nikka is a lame
I didn't listen to the whole show so I might have missed him explaining things. He was on point with a few things (separating RACE issues from CLASS issues)
- there not being any poor Asians (that was a stupid suggestion by that dude)
- the distinction between class issues and race issues
but here were some of the biggies I remember
- he blew off the very important point about %ages in the discussion of welfare
- he kept arguing against white people making generalizations, but damn near every gripe he had against non-blacks were gross generalizations
- he was angry based on the generalization that white people only want to live around + hire + work with white people. But generally speaking, people do tend to stick to their own kind... he would have no gripes w/blacks wanting to hire + work with + live with blacks. HEll he just said he does that on that UStream recording.
And he cut that dude off plenty of times
Maybe racist wasn't the right word cause I know how sensitive people are to it and have different definitions. But he does a lot of the shyt he is angry at all white folks for doing. He claims to be impartial and when hes calm he will throw in his "b-b-but theres exceptions to every rule" caveats. But when he gets angry/charged up (like he was on this show) all that shyt goes out the window. He has a preconceived notion of certain groups of people, and seeks out evidence to back that claim up (just like the dude who called in). I was pretty disappointed.
Dont get me wrong, I listen to dude's show every week, and I think he's doing a lot of good things. But there are a lot of times I don't agree with what he says. He entertains a lot of gender and race based double standards
Nope, I never called in to his show.Were you that African dude that called up on the last Ustream talking about Tariq needs to stop speaking on social issues and get back to macking on women?
Were you that African dude that called up on the last Ustream talking about Tariq needs to stop speaking on social issues and get back to macking on women?
Not true. That's learned behavior
To makeup for the centuries of black exclusion from emerging industries, you must also make conscious efforts to hire more qualified blacks. Hard work alone was not the reason why white wealth is 5x black wealth, but yet the cry of reverse racism is used when attempts are made to correct the wrong from the result of centuries of black exclusion. You will always be playing catch up if you are not aware of the game
Nasheed is not void of flaws and has made some comments I thought were not appropriate, but that point was accurate
The only thing worth taking from that post is that you're white or a white person sympathizer. You didn't really say anything.I never said or even implied the bolded. Nor did I even argue any of the points you made... I agree with pretty much all of it. I don't think you understood my post.
question has tariq ever co-sign the teachings of other puas
nah...he usually goes in on the PUA crowds, and I agree w/ him on that (rightfully so). I see PUA are mainly cack guys who do the whole 'line-memorization' thing to get girls.
It's not like that 'inner-knnowledge-of-self' game that Tariq tries to emphasize (whether good nor bad....not being a dikkrider)....I know if u agree w/ this guy on anything, it's important to preface your agreement w/ that statment.
I remember that episode and that white caller was trolling.
I'm more upset that he spent 20 minutes giving advice on how to pick up a white woman.
On topic Nasheed is hit or miss to me. He's definitely a hustler. He works his DVDs, lectures, books and PPVs into every discussion to the point you just have to chuckle at it. But dude was nearly homeless bum at one point so I can only respect such a come up.
His content is pretty much shyt you can find here or any predominantly male forum. He didn't invent the wheel, he just put his brand on it. His social commentary can also be hit or miss because sometimes he doesn't do the research or relies on what people may consider "fringe sources." The sonning of that CAC was good for the soul but I hope Nasheed has it together when a real intellectual calls in and not a racist frat boy.
His faults aside he's definitely getting information and knowledge out to young black men who wouldn't have access to it otherwise. And even if he is wrong on certain issues it does inspire one to do research of their own. Plus I definitely enjoy the pro black vibe which may offend the CAC and c00n contingent. But there are a lot of white boys the fukk with "King Flex" too.
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