The hi-pull is the initial pull in the powerclean before shooting the elbows for the catch. Thought this was common knowledge. High pull is is done far too heavy to be an upright row, though it follows a similar range of motion.doin power cleans is not similiar to hi-pulls. Hi-pulls are upright rows. Which is not performed in a power clean.
Good set/rep count for a beginner?
The hi-pull is the initial pull in the powerclean before shooting the elbows for the catch. Thought this was common knowledge. High pull is is done far too heavy to be an upright row, though it follows a similar range of motion.
1) exponentially easier to teach than a proper cleanUse Prilepin's table since it is an Olympic lift. I use 5-8 sets 2 reps (80-90% of max), since bar speed slows down after the 2nd rep and the main benefit of cleans is in the explosion/speed of the movement, added reps in a 5x5 progressive overload scheme doesn't really fit the movement since your dead lift and front squat strength, along with shoulder/hip flexibility will generally dictate the weight you can power/hang clean.
How To Power Clean (power clean tutorial) - YouTube
What's the point of a high pull brah?
Thread is going to make me dedicate a day just for traps
The trap gawd![]()
never really cared for trap until I started doing Overhead Presses
you know you've made it when the your shoulder matches the shoulder line on your shirts. Making large size looking like mediums![]()