Someone's def dying that'll set Baam off...we're talking 100% Baam for the first time in his career.

Someone's def dying that'll set Baam off...we're talking 100% Baam for the first time in his career.
prince and the miseng aren't necessary plot-wise at all so i dont really care what happens to themI think Prince and the little girl will be safe...Same with that creature controller chick...just a feeling though. Parakewl is safe...and don't forget my boy Laure ain't goin' no where...that dude's the most slept on beast out there.
Dude on the bridge went out like a fukking sucker.
based SUI refuses to cut back on quality to dumb it down for the Naruto microwave fight type of manga/manwa fans
word that shyt had me like![]()
I was expecting dude on the bridge to have some kind of was his light barer thinking!? I was expecting dude to be faking or destroy the bridge but nah. This is a dope concept, I wonder who Koon's first pick is...the gator finally gonna rock out? Mad Dog on the verge of gettin' busy too...damn I'm hype for all this.
i mean after he fell into you water you could see some white thing swimming away from his mouth so idk breh
i dont think that island is ready for the normal(gigantic) sized rak just yet, i just remember on the 2nd floor when he was hunting nikkas like it was nothing
i think it's either gonna be quatro, androssi, or koon himself to be honest![]()
I can't tell if Androssi is running with Koon or stuck with Leesoo...If she comes out for team Koon, that'll be DOPE! I assumed Koon, Leesoo and other heads can't compete directly...just an assumption though. Rak or Androssi going ham would be dope as fruck. They don't have too many other'd be dope if that speedster cat dropped in and had his legs back under him, he could shoot to the summoning points without getting touched...I don't think that'll happen since it hasn't been remotely suggested but it'd be cool as hell if the gift Koon got for sending the most people up was something that could heal that cat and give him a role (I just liked that character).
Quatro is dope guess too btw...we still haven't seen him go to work but top five E-rank...scary.
this may be kinda fukked up but i dont think any of those nikkas are following leeso's lead because they WANT's only because Koon stayed back to make rachel a team and now they think he's dead
Dan might fukk around and be one of the characters that gets murked, he's got no reason to be alive at this point![]()
I mean...Leesoo is a legit strategist at least lol. I think the Baam effect keeps 'em all together, but considering Baam is alive and Androssi knows it, that all could get tossed out.
Now Dan getting murked on the sacrifice tip or something could be the deal...but SIU gave him a LOT of screen time in this part for a side character who did almost nothing and that speed ability is unique to him (in terms of Koon's options as teammates). I feel like whether he dies or makes some surprise play, he's gonna have a role in all of this. But I'm a pretty big fan of the character and I'm biased as hell.
i can tell cuz Dan hasn't been doing a damn thing and he doesn't have speed anymore
as far as the "baam" effect i think that only concerns koon,rak,androssi,anak, hatsu,and laure, and lesso
so him coming back wouldn't mean that they would split up or anything, it'd really mean that all the other teammates (outside of wagnan) would get tossed in the bushes, siu still needs andro and anak around baam for the princess arc anyway
i mean at this point everyone who finds out that baam is still alive automatically sets their sights on Rachel so that's gonna keep them together for a while too