The Tariq Nasheed Thread


Jul 25, 2018
People really have no soul bro damn :wow:. This c00n is really crowbarring a white supremacist talking point about black fatherhood on the heels of two mass shootings…one where black people were the majority slain by a white supremacist and the other where 21 people (19 children!) were murdered by a non-black person. I don’t understand how some people are wired smh.

Just because he didn’t explicitly say black doesn’t mean shyt.
Breh, black conservatives are the saddest people on planet Earth.

I haven't bothered to see what ignorant shyt Candace Owens has said. I'm pretty sure she was more upset over all these attacks against "white supremacists," "Trump supporters" and suggestions of "racism" than she was sorry for the victims and their families. Expressing remorse for black folks is something she has clearly drowned out of her consciousness in order to keep up with her persona of an "outspoken black conservative being silenced."

Becoming a high profile "black conservative" who is the anointed apologetic mouthpiece for white power, invited on Hannity every night, truly is the final refuge of all black conservatives once they've decided that their life goal is to detach themselves from their own "uncivilized" people.
No different than all their weirdos here on TLR who desperately want to disassociate from being viewed as or called "African" by the world because they think they're high and mighty and special. They also wish to be disassociated from Democrats and liberals. It's coming from the same attitude of detaching from other minorities, other black people, and selfless liberalism out of some perceived superiority. Folks here just love putting up "pro-blackity black" fronts.

Candace Owens also puts on a front of being pro-black while perpetuating nothing but conspiracies about Democrats and liberals. Once again, not unlike here.
They know their role and they're always willing to play that role and overcompensate. And I think some people have a tough time believing that these psychos really believe what they say. It ain't all an act. They really do believe they've been blessed with unique intellect and moral discipline that makes them "conservative" and above others. Again, not unlike the "black people are actually conservative because we value family" Coli cliques falling for Fox News southern strategy nonsense. And the hate and resentment they have toward anything "pro-black" or "black pride" is real.

Black conservatives have their own version of being pro-black and that is discrediting any sort of revolutionary talk, discrediting every part of our culture as degenerate or "savage" if you will, and helping us become more "proper" and "stop killing each other." They hate any show of true self love, true self respect, and true self acceptance followed by speaking out for our pain and solving it's root causes. It's a tremendous hit to their insecurities that led them to being conservative, to see black people take care of themselves with action and self-love rather than docile obedience and silence.

In the case of this kid, he was raised by a "black conservative" former athlete. It was probably drilled in his head all day and night that America is not racist. White folks ain't hurting nobody, that's just what the liberals want you to believe to keep you on their plantation and divide us. In fact all the ills of America are the cause of US. We don't want to take responsibility for ourselves, so we blame racism. Just that simple. Don't get on the Democrat plantation! True freedom is hating ourselves, sucking up to others, and voting Republican." This was drilled in his head so often by his overcompensating bootlicking Dad that he is oblivious to when an incident of gun violence has nothing to do with anyone's "personal responsibility" and wasn't even caused by an "irresponsible" dead beat Dad "not taking care of his kids," but the poor mental heath of an anxious individual and the easy access to guns granted to him by HIS OWN IDEOLOGY, which they of course deny. They're the ones that want to blame others and have no accountability for anything.

It is nothing but confusion trying to figure out how people can live with such little integrity.


Mar 11, 2022
If your argument is Ron Paul is racist why support him then what about every other politician that y’all beat the drums for
What papers or articles have yevtte published while on that board that gives you this idea that she is pushing a racist agenda
She giving critiques on what Coates said but shyt not “shytting” on him
Everybody has they opinion about whatever the fukk, nobody perfect but it’s bullshyt to give somebody the label grifter cause you don’t like they opinions
Y’all been trying to destroy umar with that shyt for years, a nikka who trying to support kids

