Good thread OP 
A lot of what’s been said depends on the culture of the company.
I’d say the biggest traps are around fraternizing with colleagues.
If you attend company HH/parties limit yourself to one drink or none at all. Very little upside from those situation but a lot can go wrong. My last team holiday party I was too gone
but luckily I didn’t do anything crazy that would come back to bite my ass
After that night I swore of drinking at all company events. I just do zero-proof beers and call it a day. I work with white folks and asians, not tryna mess up my bread.
Definitely don’t smash a coworker, at least not one you work with daily. If y’all are on different teams / different floors or buildings, slightly different story. Still thread carefully.
Be friendly and civil but don’t overshare. There’s a fine line between oversharing and being a recluse. One of my mentors told me to have a “box” of safe topics to talk about. Sports, family/kids, hobbies, what you did over the weekend etc.
Get a paper trail for everything.

A lot of what’s been said depends on the culture of the company.
I’d say the biggest traps are around fraternizing with colleagues.
If you attend company HH/parties limit yourself to one drink or none at all. Very little upside from those situation but a lot can go wrong. My last team holiday party I was too gone

After that night I swore of drinking at all company events. I just do zero-proof beers and call it a day. I work with white folks and asians, not tryna mess up my bread.
Definitely don’t smash a coworker, at least not one you work with daily. If y’all are on different teams / different floors or buildings, slightly different story. Still thread carefully.
Be friendly and civil but don’t overshare. There’s a fine line between oversharing and being a recluse. One of my mentors told me to have a “box” of safe topics to talk about. Sports, family/kids, hobbies, what you did over the weekend etc.
Get a paper trail for everything.