The Tariq Nasheed Thread


Apr 16, 2013
this is the bullshyt i'm talking about right here. anytime the conversation turns to why wealthy blacks aren't reaching back and investing in black communities, the discussion quickly turns to lazy blacks expecting free handouts. this is a white supremacist rhetoric blacks are using against eachother. again, this is not about giving free money to poor blacks, its about INVESTING in businesses and infrastructure thats sorely needed in black neighborhoods. this is about giving blacks the opportunity to FISH for a lifetime.

but i agree, blacks dont want to accept reality. which is why i feel no sympathy when they go broke shortly after retirement. cus if they would invest in their neighborhoods, they'd have a diverse supply of income to sustain their lifestyle. but like sterling said, these c00ns would rather play golf with him. a jew that dont really like nikkas at all but uses them as a means of income.

It's not about "giving free money". It's more about people putting too much faith in athletes and entertainers. A lot of those people act brand new when they get fame and money so to expect them to reach back and do something meaningful for the black community is wishful thinking.

You sound like the white supremacist. You're even quoting Sterling laughing at the misfortune and ignorance of other blacks. You can toss that term c00n around at others but you're just projecting. Cats like you don't really care about the community you just use the issue as a means to bring down other blacks. I'm not against blacks investing in ourselves, each other, and our communities because that's a responsibility that we all have and that we all should take on. I'm against crabs jumping on your high horse pointing at blacks higher than you trying to bring them down. Why aren't you investing in black communities? Why aren't you getting your friends and family to invest in the community? Those are the things that you should be worried about before you start pointing the finger at others. With all of the disposable income that runs in and out of our community we don't need celebrity blacks to play the savior roles. A lot of these celebrities do have businesses in the hood and do give back. Obviously that's not good enough for you which makes it seem like you just want to be saved. You want black celebrities to make sacrifices that you yourself aren't willing to make. That's weak.



The Original
Dec 9, 2012
The Deep State
this is the bullshyt i'm talking about right here. anytime the conversation turns to why wealthy blacks aren't reaching back and investing in black communities, the discussion quickly turns to lazy blacks expecting free handouts. this is a white supremacist rhetoric blacks are using against eachother. again, this is not about giving free money to poor blacks, its about INVESTING in businesses and infrastructure thats sorely needed in black neighborhoods. this is about giving blacks the opportunity to FISH for a lifetime.

but i agree, blacks dont want to accept reality. which is why i feel no sympathy when they go broke shortly after retirement. cus if they would invest in their neighborhoods, they'd have a diverse supply of income to sustain their lifestyle. but like sterling said, these c00ns would rather play golf with him. a jew that dont really like nikkas at all but uses them as a means of income.
They DO make businesses and opportunities, they may not just be the ones YOU WANT...which is where YOUR OWN IDEAS come in.


The Original
Dec 9, 2012
The Deep State
It's not about "giving free money". It's more about people putting too much faith in athletes and entertainers. A lot of those people act brand new when they get fame and money so to expect them to reach back and do something meaningful for the black community is wishful thinking.


Asking a 24 year old with no life experience to dump all his money into business plans he doesn't understand.


And when you ask "what sort of businesses do you want?" Ya'll have NOTHING to say.


May 1, 2012
Alright this is my stance on rich blacks helping poor blacks/middle class.....

All im saying is create a 1. black owned businesses.....and 2. hire black graduates.......what is so bad about that?

You might ask your self why? Well Tariq already has said it.Over half of black graduates are unemployed. Now lets look at the landscape of small and corporate business owners in America.90 percent are white. 90 percent are going to hire their own skin color first over a black man.90 percent already have jobs saved for family/friends.....and the list goes on.

Black grads are left with the scraps....and the rest are unemployed. How can you believe that America has a white supremacist system but look over the fact that black grads are not getting hired. I've saw studies that show a howard degree is just as good an ivy league degree. There is no excuse for this bullshyt to be going on.If the economy was good, blacks imo would still be in the same situation with slightly different percentages.

I know this first hand because a family member of mine has an bachelor degree and cant find shyt.

So why is it so bad to give the poor black common man better opportunities that is TRYING to in better his life, not asking for handouts?
Sounds to me like the problem is that black college graduates to learn all that much if they're only relegated to waiting on someone to give them a job. I would suggest that black graduates link up with each other and create opportunities that will employ themselves. Those are the skills that should've been acquired before graduating from college.

Alright this is my stance on rich blacks helping poor blacks/middle class.....

All im saying is create a 1. black owned businesses.....and 2. hire black graduates.......what is so bad about that?

You might ask your self why? Well Tariq already has said it.Over half of black graduates are unemployed. Now lets look at the landscape of small and corporate business owners in America.90 percent are white. 90 percent are going to hire their own skin color first over a black man.90 percent already have jobs saved for family/friends.....and the list goes on.

Black grads are left with the scraps....and the rest are unemployed. How can you believe that America has a white supremacist system but look over the fact that black grads are not getting hired. I've saw studies that show a howard degree is just as good an ivy league degree. There is no excuse for this bullshyt to be going on.If the economy was good, blacks imo would still be in the same situation with slightly different percentages.

I know this first hand because a family member of mine has an bachelor degree and cant find shyt.

So why is it so bad to give the poor black common man better opportunities that is TRYING to in better his life, not asking for handouts?
Sounds to me like the problem is that black college graduates to learn all that much if they're only relegated to waiting on someone to give them a job. I would suggest that black graduates link up with each other and create opportunities that will employ themselves. Those are the skills that should've been acquired before graduating from college.


