The Tariq Nasheed Thread


Sep 8, 2017
I can't even get Mad this is the Tariq thread. I suggested that dudes put all Tariq related shyt in this thread and super 'Riq critics stay out of it
1) all your babble didn't prove any point.

2)no one is reading all that babble

3) stop the babble and come back with some coherent thoughts


Jul 25, 2018
See that's the problem.

To be a true bothsider is to Not Care because no one is offering you tangibles.

Basic political science there's two parties if you depress the vote in either one the other one wins. So if you tell me fukk Biden but I'm no Republican Mitch McConnell will smile because he wins.

If you say fukk Trump then Biden smiles. It's hard to be more #botsides than me not only do I not vote I don't put money in the economy.

One thing I can say for certain is if you think that white people are gonna ally with or make deals with Black People for some short term gain against white people...... That would be like a swirler or bedbuck thinking that they were gonna get some pass from all white people just because they're fukking one white person.

white people didn't take over the planet by making deals that favored non white people to gain something that would hurt white people as a whole. That's the essense of code.

If you're ADOS you're in a wierd space the best benefit would be america failing but that doesn't mean you'd win or be seen as non american if someone took over or you could be super Captain Black america in which case it would behoove you to do time in the military or law enforcement.


Or these people can wake up and realize that they aren't militant at all, with their "above-the-fray" hatred of all other minorities, immigrants, liberals, and gays. They're just anti-social losers on the internet being pulled into anti-social, bigoted right wing propaganda. They are not "thinking for themselves" they are following through with the rhetoric and agendas of others and think cus it's contrary to ALL other black people outside of the internet it makes them special and intellectual when really it makes them a big gigantic "blacks for Trump" lookin ass c00n who simply aligns more politically and socially with southern whites.

I remember reading a post around here of someone saying deep down a lot of folks on this forum are more comfortable with having white people in control and in power over everyone than they put on. I'm telling you it's the folks that do the most "pro-black" roleplay pointing fingers at others for being "c**ns" "agents" "whenches" and docile towards white supremacy who always end up being the ones overcompensating the most. EIther being tricked by right wing cac ideas and propaganda themselves, dissing pan-Africanism and real unifying black political ideas, actively running cover for the politically aspirations of those who will not benefit us, and seem the most comfortable with seeing whites in control of their government and their lives--electing all the reps, Senators, and Preisdents, hand picking all the judges, changing all the laws, while we just lay our hands out trying to prove we're rightful "Americans" begging for a lump sum tax paper check that no other American in their right mind would say yes to.

....unless of course those Ameircans were EXTREMELY....oh you know...LIBERAL and in favor of those checks to African Americans, but the confused Tariq Nasheed militants seem hell bent on racing to the wrong side of history alongside the red white and blue rednecks they apparently feel some great connection to more than other black people, and running around in circles both sabotaging and at the same time pigeonholding the very side of the political aisle they need to accomplish anything they want.

All this just to stop other black people from coming to or living comfortably in "your country." fukking stupid.

You got Trump appointed judges and a Donald Trump Supreme Court slowly dismantling pretty much all black civil rights protections just short of returning us to Jim Crow Era and these "Trump wasn't so bad" both sides idiots still don't fukking get it. I wish I can be in the same room when these idiots explain to their grandchildren who can hardly even vote or go to college without a grade A scholarship, that when a white nationalist movement threatening our rights was open and active in this country they thought it was a perfect time to refuse to vote, hand over all political power to white conservatives, and fight with Nigerian immigrants.

It makes no sense whatsoever until you realize some people are really just plain stupid and have no long term critical thinking skills. "fukk Democrats" has become a go-to mantra of try hard fake revolutionaries. Tariq Nasheeds audience is made up if the dumbest negroes among us.


Feb 16, 2017
1) all your babble didn't prove any point.

2)no one is reading all that babble

3) stop the babble and come back with some coherent thoughts
Look Fanboy I know you love that nikka so I'mma let you have this one. Don't make another sassy ass comment.


Feb 16, 2017

Or these people can wake up and realize that they aren't militant at all, with their "above-the-fray" hatred of all other minorities, immigrants, liberals, and gays. They're just anti-social losers on the internet being pulled into anti-social, bigoted right wing propaganda. They are not "thinking for themselves" they are following through with the rhetoric and agendas of others and think cus it's contrary to ALL other black people outside of the internet it makes them special and intellectual when really it makes them a big gigantic "blacks for Trump" lookin ass c00n who simply aligns more politically and socially with southern whites.

I remember reading a post around here of someone saying deep down a lot of folks on this forum are more comfortable with having white people in control and in power over everyone than they put on. I'm telling you it's the folks that do the most "pro-black" roleplay pointing fingers at others for being "c**ns" "agents" "whenches" and docile towards white supremacy who always end up being the ones overcompensating the most. EIther being tricked by right wing cac ideas and propaganda themselves, dissing pan-Africanism and real unifying black political ideas, actively running cover for the politically aspirations of those who will not benefit us, and seem the most comfortable with seeing whites in control of their government and their lives--electing all the reps, Senators, and Preisdents, hand picking all the judges, changing all the laws, while we just lay our hands out trying to prove we're rightful "Americans" begging for a lump sum tax paper check that no other American in their right mind would say yes to.

