What Sterling said wasn't valid because he didn't mention his system's role in black self hate and us not having a united cohesive community. The disenfranchisement and lack of unity in our community isn't the fault of black celebrities. White supremacists love pointing out the results of their oppressive system without actually acknowledging the system.
whether sterling mentions his groups hand in our lack of community or not, his original statement is completely valid, we dont have a REAL community.
You said something about not feeling sympathy for athletes who go broke shortly after they retire. Well I'm sure that they don't feel sympathy for you being a nobody ass Internet dude whining about how they won't come and save you. So you and the black athlete who doesn't "give back" are even. You aren't any better.
aint nobody asking for be saved, this is another strawman argument.
When you try and turn a discussion about solutions to issues concerning the black community into a conversation about what rich black celebrities should do with their money you're trying to bring down other blacks. It's a lazy divisive mentality. Stop pointing the finger and look in the mirror. Worry about your role in solving the issues instead of trying to deflect on other blacks.
the conversation wasn't about solutions though, it was about ti and mayweather, sterling, mark cuban and elliot rodger -- and i'm not the 1 who steered the conversation towards rich blacks, the guy who called tariq last night was.
I'm not exchanging with some rich black celebrity who looks down on lower class blacks who he/she feels is undeserving. I'm exchanging with an assumed lower class black who thinks that the solutions to the issues he's facing starts with rich blacks swooping in to save the day. If I were talking to the kind of rich black celebrity that you've described then I'd call that person out too. My point here is that you're not in a position to judge anyone else. You say that black celebrities should invest in the black community and I say that black people in the black community should start investing in the black community. Again, you want black celebrities to make sacrifices that you not the people around you are willing to make.
yeah, meanwhile, im a homeowner in 1 of the most affluent black communities in the US. like #2 or something

and show me where i've said rich blacks should come "swooping in and saving the day"
protip: you cant.
You're absolutely right. I'm deflecting from your deflection. When people are trying to haw a conversation about how blacks are going to solve the problems plaguing our community and people like you start talking about what this and that rich black entertainer should do that's just a deflection. It's not a real solution.
You're ignorant my man. If doesn't take $25k to start a business bruh. It's obvious that you're just sitting on your ass. Yes, get off of your ass/the Internet get out here and start establishing some connections with other black people trying to do the same instead of waiting on Puffy to reach back and provide you with an opportunity.
i've given quite a few solutions and none of them involve rich celebs giving back. but there's nothing wrong with asking why blacks get money and feel the need to flee from black communities, this is a valid question. how come tariq only talks about group economics right before begging nikkas for donations? that's a better question.
yeah, it can often take more much more than 25k to start a successful business. i don't know what type of businesses you think can be started on the cheap.
Maybe you're right but when these entertainers or whatever go broke then that's on them though. What are we everyday blacks going to do about our communities though? Your town's black celebrity starting a business there isn't going to change the mentality that's the reason for there not being any black businesses there in the 1st place. We have to adjust our mentality as a people. You're prescribing a band-aid for a brain injury.
here we go with the bullshyt rhetoric, its not about the money, our minds are so fukked up, right?

the mentality of blacks caught in poverty isn't going to change for the better w/o some type of economic alternative. all the social ills we see in black neighborhoods is a direct result of extreme prolonged exposure to poverty.

"I don't have $25k to just start a small business".
breh when you have to lie to make your argument, its not a very good one. this is what i said
how many of you have friends right now in a position to put up 25,000 dollars to help start a small business? this is not about individuals, as individuals, blacks are fine.
which btw, you didn't answer because i bet most of your friends cant rub two nickles together
Judging by ignorant comments like that and your outrageous post count I wonder if you even have a job. I suspect you're still at moms probably eating cereal or some shyt right now.
would you put your account on it?
I'll entertain you anyway though. What charities invest in black communities? These black celebrities that you're up here whining about give to plenty of charities bruh. I thought that you were all about investing in the black community? If you got all of this money to give to "charities"(more money than I make in a year so you say) then why haven't you started any businesses in your community? Why not take all of that charity money and invest on other black businesses? You're proving my point. You don't really give a fukk you're just a crab.
whats the point of listing charities i donate to when you've already presented your counter argument? i, just like the vast majority of you, are not in the position to give gainful employment to another person. i can only support black businesses and try to get black folks to see our problem arent mental, it isn't spiritual, it isn't black women, it isn't even white racism, because if blacks had their own economic base, a lot of what these cacs say and do wouldn't affect our community. but its about the money, business ownership, and networks to provide opportunity.