Professor Emeritus

Poster of the Year
Jan 5, 2015
the ether
If your argument is Ron Paul is racist why support him then what about every other politician that y’all beat the drums for
What papers or articles have yevtte published while on that board that gives you this idea that she is pushing a racist agenda
She giving critiques on what Coates said but shyt not “shytting” on him
Everybody has they opinion about whatever the fukk, nobody perfect but it’s bullshyt to give somebody the label grifter cause you don’t like they opinions
Y’all been trying to destroy umar with that shyt for years, a nikka who trying to support kids

A. I literally never talk about Umar, I don't know him outside of seeing his name in a lot of Coli thread titles.

B. Everything else is already answered in the previous posts. And it's not that I think Yvette is racist. It's that I think she is incredibly inconsistent, self-contradictory, and contrarion, thus easily allows herself to get used by racists.

Please explain to me why she vehemently attacked Coates for being too pro-Black on reparations and then not pro-Black enough on reparations just 3 years apart when Coates hadn't changed at all? And then start shytting on him and saying he didn't spurt the movement when YOU were the one trying to hold him back when he was starting the movement?

Please explain to me how she can defend supporting Ron Paul in the 2012 election despite his vehement racism and hatred for social programs, then turn around and support Bernie Sanders in the next election because of his social programs, then turn around and attack anyone who votes for Bernie Sanders in the election after that because social programs aren't enough and you have to be openly pro-black with "tangibles"?

I don't see a coherent strategy or philosophy. I see a scattershot antagonism that lends itself to caping for Ron Paul, caping for John Tanton, caping for Steve Bannon, etc. It doesn't do any good.


Mar 11, 2022
A. I literally never talk about Umar, I don't know him outside of seeing his name in a lot of Coli thread titles.

B. Everything else is already answered in the previous posts. And it's not that I think Yvette is racist. It's that I think she is incredibly inconsistent, self-contradictory, and contrarion, thus easily allows herself to get used by racists.

Please explain to me why she vehemently attacked Coates for being too pro-Black on reparations and then not pro-Black enough on reparations just 3 years apart when Coates hadn't changed at all? And then start shytting on him and saying he didn't spurt the movement when YOU were the one trying to hold him back when he was starting the movement?

Please explain to me how she can defend supporting Ron Paul in the 2012 election despite his vehement racism and hatred for social programs, then turn around and support Bernie Sanders in the next election because of his social programs, then turn around and attack anyone who votes for Bernie Sanders in the election after that because social programs aren't enough and you have to be openly pro-black with "tangibles"?

I don't see a coherent strategy or philosophy. I see a scattershot antagonism that lends itself to caping for Ron Paul, caping for John Tanton, caping for Steve Bannon, etc. It doesn't do any good.
None of that stuff happened, your over extravagant, she explained her point of view in the articles you posted

Professor Emeritus

Poster of the Year
Jan 5, 2015
the ether
Breh, black conservatives are the saddest people on planet Earth.

I haven't bothered to see what ignorant shyt Candace Owens has said. I'm pretty sure she was more upset over all these attacks against "white supremacists," "Trump supporters" and suggestions of "racism" than she was sorry for the victims and their families. Expressing remorse for black folks is something she has clearly drowned out of her consciousness in order to keep up with her persona of an "outspoken black conservative being silenced."

Even worse - within hours of the shooting she low-key blamed the Buffalo shooting on a Black person ("He did it first!") and used the Buffalo deaths to deflect to "Media doesn't cover attacks on White people enough!"

These are literally her only tweets on the Buffalo shooting. She posted all of them within 24 hours of the shooting and then went back to promoting her anti-BLM book:

That's it. That's her entire take on the shooting. "The media shouldn't cover anti-black hate so much, it's not fair to white people!"

For the Uvalde shooting, which she's given 10x as much attention, she's spent the entire time attacking the media, attacking gun control advocates, and pushing the conspiracy theory that the shooter was trans and that was why he did it (also implying that it could have been stopped because all trans people should be profiled as potential mass shooters or something).


