The UFO/UAP disclosure thread


Nov 18, 2016
ATL - Cleveland Ave.

Skepticism is healthy. But I think there’s a difference between A: being hesitant until you see evidence and B: being so convinced none of this is possible that you’re already writing anything off before it’s even presented to you.

Thankfully, I think regardless, we are going to see more open and honest discussion about these phenomena from people on all sides, and the topic is already become way more destigmatized in just the past month.

I’m curious on the subject. I don’t want to believe anything. I’d definitely like an answer in my lifetime, one way or the other.
That's one of the major issues with this subject, "belief". People always use that word when discussing ET. But this isn't a theological matter. It's purely scientific. The questions we need answered are: 'Are there other advanced civilizations out there?' and 'Have they mastered interstellar travel?' There were countless species inhabiting this earth millions of years before us. Just think, if you arrived on Earth 100 million years ago, you'd find life-- but they wouldn't be watching ESPN. So the notion that there would be life on some of the billions of habitable planets in our universe, doesn't require a huge stretch of the imagination.
May 1, 2012
I think a lot of it is people don’t really look up at the sky that much with their cameras ready to go. People don’t anticipate seeing these things. And with the one I saw, my instinct wouldn’t have been to film. I wanted to see it. I’m the time it takes to grab a phone, unlock it, and pull the camera up, you could miss one of the most unique things you might ever see. Also, I think in hindsight I’d still want to experience it with the naked eye and not watch it through an iPhone camera. Basically what @FlyBoy718 said

And there actually are some decent iPhone vids on YouTube. They’re mostly buried. If you search ufo or uap, most of the clips are news clips and documentaries and things like that. Due to the algorithm, some random person with no real YouTube account that just posts one random video isn’t going to get many views.

Lastly, according to the military, there are high quality videos of these things, but they’re remaining classified as of now. Hopefully that’ll change. And with the Nimitz Tic Tac videos, I don’t know if most people realize that footage was recorded miles away by jets that aren’t designed for surveillance footage—so that footage is definitely not going to look super crisp and clear.

i had heard the same but we need to see them... it'd be amazing to see in full HD


Packers Stockholder
Aug 17, 2013
I believe there is Intelligent Life out there, but then it begs the question, do they have the technology? Now it gets tricky because you have to deal with Extinction Events like Supervolcanos/Comets that halt progress. Along with hampering of Science itself by forces.

So if so, they would have had a pretty easy path to innovation, and lucked out.

Professor Emeritus

Poster of the Year
Jan 5, 2015
the ether
He was in the intelligence/counter intelligence field for years

And his resignation letter clearly states why he left because they were putting up walls for him investigating the UFO's... lmao are you an idiot.
That's what I said tho. :gucci:

He was a regular field agent with no background in physics/flight/space - having him in the role (along with the fact that the entire investigation was only created in order to funnel money to Reid's donor) shows how non-serious they were about it.

Are you always full of shyt or are you just especially smug and incorrect today?
Breh, the letter confirms EXACTLY what I said - that he left because they weren't taking it seriously. Did you not read my comment or did you not read the letter?

Why does it bother you so much that there's life outside of Earth? Considering the massive size of the universe it's a literal fact. There's nothing on Earth that holds human life that's going 6000 G-froces. Idk why you're out here trying to be Mr. Skeptic, but they've got radar data on these fukks. You're turning out to be the conspiracy nut now.
Breh this has nothing to do with the existence of life outside of Earth, this is a question of "are these specific sightings proof of life outside of Earth coming to visit us?"

And even a lot of your fellow UFO buffs in this conversation have stated that they don't know that for certain yet. So what have you seen that has you so sure these are aliens?

Your characterization of the videos doesn't seem to take into account the awe and wonder these pilots are expressing during the actual encounters themselves. I fully agree with you that all humans are fallible. However when characterize these highly trained individuals as "random guys in the military" it appears you're downplaying the skill level it takes to operate in such as capacity. If YOU knew military pilots in real life you would have a greater level of appreciation for the work it takes to achieve that position.
Also, I’d add that most fighter pilots indeed are reliable witnesses and experts at IDing things in the air. It’s so god damn hard to become a fighter pilot. It’s one of the most prestigious jobs in the military. They certainly don’t let idiots fly 67 million dollar pieces of equipment.

