The Tariq Nasheed Thread


Mar 11, 2022
I think the "whatever reason" is that Yvette was on the most obvious grift jumping from "Vote for Ron Paul for president, he's our only hope!" to working for a literal white-supremacist to push his agenda on immigration to attacking reparations advocates because reparations was "unrealistic" to then jumping on the reparations bandwagon at the same time that right-wingers started pumping the hash tag to dissuade the Black vote.

All those shifts happened within about 5 years. Why should I trust someone's political commentary at any level if they were a full-grown adult and didn't realize pumping up Ron Paul and working to advance a White Supremacist agenda were a bad thing?
Can you post proof that she did all of that, cause one thing I noticed when people bring them up is they want to take things out of context or make shyt up because they didn’t follow mainstream democratic doctrine

You Win Perfect

bow down
Jan 31, 2013
Let’s seee. Most of the posters in here are white supremacists that hate not only Tariq but every other black person. The other portion are self hating pocket watching immigrant tethers dancing the jig for those same white supremacists. :yawn:
Of course the staff that supports all the anti black shyt on this site gives me warning points for “race baiting”

Professor Emeritus

Poster of the Year
Jan 5, 2015
the ether
Can you post proof that she did all of that, cause one thing I noticed when people bring them up is they want to take things out of context or make shyt up because they didn’t follow mainstream democratic doctrine

I was ready to KIM but if you really want to put full blast out there....

Yvette tried to memory-hole her 2012 Ron Paul caping by deleting all posts where she did it, but thankfully the Wayback Machine still exists that includes some of the times she was going to bat for him, including where she literally told Black people to stop worrying about racism because there are other bigger issues out there:

Well, putting aside the question of how one defines “convincingly”, at the heart of the teeth gnashing are Paul’s racist newsletters and their import. For me, this would be a much tougher nut to crack if structural and/or cultural racism were still the most heinous defect in the American body politic. But in a country where indefinite detention just became the law of the land, it’s not. In a country where unmanned American drones are killing innocent children abroad, it’s not. And in a country where mortgage scammers are protected from prosecution while Americans are being foreclosed on in record numbers, it’s not. Sorry black folks, but race and racism are not the biggest issues of the 21st century and to imagine otherwise is to conflate the issue and put the needs of your community ahead of the needs of America in particular and the global community in general. In that way, it’s a selfish usurpation of the political agenda to placate the few, and it shouldn’t be tolerated by black people of conscience.

.....I wish Andrew Sullivan hadn’t unendorsed Paul. And I wish Ta-Nehisi Coates hadn’t done a “hip hop hooray” to cosign it.
If I can cut a deal with Ron Paul whereby I exchange my vote for an end to the failed War on Drugs, a war that has unfairly imprisoned far too many of our young black men, and put an end to a War on Terror that has redirected tax dollars from our communities to drones attacks, then I’ll consider it. It’s not personal. It’s business. It’s politics.

Remember, this isn't just a guy whose newsletters were full of racist rants, a guy who was frequently associated with and photographed with known white supremacists, but a guy who publicly posted shyt like this as recently as 2018:


Apparently one of those issues that's "bigger than racism" is immigration. In 2014 Yvette became a board member of PFIR, "Progressives For Immigration Reform". Yvette tried to juelz and claim it was a progressive cause because the org had "progressive" in its name, but it was open knowledge from the beginning that PFIR was just a front group for John Tanton, a White Supremacist who founded FAIR and a dozen other racist organizations. The SPLC had a piece exposing PFIR as a mere FAIR re-tred with different packaging from the moment it was founded in 2010. The founding president of PFIR was a former attorney for FAIR, the founding VP of PFIR was a board member for both FAIR and CIS (another racist hate group founded by Tanton), and the blogger for PFIR was an author at CIS. Events run by PFIR have included White Nationalists such as VDARE's Peter Brimelow, the Social Contract's Wayne Lutton, and U.S., Inc's K.C. McAlpin.

