My right trap is a problem area because of a pinched nerve injury I suffered years ago. I mean I shrug well over 500 lbs and have no muscle weakness but can't get it to look symmetric like my left trap. But I am giving myself this year to see if I can change that else next year its off to the doctors
Behind the neck press
Upright rows
Lateral raises... make your delts touch your ears w/that ROM
Thats my shoulder routine 3x week
1:10I got a question about BTN press tho. I had a machine at my old gym that was. It just put me in the perfect position for it and made my traps scream. I am at a new gym now with a different machine and its not as good. The god damn smith machine here is slanted too
Any my fellow gym demons doing BTN press w/a barbell? How deep do you go?
Does the pain from the pinchd nerve cause pain or numbness in your forearm? Im experiencing that & it doesnt affect my shoulder work but when im chillin i feel it when i turn my head.
My trap game is crazy and I don't doing anywhere close to what y'all doing.
My trap routine is 6 sets of barbell shoulder shrugs 5-10 reps with 30 sec breaks in between sets. I do this Mon Wed and Fri.