To give you an idea of fighter pilot culture it's basically college frat culture. They drink like crazy, act like fools, and are of varying degrees of education and trustworthiness. The fighter pilot band Dos Gringos (two F-16 pilots) was REALLY popular in the community and gives you a taste of what they're like:

There's no reason to put them on a pedestal. :comeon:

It strikes me that the tone prevalent in all of your rebuttals is you're know something the rest of us aren't aware of. Most of the brehs in this thread haven't even claimed they believe its "little green men" operating these crafts. Yet they're able to keep an open mind.
Look directly above you and that breh is insisting that I'm an idiot if I deny that aliens are operating these crafts. :francis:

I keep asking, at least 5 times now, for a single video that conclusively shows a craft violating the laws of physics or that shows enough detail to clearly show that it is not a normal plane or drone. And no one has even tried to meet that. Why is it that y'all are more interested to argue about me and try to insult me than you are eager to argue about the actual UFO documentation itself?
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Professor Emeritus

Poster of the Year
Jan 5, 2015
the ether
Breh is so dug in on his stance he's actually sounding like the conspiracy nuts he's out to disprove.
You guys keep ignoring the subject and just trying to take shots on me instead. :mjlol:

Edit: What I’m about to say is purely speculation. But I wonder if part of NASA’s sudden interest to help figure this out is the imminent privatization of space travel. You know if Elon Musk sees something up there, he’s posting an HD picture of it on social media :heh:
Why would civilians going to space make a difference? There are already dozens of private companies in space, and nearly all of the observations are on Earth anyway, not in space. You're suggesting that all of the 500+ people from 20+ countries who have been in space (along with the thousands and thousands of support crew who communicate with them, see their feeds, etc.) are all in on some conspiracy together?

They think we're dumb :mjlol: NASA has been highly dismissive of this topic for decades, but now this new chief is making it a priority to study it properly? All in his first month? No one forces the gov't to do anything. There's something obligating world governments to finally discuss this matter publicly. Very interesting.
You are correct that NASA is generally dismissive of most of these sightings as they don't rise to the level of evidence that people at NASA take seriously. However, there are a lot of people at NASA who are VERY interesting in life outside our planet and who spend their careers working on this exact question, especially at JPL and Ames. Y'all ignore their expertise, the people who literally spend their lives studying extraterrestrial life in space, and instead bow down to a CIA spook who doesn't have a single qualification in the subject outside of enthusiasm.

The new NASA head is a politician. There's no need to speculate at why this is happening when we know the entire sequence of events.

Glowing Auras and ‘Black Money’: The Pentagon’s Mysterious U.F.O. Program (Published 2017)

Tom DeLonge’s UFO Organization Has a $37.4 Million Deficit

1. Robert Bigelow, a wealthy Nevada businessman, UFO buff, and friend of Senator Harry Reid, makes large donations to Reid's senate campaign.

2. Sen. Reid writes a $22 million UFO investigation into the Pentagon's budget, with Luis Elizondo being put in charge of the investigation and most of the contracts getting kicked back to Bigelow's company in an obvious corruption scheme.

3. When Reid's original funding dries up the investigation is discontinued as the Pentagon doesn't see any need for it.

4. Tom Delonge, lead singer of Blink-182, creates To The Stars which is listed as a media and entertainment company making books and videos about UFOs, both fiction and nonfiction.

5. Elizondo quits the government, complaining that they aren't taking UFOs seriously, and is paid by Delonge to join his media company. Delonge pays a number of former government officials to begin promoting the UFO cause on cable TV shows, often including stock promises, and racks up a huge deficit.

6. Elizondo releases multiple videos which the government had already known about for years (and still didn't take UFOs seriously). To The Stars employees including Elizondo and other government officials go on a media blitz, appearing on morning shows, cable news, their own cable TV show, etc., pushing the government to make statements on UFO sightings and in turn getting publicity for their media company.