Mar 26, 2017
In all honesty I'm beginning to wonder if even that is true. I don't watch his shyt.

This man is, what?, in his fukking 40s? Still militant roleplaying and refusing to vote?

If the man is this entirely 1) disingenuous or 2) totally lost about something as important as politics and government at this point in his life I doubt he has any useful input on any other subject. And that includes dating, pimping, singing, fashion and whatever else this hustler gets on.

If anything Tariq and Yvette should be a reminder to folks that it's time to get serious about black politics and return to scholarship. We gave a bunch of "new black media" internet gawkers saying everything that's sounds nice, pretending to be the second coming of Malcolm X, and suggesting anything that is contrary to any reasonable consesus a chance and they all failed us. They accomplished nothing other than instilling bigoted views about immigrants in black people and convincing us not to participate in elections. Wow what modern day heroes. They'll be in the history books for ages.

I'd rather walk over to my local city college, sit with a professor and get some REAL schooling on white supremacy with someone of proven intellect, background and passion for what he's talking about. Not some attention starved narcissists shouting "fukk Democrats. Both sides is white supremacists. Drop those donations" and other simple minded shyt.

Or better yet sit alone with a book written by proven authors and historians.

I think we all learned a lesson trusting "new black media" and a bunch of politically one sided right wing weirdos named "Youngh Pharoah" "The Black Authority" and "Mink Slide" repeating the same shyt to absolutely no results whatsoever. When I was a child those of us who were interested in black politics sought after actual activists, authors, professors, and books to disseminate political knowledge to us. It's seriously time for young black folks who are truly passionate about politics and black history to log off the damn social media and get back to scholarship.
Everything you said after the bolded is null and void.
Before you can critique something or somebody, you have to have some knowledge of what you're critiquing.
Tariq is far from perfect. He can definitely be critiqued.
Nobody is perfect. People need to stop looking for perfection in public figures.

When Malcolm X started gaining public attention, a lot of Black people were not down with him.
People heard him call white people devils, dissing Christianity, calling out MLK and other Black leaders and they dismissed him.
Even Malcolm, as dope as he was, was off about some things. MLK was off on some things and he even openly acknowledged that he was.

With anyone, you pick out what you find useful and discard the things you don't.
It's called critical thinking and it's not that hard.
Last edited:


Jul 25, 2018

So basically this stupid ship just repeats whatever his father says without an ounce of critical thought and at the expense of his entire self esteem. Rainbow cult. Indoctrination.

His demented narcissistic father can't accept that his son is gay because it contradicts his "conservative values" and his self image as a Christian conservative black man. So he'd rather have his son walk on this earth with all this confused self loathing and self hatred in order to protect his image.

Wonderful "conservative values" parenting thecoli loves gushing over. Self-centered, self-important, guilt-filled, shame-filled, emotionally neglectful "conservative values" parenting that's gonna have this poor confused child putting a bullet through his head in no time.

It's sad to watch. It's tragic.


Jul 25, 2018
I was ready to KIM but if you really want to put full blast out there....

Yvette tried to memory-hole her 2012 Ron Paul caping by deleting all posts where she did it, but thankfully the Wayback Machine still exists that includes some of the times she was going to bat for him, including where she literally told Black people to stop worrying about racism because there are other bigger issues out there:

Remember, this isn't just a guy whose newsletters were full of racist rants, a guy who was frequently associated with and photographed with known white supremacists, but a guy who publicly posted shyt like this as recently as 2018:


Apparently one of those issues that's "bigger than racism" is immigration. In 2014 Yvette became a board member of PFIR, "Progressives For Immigration Reform". Yvette tried to juelz and claim it was a progressive cause because the org had "progressive" in its name, but it was open knowledge from the beginning that PFIR was just a front group for John Tanton, a White Supremacist who founded FAIR and a dozen other racist organizations. The SPLC had a piece exposing PFIR as a mere FAIR re-tred with different packaging from the moment it was founded in 2010. The founding president of PFIR was a former attorney for FAIR, the founding VP of PFIR was a board member for both FAIR and CIS (another racist hate group founded by Tanton), and the blogger for PFIR was an author at CIS. Events run by PFIR have included White Nationalists such as VDARE's Peter Brimelow, the Social Contract's Wayne Lutton, and U.S., Inc's K.C. McAlpin.

