@Rhakim All of those maneuvers I was discussing were not conjecture I made up. I got them right from the navy reports and the former head of the UFO program and what he stated. Is he a liar? Maybe... but a lot of the sightings corroborate what he says.
Now feel free to correct me... but from what we know about current propulsion systems, and what we have successfully been able to do, we are nowhere close to a craft like this. It would require multiple extreme innovations/discoveries to arrive at this from where we are currently. I think you are underestimating the gap in technological capability versus anything we know we have or can do. To negate earths gravity with no obvious signs of propulsion or control surfaces on the craft, goes against what we know about aerodynamics and implies a completely different means of propulsion (manipulating gravity around the craft in someway?) This is what I mean by beyond our current understanding. Can we postulate on how it's possible? Sure. But so far nobody can actually explain it. (that we know of)
Regarding the '1000s of years' thing. I have already conceded there is no way to prove how far ahead in tech it is from what we can currently do. It was just a turn of phrase to express how monumental of an accomplishment it would be, and that imo this is beyond a single generational leap in tech. Poor choice of words on my part but I think it conveyed my sentiment.
Also, a less discernable sonic boom, and no sonic boom are two different things. This is an inconsequential detail anyway as it could be removed from the discussion entirely and really doesn't change my argument. The fact remains the vehicles are moving at speeds and pulling off g forces that we don't understand and can't explain. Me mentioning this detail is just to highlight that it's propulsion doesn't appear to be directly correlated with the air around it.
Now every claim I made up there, came straight from the horses mouth. I don't have all the Pentagon videos. I don't know if the guy who ran the UFO program is lying (Luis Elizando). Maybe he is and that could discredit everything he claims. If you have an inclination he is making it up feel free to point me to where you developed that opinion. I am perfectly open to changing mine. Keep in mind the Pentagons own report confirms most of these maneuvers. However, he is the one that said they have evidence of craft pulling these maneuvers off. I didn't pull it out of thin air. He said they have positive lift which goes against everything we know about aerodynamics. He said they pull off extreme g-forces beyond organic survivability. He said they transition between air and water. He said they make maneuvers we can't explain. (such as stopping and turning instantly causing extreme g forces, nearly instantly accelerating, rapidly changing position, transitioning between mediums, evading radar, having no visible control surfaces etc. etc.). He's the one who said they exhausted all the possibilities before throwing their hands up and that that's why it's so compelling and problematic.
I am not saying there is no explanation behind all this. I just think it is much more compelling than you I guess. The fact remains there are confirmed craft in our air space that we do not know the origin of, cannot explain the movement of, and have no clue how they do what they do. That is a fact unless the Pentagon and Luis are lying. Which is possible too.
If we are behind these craft then that is amazing and whatever was discovered and invented to pull it off is monumental. If it wasn't the US then it should be a major concern that another major power has something like this and goes in and out of our airspace with impunity.
You are very dismissive of how big of an accomplishment building something like this would be. Just know I am not some conspiracy theorist. I think I am being pretty reasonable in my critical thinking here. You can find me on here arguing with covid deniers, you can find me on here going in on flat earthers, arguing with religious nuts etc etc. I base all my opinions on available facts and critical thinking. I am one of those most science minded people you will meet. When it comes to this? I haven't even arrived at a conclusion yet. As far as I can tell there is 2 possibilities. Either...we made a large leap in technology in secret, or something else built them.(both are fairly incredible possibilities imo) Again if you have a reasonable 3rd option I am all for it.
Like everyone, I have no idea what these things are. I am really only arguing how incredible it is based off what they've been observed doing.
That said I think I've expressed how I feel on the topic fairly in depth, so if I don't reply don't take it personally. I just don't want to be on here writing titan graphs back n forth all day. I respect your position. Thank you for the discussion.
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