....unless of course those Ameircans were EXTREMELY....oh you know...LIBERAL and in favor of those checks to African Americans, but the confused Tariq Nasheed militants seem hell bent on racing to the wrong side of history alongside the red white and blue rednecks they apparently feel some great connection to more than other black people, and running around in circles both sabotaging and at the same time pigeonholding the very side of the political aisle they need to accomplish anything they want.

All this just to stop other black people from coming to or living comfortably in "your country." fukking stupid.

You got Trump appointed judges and a Donald Trump Supreme Court slowly dismantling pretty much all black civil rights protections just short of returning us to Jim Crow Era and these "Trump wasn't so bad" both sides idiots still don't fukking get it. I wish I can be in the same room when these idiots explain to their grandchildren who can hardly even vote or go to college without a grade A scholarship, that when a white nationalist movement threatening our rights was open and active in this country they thought it was a perfect time to refuse to vote, hand over all political power to white conservatives, and fight with Nigerian immigrants.

It makes no sense whatsoever until you realize some people are really just plain stupid and have no long term critical thinking skills. "fukk Democrats" has become a go-to mantra of try hard fake revolutionaries. Tariq Nasheeds audience is made up if the dumbest negroes among us.
Listen I beleive that dudes who fukk with Tariq have the right to have a thread talking about tariq without nikkas being super critical. My Post was just about being a true bothsider. It's obvious that Black people are more comfortable under white supremacy than under an ambigious system of Justice for Black people because If you really cared about Black automony you'd be in a Black Dominated area.

I know I always lived in a Black dominated area whether in the states or overseas. I never lived in a place where my local Congressman or MP wasn't Black unless you coulnt me living in Santo Domingo or Cali Colombia.

All I'm saying is if you're american you absolutely need immegrants unless you down to have the economy almost halved. They say Social Security officially runs out of money in 2027 all that money being paid into it is going out the door to people right now. The best thing that can happen is mexicans comming in staying illegal working for 30 years and leaving with whatever savings while paying into social security. They literally subsidize american retirement. Real rap for ADOS it's better that Mexicans come over and slowly take over. That wouldn't benefit ADOS but they may practice true benign neglect like it was under segregation where we were forced to develop our own economy.

The people who move the smartest are jews. They stay on economic code by punishing people who shyt on them but the do business with everyone. ADOS should be proud to be ADOS and like everyone else put themselves first. But shytting on everyone especially while down? John Hendrik Clarke said it best We have no Friends. Strategic alliances are done by every group white people are masters at temporary alliances. If everyone codes up against you you're fukked. As it stands now ADOS is below replacement demograpically it's foriegn flag Black people who are the ones holding the Black birth date above the death rate.

Again I didn't come here to shyt on Tariq but I think it's goofy to be giddy over any group of non Black people period. None of them (including a lot of Black People) aren't your friends.


Feb 16, 2017
you have a bad habit of thinking you can tell grown ass men what they can and can't do. thats gonna catch up to you one day.
Ok dually noted, but lets be Men this is the Tariq thread I'm not in here attacking Tariq I just said my opinion about being a true #bothsider. Most Trai supporters kinda avoid Tariq threads where people are heavily clowning him. I try to avoid talking super spicy and I want other people to keep the same energy. At the end of the day this is the internet.


Jul 3, 2018
He insults anyone when he's on the defense in an argument/debate. It's the same thing his cult followers do on here.

You insult when you don't have a suitable rebuttal or facts on your side to make them feel bad or make yourself look cool. It's what children AND A LOT OF PEOPLE ON THE COLI do.



Feb 16, 2017
we have culture of roasting. the nikka played her out, and she played herself out. y'all are using this as an opportunity to air out your hate of dude.

how exactly have you arrived at this conclusion sir? do you know something the rest of us don't?

wait, so FBA roasting people isn't a part of our culture? :ohhh:now it's a cac thing? news to me.

FBA practice joking on each other based off of where we are from.FBA have different cultures within the larger culture based off the part of the country we live in. dude is from the west coast, so a joke about chitlins doesn't mean dude is gay or self hating.

you dudes be reaching for real
Only problem with that is the kettle calling the Pot Black I mean he grew up in Alabama


Feb 16, 2017
I'm surprised that 'Riq hasn't used The white man is holding me back Card yet. Because if you take him at his word that he's building the mueseum that seems to be what's happening.

Again only ego and the I told you so aspect would prevent him from saying that he's getting major pushback from the city and he has to find a location.

Only problem with that is obviously wants total control so It can't be in some politically Black place where Tariq doesn't want to live in.

Frankly I'm surprised that Umar didn't use the same excuse for the school


Sep 28, 2012
i was addressing your talking points directly.

she called in, tried to "expose" dude, and got fukking clowned. don't step in the kitchen if you can't take the heat. ol sensitive ass nikkas.
But why clown with Don Imus -like talking points as a supposed pro black dude? I mean, yall let him pass on calling dudes crispy, let him pass on his mulatto wife. Do yall ever question him? :picard: