Black people generally support Democrats because the GOP is mostly gutter trash that caters to angry White men who resent Black people and feel like they own the country. Simple as that.
It doesn't mean Democrats don't have lots of flaws. All political parties do. But I still find a higher % of Democrats electable on average than Republicans, especially the ones who aren't Neo-Liberals like Biden or Hillary. But even with Biden and Hillary who aren't my ideal candidates, I'll still take them over 90% of Republicans any day of the week.
Black people refusing to vote will cause Black politicians to go the way of the Dodo bird and put us at the mercy of non-Black voters.
TLR is under the assumption that Black people boycotting Democrats will cause the DNC to pander to us harder than ever but the exact opposite is true. The DNC will simply run "anti-woke" Democrats claiming to be moderates and Centrists to appeal to the "Silent Majority", working class Whites, non-Black POC, and suburban White women. And their focus on Black issues will drop immensely due to no longer feeling pressure to cater to our needs and causes.
As for voting 3rd Party, I do applaud Cornel West for trying something different. But it's basically reinventing the wheel at this point. There's Black Democrats who are more active and pro-Black/pro-tangibles than Cornel West and 3rd Party candidates still need to meet the same requirements as the major political parties in order to win elections and get legislation passed. Running as 3rd Party sounds cool on paper and makes you sound like a rebel but, in the grand scheme of things, it's just a label. It sounds cooler to be "Independent" than a Democrat/Republican but, ultimately, things will only be radically different if your agenda is radically different and I don't see much evidence that Cornel is going to be any more radical than Bernie Sanders who's a Democrat based on what he's proposing.
But, sticking to the point, Black people have conscious reasons not to vote GOP. Voting Democrat doesn't automatically make you a sheep especially since not every Democrat is the same. The ONLY politicians that have been pushing for reparations and tangibles in parts of the country such as Evanston, IL are Democrats. Show me a Republican or Libertarian politician or area that's pushing for the same shyt and I'll show you how to surf in Arizona....