Many speakers at PFIR’s event had links to John Tanton, the racist founder of the modern anti-immigration movement. Representatives from NumbersUSA and the Center for Immigration Studies—groups founded by Tanton—participated. The incestuous nature of the Tanton network was embodied in the person of PFIR Executive Director Leah Durant, who formerly was employed by the Federation for American Immigration Reform’s (FAIR) legal arm, the Immigration Reform Law Institute. FAIR, which the Southern Poverty Law Center lists as a hate group, was founded by Tanton, who still serves on the group’s board. For a time, Durant also was part of Choose Black America, a FAIR front group supposedly representing the interests of African Americans concerned with high levels of immigration. The group disintegrated not long after its first press conference, which was paid for and stage-managed by FAIR.
PFIR has a storied anti-immigrant history that is anything but progressive. As Imagine 2050 noted, “PFIR aims to make the anti-immigrant movement’s nativism palatable for environmentally minded liberals.” The group has ties to the nativist John Tanton Network, designated a hate group by the Southern Poverty Law Center. Imagine 2050 also found a group photo of PFIR’s executive director Leah Durant posing with two anti-immigrant, anti-Semitic individuals at a 2009 writer’s workshop put on by The Social Contract Press, known for publishing provocative, anti-immigrant, and sometime racist works. Durant also worked as an attorney for another anti-immigrant Tanton organization called the Federation of Americans for Immigration Reform (FAIR).

In case there's any doubt that John Tanton is a White Supremacist, more receipts are here: PFIR is not a progressive organization

As late as 2017 she was fully pushing the FAIR agenda, complaining that "Native citizens who are white" were being mistreated in this country because people were talking like they were no better than immigrants...and running with the incredible claim that White people aren't immigrants because they successfully killed off the Native Americans and thus it's a native white country now.

“Even native citizens who are white should not be treated the way these immigrants are treated. These are native people. There’s supposed to be some value to citizenship. What Obama is doing and the Democratic Party as a whole is convincing you is that there is nothing special about you. You’re just like the person who just crossed the border.”
“Let’s be honest about one thing. Everybody says we’re all immigrants if we’re not Native Americans. That’s not true. Let me tell you what happened. And its an ugly, ugly story. One that I don’t agree with. I don’t agree with just slaughtering people and taking their stuff. But that’s what happened. These people came here, who founded this country, came here and slaughtered the Native Americans and founded a new country. It’s not the same thing. That’s called a conquest. That’s not the same country anymore. They took it over, snatched it from the people that had it and created something new. We’re not like a nation of immigrants. And that’s what Obama wants you to believe. At least the people who supported Trump are like understanding that there’s supposed to be some value to citizenship. They realize America is in decline and that there are no more benefits to that citizenship.”

Yet at the same time she was throwing on the cape for "native white people", she was shytting on anyone who pushed for reparations as promoting "identity politics". This is Yvette in 2016 shytting on Coates and others who were pushing reparations:

YVETTE CARNELL: Well, listen. I would tell anyone that I am in favor of reparations. But reparations for me looks a lot like what Bernie Sanders defined. Reparations for me is massive investment in poor communities. And for me the whole problem with Ta-Nehisi Coates and what he, and what he did, what he did to me was really intellectually bankrupt. Because what he’s asking black people to do is follow this kind of identity politics, this kind of black identity politics, everything has to be about us being black people as opposed to everything being about us being poor people, disproportionately poor. And he wants us to follow down that road which really is a road to nowhere, leads to a goose egg.

Isn't that wild considering her positions now? Saying, "Black Americans need to put aside their personal issues with racism because it's not the biggest problem facing America" or "Pushing for reparations is bullshyt identity politics" or "It's okay to be part of a John Tanton front group because it has 'progressive' in the name" can you justify that? And the worst part to me is that she speaks with such venom and disregard for anyone who holds a different position than her now, when just three years earlier she was shytting on the exact same people from the opposite side.

Yvette in 2016: "Ta-Nehisi Coates is on some bullshyt pushing this pro-Black reparations, he should be more like Bernie Sanders and only push race-neutral things."

Yvette in 2019: "Ta-Nehisi Coates is on some bullshyt supporting Bernie Sanders, I don't think his commitment to solely pro-black tangibles is strong enough."
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Mar 11, 2022
I was ready to KIM but if you really want to put full blast out there....

Yvette tried to memory-hole her 2012 Ron Paul caping by deleting all posts where she did it, but thankfully the Wayback Machine still exists that includes some of the times she was going to bat for him, including where she literally told Black people to stop worrying about racism because there are other bigger issues out there:

Remember, this isn't just a guy whose newsletters were full of racist rants, a guy who was frequently associated with and photographed with known white supremacists, but a guy who publicly posted shyt like this as recently as 2018:


Apparently one of those issues that's "bigger than racism" is immigration. In 2014 Yvette became a board member of PFIR, "Progressives For Immigration Reform". Yvette tried to juelz and claim it was a progressive cause because the org had "progressive" in its name, but it was open knowledge from the beginning that PFIR was just a front group for John Tanton, a White Supremacist who founded FAIR and a dozen other racist organizations. The SPLC had a piece exposing PFIR as a mere FAIR re-tred with different packaging from the moment it was founded in 2010. The founding president of PFIR was a former attorney for FAIR, the founding VP of PFIR was a board member for both FAIR and CIS (another racist hate group founded by Tanton), and the blogger for PFIR was an author at CIS. Events run by PFIR have included White Nationalists such as VDARE's Peter Brimelow, the Social Contract's Wayne Lutton, and U.S., Inc's K.C. McAlpin.