In case there's any doubt that John Tanton is a White Supremacist, more receipts are here: PFIR is not a progressive organization

As late as 2017 she was fully pushing the FAIR agenda, complaining that "Native citizens who are white" were being mistreated in this country because people were talking like they were no better than immigrants...and running with the incredible claim that White people aren't immigrants because they successfully killed off the Native Americans and thus it's a native white country now.

Yet at the same time she was throwing on the cape for "native white people", she was shytting on anyone who pushed for reparations as promoting "identity politics". This is Yvette in 2016 shytting on Coates and others who were pushing reparations:

Isn't that wild considering her positions now? Saying, "Black Americans need to put aside their personal issues with racism because it's not the biggest problem facing America" or "Pushing for reparations is bullshyt identity politics" or "It's okay to be part of a John Tanton front group because it has 'progressive' in the name" can you justify that? And the worst part to me is that she speaks with such venom and disregard for anyone who holds a different position than her now, when just three years earlier she was shytting on the exact same people from the opposite side.

Yvette in 2016: "Ta-Nehisi Coates is on some bullshyt pushing this pro-Black reparations, he should be more like Bernie Sanders and only push race-neutral things."

Yvette in 2019: "Ta-Nehisi Coates is on some bullshyt supporting Bernie Sanders, I don't think his commitment to solely pro-black tangibles is strong enough."

Maaaaaaaan! We need them reps back. Keep reminding these idiots who the real agents among us are. I been hip to these net banging roleplay militant agents and their right wing ties but this bytch was a whole entire bought and paid for mouthpiece for white nationalist agendas. Yet had a whole fleet of nikkas that can't think critically on their own but want the attention praising her like she the second coming of Gloria Richardson. And for what? Because she "shyts on Democrats and immigrants" and is restoring some phony sense of "pride" for people who clearly had no pride to begin with.

How cults are formed 101.

And then once her clout ran out they moved on to the next hustling thought leader....Tariq Nasheed. Cus they just can't get enough of spending their money to just to hear shallow meaningless contrarian takes.

If I knew repeating "fukk Democrats. They white supremacists too!" For an hour, before logging off ans returning to my normal life with my white wife and in-laws in a gated community is all it takes to milk money from a cult-like audience that refuses to listen to themselves rather than me, I'd reach in yalls damn wallets to. And I'd do it without bigging up Trump and Herschel Walker.

The older I get the more realize some motherfukkers really are simple minded and stupid. No matter how old they get. I realize there really are people out there that do not like or prefer to think critically for themselves.

Tribal Outkast

Nov 22, 2016
Even worse - within hours of the shooting she low-key blamed the Buffalo shooting on a Black person ("He did it first!") and used the Buffalo deaths to deflect to "Media doesn't cover attacks on White people enough!"

These are literally her only tweets on the Buffalo shooting. She posted all of them within 24 hours of the shooting and then went back to promoting her anti-BLM book:

That's it. That's her entire take on the shooting. "The media shouldn't cover anti-black hate so much, it's not fair to white people!"