7. Several senators and other government officials latch on to the story, either due to their own interest or interest from their constituents, and ask for a report.

None of that is a conspiracy - literally every step in the process is public information and is not in dispute. There is no need to create a new narrative when we've seen the entire process play out in the open. The government isn't "taking this more seriously"

NkrumahWasRight Is Wrong

May 1, 2012
Uncertain grounds
I believe there is Intelligent Life out there, but then it begs the question, do they have the technology? Now it gets tricky because you have to deal with Extinction Events like Supervolcanos/Comets that halt progress. Along with hampering of Science itself by forces.

So if so, they would have had a pretty easy path to innovation, and lucked out.

Depends how old their civilization is

If its hundreds of million years older (or whatever) then they could have been less lucky than us and still far ahead

Professor Emeritus

Poster of the Year
Jan 5, 2015
the ether
Depends how old their civilization is

If its hundreds of million years older (or whatever) then they could have been less lucky than us and still far ahead
There's no way to really know, but a lot of people assume that a civilization wouldn't be likely to last hundreds of millions of years. I mean, look at all the ways we've come up with that could destroy us in the next few hundred years - nuclear war, extreme climate change, bioengineered viruses, resource depletion followed by resource wars, overabundance of environmental toxins, A.I., or just recreate ourselves into stagnation - and we're not even 10,000 years in yet. And that's not even counting natural occurrences like asteroid impacts or magnetic field reversal/loss that could devastate civilization.

Then again, there's other people who think that we're intelligent enough to continuously advance and perpetuate ourselves forever. It's a tough question cause we can't find another example to test our hypotheses with.
May 26, 2012
Some of them could be living organisms. Even if they are extraterrestrial it wouldn't necessitate that there are "aliens" aboard them.


May 18, 2012
Jiu Jitsu
@Rhakim i don’t think there’s any conspiracy going on here. The NASA conspiracy comment was a joke, which is why I threw in the :heh:

I’m not a conspiracy theorist


May 18, 2012
Jiu Jitsu
There's no way to really know, but a lot of people assume that a civilization wouldn't be likely to last hundreds of millions of years. I mean, look at all the ways we've come up with that could destroy us in the next few hundred years - nuclear war, extreme climate change, bioengineered viruses, resource depletion followed by resource wars, overabundance of environmental toxins, A.I., or just recreate ourselves into stagnation - and we're not even 10,000 years in yet. And that's not even counting natural occurrences like asteroid impacts or magnetic field reversal/loss that could devastate civilization.

Then again, there's other people who think that we're intelligent enough to continuously advance and perpetuate ourselves forever. It's a tough question cause we can't find another example to test our hypotheses with.
My intuition is that there is probably a ‘great filter’ that stops most civilizations from being able to advance far enough to travel beyond their own planet or solar system.

My gut feeling is that extinction level events or unintended self-annihilation are likely to occur faster than the time it takes to conquer the stars.

I have a hard time thinking there’s not life out there, but if I had to wager, I’d think more of them were like us, or farther behind us.

That, and/or the dark forest theory. If there are more intelligent civilizations, I think it’s likely they’re remaining silent in order to not make themselves known to a more predatory civilization.


Jul 30, 2012
You guys keep ignoring the subject and just trying to take shots on me instead. :mjlol:

Why would civilians going to space make a difference? There are already dozens of private companies in space, and nearly all of the observations are on Earth anyway, not in space. You're suggesting that all of the 500+ people from 20+ countries who have been in space (along with the thousands and thousands of support crew who communicate with them, see their feeds, etc.) are all in on some conspiracy together?

You are correct that NASA is generally dismissive of most of these sightings as they don't rise to the level of evidence that people at NASA take seriously. However, there are a lot of people at NASA who are VERY interesting in life outside our planet and who spend their careers working on this exact question, especially at JPL and Ames. Y'all ignore their expertise, the people who literally spend their lives studying extraterrestrial life in space, and instead bow down to a CIA spook who doesn't have a single qualification in the subject outside of enthusiasm.

The new NASA head is a politician. There's no need to speculate at why this is happening when we know the entire sequence of events.