In case there's any doubt that John Tanton is a White Supremacist, more receipts are here: PFIR is not a progressive organization

As late as 2017 she was fully pushing the FAIR agenda, complaining that "Native citizens who are white" were being mistreated in this country because people were talking like they were no better than immigrants...and running with the incredible claim that White people aren't immigrants because they successfully killed off the Native Americans and thus it's a native white country now.

Yet at the same time she was throwing on the cape for "native white people", she was shytting on anyone who pushed for reparations as promoting "identity politics". This is Yvette in 2016 shytting on Coates and others who were pushing reparations:

Isn't that wild considering her positions now? Saying, "Black Americans need to put aside their personal issues with racism because it's not the biggest problem facing America" or "Pushing for reparations is bullshyt identity politics" or "It's okay to be part of a John Tanton front group because it has 'progressive' in the name" can you justify that? And the worst part to me is that she speaks with such venom and disregard for anyone who holds a different position than her now, when just three years earlier she was shytting on the exact same people from the opposite side.

Yvette in 2016: "Ta-Nehisi Coates is on some bullshyt pushing this pro-Black reparations, he should be more like Bernie Sanders and only push race-neutral things."

Yvette in 2019: "Ta-Nehisi Coates is on some bullshyt supporting Bernie Sanders, I don't think his commitment to solely pro-black tangibles is strong enough."

The stuff she said about Ron Paul isn’t crazy or wild and if you got a problem with that then you should have a problem with most people who vote for president or any type of office, the video or her being on a board doesn’t suggest she’s pushing republican agendas or being anti immigrant, if u actually read the article she not shytting on Coates she actually saying some real shyt about the topic of reparations
Ain’t nobody perfect but trying to label her as a grifter, republican, pushing lgbtq agenda, COINTELPRO, Russian troll robot is disingenuous
If y’all was serious about black political commentary y’all wouldn’t try y’all hardest to dismiss her or anybody who don’t go with mainstream shyt, all this lowkey gate keeping is corny and y’all wonder why shot don’t be getting done

Professor Emeritus

Poster of the Year
Jan 5, 2015
the ether
The stuff she said about Ron Paul isn’t crazy or wild and if you got a problem with that then you should have a problem with most people who vote for president or any type of office, the video or her being on a board doesn’t suggest she’s pushing republican agendas or being anti immigrant, if u actually read the article she not shytting on Coates she actually saying some real shyt about the topic of reparations

The shyt she said about Ron Paul was completely wild. First, it ain't just that he's racist, but he was one of the most openly racist people in national public office. How many other congressmen published a newsletter with articles as racist as Ron Paul's newsletter? How many other congressmen took photographs with famous White Supremacists? How many other congressmen publicly posted tweets with grotesque racist caricatures? And that's only half of it - saying she'd take the Ron Paul deal is wild when you consider that 4 years later she was pushing for Bernie Sanders and claiming that his social programs were the equivalent of reparations. Ron Paul's social programs are the EXACT OPPOSITE of Bernie Sanders. Every single social program Bernie Sanders would support, Ron Paul would decimate. So if Bernie Sanders is the equivalent of reparations, like Yvette said, then supporting Ron Paul wouldn't just be supporting someone who wasn't gonna do reparations, it would be supporting someone who would turn the clock completely backwards and make it worse. How can you cape forthat?

And how can you say she wasn't being anti-immigrant when she served on the board of PFIR which was literally nothing but an anti-immigrant group and a front org for White Supremacist John Tanton? No reason for PFIR to exist other than to serve a white nationalist anti-immigrant agenda.

And you said she wasn't shytting on Coates when, in 2016 when she lambasted him for "playing black identity politics" and not supporting Bernie Sanders, or in 2019 when she attacked him for supporting Bernie Sanders and not fully committing to Black identity politics? Those are literally polar opposites. And those aren't the only times she's attacked Coates, she goes at him over and over and over for unclear reasons. I mean how the fukk does she write this essay:

And then turn around 3 years later with all of this shade from the COMPLETE opposite angle?

There are dozens of messages like that. She spends 10x as much time shytting on Coates as she does the White Nationalists like Ron Paul and John Tanton.