For the Uvalde shooting, which she's given 10x as much attention, she's spent the entire time attacking the media, attacking gun control advocates, and pushing the conspiracy theory that the shooter was trans and that was why he did it (also implying that it could have been stopped because all trans people should be profiled as potential mass shooters or something).

fukk is she even talking about? Smh. I’m tired of people playing these games when people are dying out here. The media ain’t even the first people you should even worry about in there shooter situations. How about putting these shooters friends and family on blast. How about the people in their social media circles or chat rooms. The media can’t always be the scapegoat. This shyt is happening no matter if the media talks about it or not


Jul 25, 2018
Everything you said after the bolded is null and void.
Before you can critique something or somebody, you have to have some knowledge of what you're critiquing.
Tariq is far from perfect. He can definitely be critiqued.
Nobody is perfect. People need to stop looking for perfection in public figures.

When Malcolm X started gaining public attention, a lot of Black people were not down with him.
People heard him call white people devils, dissing Christianity, calling out MLK and other Black leaders and they dismissed him.
Even Malcolm, as dope as he was, was off about some things. MLK was off on some things and he even openly acknowledged that he was.

With anyone, you pick out what you find useful and discard the things you don't.
It's called critical thinking and it's not that hard.

Shut up idiot. I'm familiar enough with Nasheeds nonsense to know there's nothing valuable about him and whatever he has to say. I'm not digging through a mountain of shyt and dropping a donation behind me just to hear some opportunistic bigot give me some shallow take about "white supremacy" I would obviously agree with. You are the perfect audience for these scammers. Someone who willing to be bullshytted if he can just hear something that makes him feel good. Forget their intent.

It reminds of all these fools back 2017 who will eagerly "agree with Trump" on any dumb obvious shyt...including Tariq himself cours...when hes being opportunistic about certain subjects. Yeah let's start validating, boosting, and listening to racist, bigoted, narcisstic white supremacists because once in a while they say something you agree with. "Agreeing" and taking away only what you want to hear like a bunch of lost puppy dogs waiting for a biscuit.

Everyone is capable of saying something you can agree with. A Ku Kux Klansmen can tell me children's mental health is important, we should have universal Healthcare in this country, people have a right to take pride in this race, and the Yankees rock. Oh look we agree on some shyt. That doesn't make them someone I need to listen to consistently, seek knowledge from, or actively support financially or in any way if the embodiment of his view are lies, weird conspiracies, sensationalized bigotr, and steeped in his own agenda that is counter productive to my own. What type of critical thinking you call that? In fact that's anti-critical thinking. That is literally tuning out your own critical thought in favor of just looking for shyt you agree with.

Critical thought is realizing this guy is clearly running his own agenda for white people, is opportunistic in his concern for black people, and needs to just go away, not receive more viewers and support because "he says things I agree with sometimes." Yeah, that's how the grift works dummy. Reel you in with shyt about white supremacy you can agree with then get you to not vote Democrats and go with his agenda. Because yall can agree sometimes, right? fukk him.

I'm not looking for a perfect political figure. I'm looking for a trustworthy one. Which Tariq is 100% not. He can shove his little jokes and gags and speeches up his ass.


Jul 25, 2018
Even worse - within hours of the shooting she low-key blamed the Buffalo shooting on a Black person ("He did it first!") and used the Buffalo deaths to deflect to "Media doesn't cover attacks on White people enough!"

These are literally her only tweets on the Buffalo shooting. She posted all of them within 24 hours of the shooting and then went back to promoting her anti-BLM book:

That's it. That's her entire take on the shooting. "The media shouldn't cover anti-black hate so much, it's not fair to white people!"

For the Uvalde shooting, which she's given 10x as much attention, she's spent the entire time attacking the media, attacking gun control advocates, and pushing the conspiracy theory that the shooter was trans and that was why he did it (also implying that it could have been stopped because all trans people should be profiled as potential mass shooters or something).

And these nikkas was bigging her all the way up just the other week because she "say some shyt I agree with" "she don't go along with Democrats."