Glowing Auras and ‘Black Money’: The Pentagon’s Mysterious U.F.O. Program (Published 2017)

Tom DeLonge’s UFO Organization Has a $37.4 Million Deficit

1. Robert Bigelow, a wealthy Nevada businessman, UFO buff, and friend of Senator Harry Reid, makes large donations to Reid's senate campaign.

2. Sen. Reid writes a $22 million UFO investigation into the Pentagon's budget, with Luis Elizondo being put in charge of the investigation and most of the contracts getting kicked back to Bigelow's company in an obvious corruption scheme.

3. When Reid's original funding dries up the investigation is discontinued as the Pentagon doesn't see any need for it.

4. Tom Delonge, lead singer of Blink-182, creates To The Stars which is listed as a media and entertainment company making books and videos about UFOs, both fiction and nonfiction.

5. Elizondo quits the government, complaining that they aren't taking UFOs seriously, and is paid by Delonge to join his media company. Delonge pays a number of former government officials to begin promoting the UFO cause on cable TV shows, often including stock promises, and racks up a huge deficit.

6. Elizondo releases multiple videos which the government had already known about for years (and still didn't take UFOs seriously). To The Stars employees including Elizondo and other government officials go on a media blitz, appearing on morning shows, cable news, their own cable TV show, etc., pushing the government to make statements on UFO sightings and in turn getting publicity for their media company.

7. Several senators and other government officials latch on to the story, either due to their own interest or interest from their constituents, and ask for a report.

None of that is a conspiracy - literally every step in the process is public information and is not in dispute. There is no need to create a new narrative when we've seen the entire process play out in the open. The government isn't "taking this more seriously"

I fully expect this June report to not have anything ground breaking.

Professor Emeritus

Poster of the Year
Jan 5, 2015
the ether
My intuition is that there is probably a ‘great filter’ that stops most civilizations from being able to advance far enough to travel beyond their own planet or solar system.

My gut feeling is that extinction level events or unintended self-annihilation are likely to occur faster than the time it takes to conquer the stars.

I have a hard time thinking there’s not life out there, but if I had to wager, I’d think more of them were like us, or farther behind us.

That, and/or the dark forest theory. If there are more intelligent civilizations, I think it’s likely they’re remaining silent in order to not make themselves known to a more predatory civilization.

That dark forest theory is some :huhldup: shyt whenever I think about it.

I mean a ton of scifi (and Marvel plots) is based on the idea of aggressive aliens going around attacking every civilization. But if that's actually happening or if we randomly get so shook of it happening that we start shutting off all our radio towers and microwave signals....

Actually we been broadcasting that shyt for 100 years like a beacon to the universe, probably too late. :damn:

NkrumahWasRight Is Wrong

May 1, 2012
Uncertain grounds
There's no way to really know, but a lot of people assume that a civilization wouldn't be likely to last hundreds of millions of years. I mean, look at all the ways we've come up with that could destroy us in the next few hundred years - nuclear war, extreme climate change, bioengineered viruses, resource depletion followed by resource wars, overabundance of environmental toxins, A.I., or just recreate ourselves into stagnation - and we're not even 10,000 years in yet. And that's not even counting natural occurrences like asteroid impacts or magnetic field reversal/loss that could devastate civilization.

Then again, there's other people who think that we're intelligent enough to continuously advance and perpetuate ourselves forever. It's a tough question cause we can't find another example to test our hypotheses with.

my comment was 100% hypothetical

its conceivably possible for almost infinite things..its also hard to apply the course of our civilization to sentient life on a different planet, galaxy, dimension etc. it seems reasonable to go with what we know as the building blocks and what should be possible but at the end of the day its impossible to say for sure.

i do not mean to imply anything is more likely than another..just that pretty much anything is possible


Nov 18, 2016
ATL - Cleveland Ave.
I fully expect this June report to not have anything ground breaking.
:mjlol: They’ve already begun leaking parts of the classified report and confirmed that what we’re seeing isn’t American tech. That’s huge. The most powerful military the world has ever known admitted they don’t have air superiority in their own airspace.