I don't think those assumptions logically follow. Foo Fighters, Flying Saucers, Black Triangles, Tic Tacs, the sightings seem to change radically depending on the year and who is looking. The assumption that 80 years of sightings are connected doesn't follow.I don’t think any of that contradicts what @El Negro Suave said. There’s definitely concern that we don’t have air superiority in our own air, and it’s being admitted that we don’t.
I suspect a big reason why is that even though these UAPs have air superiority, and have been reported for 70 years, they are clearly not shooting down our fighter jets, or making blatantly aggressive maneuvers against. They’ve done things like actively jammed radar, but 70 years of not being overtly hostile has probably made many in the military just kind of shrug at it.
And it seems to me to be far too big a coincidence that the history of these kinds of sightings seems to almost perfectly match the time period that we started putting a bunch of planes up in the air, even though most of the sightings could have been made just as easily from the ground. Foo Fighters appear the moment pilots start flying in stormy weather and can view atmospheric conditions from the air. Flying saucers appear when humans start putting a bunch of objects in the sky and popular culture starts broadcasting flying saucers on TV. Black Triangles appear when triangle shaped stealth planes start making secret flights and jets start flying in formation at night. Tic Tacs appear when drones start getting built and new imaging systems result in new (but blurred) data getting picked up.
I think saying, "These things have been around for 70 years" implies that there's some clear connection between appearances over time, and I don't see any reason to make that assumption at all. The military, NASA, scientists across the world would drop everything and devote all the resources they could to study this shyt if they really believe it was incredible alien technology. But they don't even make basic efforts cause they don't really believe it.
How could we assume all that when we haven't even tried?I mean even know, what are we supposed to do? We don’t have air superiority, and that sucks. But we can’t catch up. We don’t even understand the tech here, and we certainly can’t replicate it.
There are multiple inherent contractions here, ones which already exist throughout the thread:Also, there’s a massive stigma and it’s understandable that not many higher ups in decades prior would want to make it a top prototype to pursue something that would put their careers at stake, or at the very least make them a laughing stock.
#1. I keep being told that these sightings are super common
#2. I keep being told that fighter pilots and other people who observe these things are impeccable observers who should be completely trusted
#3. I keep being told that these people don't report sightings cause they would be laughingstocks
If sightings are so common, then why would reports be laughed at? If pilots are such amazing observers, then why would the people who know them best refuse to believe their reports? It seems kind of ridiculous that we're being told we should believe these observers absolutely, then are told that even their own colleagues and superiors wouldn't believe them.