I'm telling you there has to be a real case study about this level of Stockholm syndrome you in fools like Kanye West, all of "new black media," . Where you grow to admire someone detestable, clearly untrustworthy, and clearly against your own interest just because they're not accepted by the mainstream media (and if I owned a reputable news network I wouldn't put on these clowns either), are contrarian to every reasonable consesus everyone else is on, and says simple minded selective things that somehow absolves them of criticism and in fact makes them deserving of public support. No matter how many times they are revealed to be a liar and a fraud.

I wish I knew this thinking and the psychology behind it. I can only imagine the level of deep self-loathing and sadness you have to be so committed and untrusting of your own reliable mind and your own ability to gather info and make a personal choice. How hard is it to change your mind about a damn media personality you once respected.

It's like they do not trust themselves to do things like read and gather knowledge on their own,through their own proof and conviction. So once they find some pro-black mommy or daddy who holds their hand, tells them "enlightening" shyt, and sprinkles in all the typical cult building nonsense about having secret knowledge no one else has, they latch on to it. To the point they are willing to accept being lied to and even open their wallets.

These dudes really have no trust in their own intellect. They will argue to high heaven to defend someone else's intellect. Someone just sitting at a computer just like them. And have no idea they are every bit as smart as their leader (that's not a compliment btw).


Jul 25, 2018
fukk is she even talking about? Smh. I’m tired of people playing these games when people are dying out here. The media ain’t even the first people you should even worry about in there shooter situations. How about putting these shooters friends and family on blast. How about the people in their social media circles or chat rooms. The media can’t always be the scapegoat. This shyt is happening no matter if the media talks about it or not

Well sadly we got a lot of dumb nikkas who will disregard this shyt and go out of their way openly defend this woman because they "aGrEe wIt hEr oN DeMoCrAtS. We DoNt HaVe To AlWaYys bE DeMoCrAt. ShE RiGhT tHo. I cAn PiCk OuT wUt I AgReE wIt!"

Professor Emeritus

Poster of the Year
Jan 5, 2015
the ether
And these nikkas was bigging her all the way up just the other week because she "say some shyt I agree with" "she don't go along with Democrats."

I'm telling you there has to be a real case study about this level of Stockholm syndrome you in fools like Kanye West, all of "new black media," . Where you grow to admire someone detestable, clearly untrustworthy, and clearly against your own interest just because they're not accepted by the mainstream media (and if I owned a reputable news network I wouldn't put on these clowns either), are contrarian to every reasonable consesus everyone else is on, and says simple minded selective things that somehow absolves them of criticism and in fact makes them deserving of public support. No matter how many times they are revealed to be a liar and a fraud.

I wish I knew this thinking and the psychology behind it. I can only imagine the level of deep self-loathing and sadness you have to be so committed and untrusting of your own reliable mind and your own ability to gather info and make a personal choice. How hard is it to change your mind about a damn media personality you once respected.

It's like they do not trust themselves to do things like read and gather knowledge on their own,through their own proof and conviction. So once they find some pro-black mommy or daddy who holds their hand, tells them "enlightening" shyt, and sprinkles in all the typical cult building nonsense about having secret knowledge no one else has, they latch on to it. To the point they are willing to accept being lied to and even open their wallets.

These dudes really have no trust in their own intellect. They will argue to high heaven to defend someone else's intellect. Someone just sitting at a computer just like them. And have no idea they are every bit as smart as their leader (that's not a compliment btw).
fukk is she even talking about? Smh. I’m tired of people playing these games when people are dying out here. The media ain’t even the first people you should even worry about in there shooter situations. How about putting these shooters friends and family on blast. How about the people in their social media circles or chat rooms. The media can’t always be the scapegoat. This shyt is happening no matter if the media talks about it or not

Well sadly we got a lot of dumb nikkas who will disregard this shyt and go out of their way openly defend this woman because they "aGrEe wIt hEr oN DeMoCrAtS. We DoNt HaVe To AlWaYys bE DeMoCrAt. ShE RiGhT tHo. I cAn PiCk OuT wUt I AgReE wIt!"

Exactly. I need to go and up that thread.