual good fakes start being passed off?
Quick tip - if you don't know the exact origins of something, just assume it's faked. Because these random videos with no one claiming to have filmed them and random bodies where you can't track exactly who found it and where are almost always going to be fakes.
They couldn't even lock onto it because it was flying so fast and also they couldn't see the jellyfish with the naked eye.idk why TLR has this as a platinum thread, this shyt is old news from 2007
brehs it's this shyt again, It's called The C.A.R.E.T. Program from PACL -- black budget military surveillance thing....they been photographed since 2007 -- they use exotic earth frequencies to just hover around without motors on some 'free energy' shyt. it's a government drone project pretending to be UFOs so taxpayers can't question the government if they don't own up to it, like area 51 since the 50s...if you see one, just shoot it down and figure out how it's made
5 hyperlinks below:
The "CARET" Program - Explanation for Drone UFO Sightings in California
The Mystery of the Drones
Big Basin (CA) Strange Craft High Resolution Photographs
More Big Basin, California, Bizarre "Drone" Images
The Drones and Whitley Strieber
SOHH probably had an OG thread about this thing and people forgot and claim it's some 'new revelation' when it's not. read up, brehs
June 5, 2007-Big Basin by Stephen and other witnesses