The Original
Dec 9, 2012
The Deep State
That's true, Tariq always ranting about nikkas spending money on Jordan's and women spending money on Weaves when it comes to Hidden Color donations. But he get mad as hell when someone ask why don't celebrities give back to the hood.
BECAUSE change starts from the bottom.

When Tariq gave dude a business plan he said "you knw how long that'd take me to do! I'd have to scrounge up money!" and started trying to make excuses.

Thats resistance to change right there.


The Original
Dec 9, 2012
The Deep State
Sounds to me like the problem is that black college graduates to learn all that much if they're only relegated to waiting on someone to give them a job. I would suggest that black graduates link up with each other and create opportunities that will employ themselves. Those are the skills that should've been acquired before graduating from college.

Sounds to me like the problem is that black college graduates to learn all that much if they're only relegated to waiting on someone to give them a job. I would suggest that black graduates link up with each other and create opportunities that will employ themselves. Those are the skills that should've been acquired before graduating from college.
Which is why I tell black students to focus on STEM fields and certain jobs that will give them HARD skills that will make them directly autonomous and employable.


My Words Law
Jul 30, 2013
I could see if black celebrities were actually supported by our community but when you look at these black celebrities you'll see that they're supported by whites not blacks.

This is something people don't get. Whites are the majority and have the most buying power of any group, thus ANY commodity or service will bend towards them, including those by Black people. Either we become insular as low and middle-class Black folk (hard as fukk to change mentality) OR we increase our population (via lobbying for domestic reform and promoting African and Caribbean immigration), those are our only solutions.


Sep 14, 2013
BECAUSE change starts from the bottom.

When Tariq gave dude a business plan he said "you knw how long that'd take me to do! I'd have to scrounge up money!" and started trying to make excuses.

Thats resistance to change right there.
Didn't hear that part. He actually said this? :heh:


My Words Law
Jul 30, 2013
If we're going to hold rich blacks accountable, why not hold the system that put us in the position in the first place? Last time I checked, Kevin Hart didn't burn down your business or Lebron never denied you from housing/business loans. That's like if I lived in LA and I got mad at you because I'm broke, when you didn't do shyt too me?

You come across so damn dumb and naive in any post about our community :comeon:


Jun 19, 2012
The 215
the truth of the matter is blacks look like dikkheads. we have all these blacks making multimillions and NONE of them want to truly give back to the community. i know from the outside looking in, it makes blacks look very stupid. that's why donald sterling said blacks dont have a community and instead of building their own, they'd rather play golf with him
Why don't you log the fukk off here and get this big money and help out the community instead of worrying about what the next person doing with their money and using your relative brokenness as an excuse? nikkas always on that shyt.

A lot of those black celebs rely on someone non-black for their money. If they donate to the school or do something progressive for black people, those people higher up will be :usure:.

They're too scared. Plus they want to be on that "new black" bullshyt where they don't see race and don't want to be too "pro-black".
Nah that's just life not no new black shyt. Why dudes on here talk like,they just giving money away wholesale themselves. How many of yall really giving away they money like that for the community? Being this the net I know it'll mainly be lies but lets try to be honest about it.


May 2, 2012
You sound like the white supremacist. You're even quoting Sterling laughing at the misfortune and ignorance of other blacks.

what sterling said about blacks not having a community is valid, that's not laughing at anyones misfortune. you're treating a bunch of guys that know better like they're ignorant and incompetent.

You can toss that term c00n around at others but you're just projecting. Cats like you don't really care about the community you just use the issue as a means to bring down other blacks.

yeah, man, all of this is in an effort to just bring down other blacks. :rudy:

I'm not against blacks investing in ourselves, each other, and our communities because that's a responsibility that we all have and that we all should take on. I'm against crabs jumping on your high horse pointing at blacks higher than you trying to bring them down.

good god you idiots are uninformed. these same nikkas you're defending looks down on lower class blacks heavier than most. talking bout a high horse, the real high horse is nikkas who think they're too good to reach back because those in the hood are undeserving.

Why aren't you investing in black communities? Why aren't you getting your friends and family to invest in the community? Those are the things that you should be worried about before you start pointing the finger at others.

this is a deflection. you, tariq, and most of the people in this thread know damn well most blacks dont have the kinda money to start a business tomorrow. how many of you have friends right now in a position to put up 25,000 dollars to help start a small business? this is not about individuals, as individuals, blacks are fine. this is about blacks as a collective trying to establish NETWORKS. that's how you build a real economic base for your children and grand children.

With all of the disposable income that runs in and out of our community we don't need celebrity blacks to play the savior roles

with that being said, why do those in the position capitalize off all that black wealth let it go to non-blacks? once again, most of these guy go broke within 5 yr of retirement. that wouldn't happen if they established businesses within black neighborhoods.

. A lot of these celebrities do have businesses in the hood and do give back. Obviously that's not good enough for you which makes it seem like you just want to be saved. You want black celebrities to make sacrifices that you yourself aren't willing to make. That's weak.

i've probably donated more to charity than you make in a year, breh. but i'm not a multi-millionaire in a position to create gainful employment for others. most blacks still dont even understand most of our problems come from lack of money.


May 2, 2012
It's not about "giving free money". It's more about people putting too much faith in athletes and entertainers. A lot of those people act brand new when they get fame and money so to expect them to reach back and do something meaningful for the black community is wishful thinking.

well i don't know who's putting faith in entertainers and athletes, its just a valid question.