what was funny about the "hoopla"
whats funny about your avatar?
whats funny about all the women who think they can hit men w/o any fear of being hit back?
Nobody being assaulted is funny, what was funny was all the hoopla about it. Can you black boys ever stop being victims and turning black women into the bad guys?
What was funny is that they made such a huge thing of it that EVERYONE was talking about it, two old white ladies mention Solange when they got on the elevator at a doctor's office. If it was a that serious of an issue Solange would have been in jail.
I never said the avi was funny, it just went with my username.
I'm not one of those women who think women should not be hit if they hit a man, so why don't you ask a woman who thinks like that this question.
All you are doing is trying to get away from the issue, which is urban males( black and Latinos of all kinds harassing and grabbing on women. When you can admit that is an issue and think of a way for it to stop instead of pointing the finger at black women let me know, otherwise don't quote me again.
Why do you need laws preventing dudes from talking?
put this alias in the negative!Why do you need laws preventing dudes from talking?
It is not just talking, if you have ever been followed down the street or even to your door by some dusty nikka who can't take no for an answer you might actually get it.
what?put this alias in the negative!
I was the caller Muffy and all Tariq did was talk in circles. He did not even acknowledge there was a problem, but wants to get mad when some women say there is one and think of a way to solve it. There was no reason to bring up women going to jail, because women are not the ones bothering other females on the street all day. It was just a little straw man tactic because he didn't know what else to say.
OK. Thats stalking. Call the cops then.
Now what other laws do you need?![]()
It's harassment and obviously the laws we have don't work because it is still going on, so maybe more specific ones will help.
Nobody being assaulted is funny, what was funny was all the hoopla about it. Can you black boys ever stop being victims and turning black women into the bad guys?
The bytch is so rediculous its not even funny. She has a picture mocking Jay for getting "beat up" by a woman that he respectfully chose not to hit, while at the same time complaining about black men assaulting women with their voices.black women are so hypocritical. complaining about street harassment but i assume you found jay-z being assaulted by a woman funny.
You're full of crap. You're fine with black men getting fined and arrested for offending your precious sensibilities in the street, yet you feminist clowns say nothing when black women get attacked and beaten by police and white supremacists. You people are way too hypocritical.