I was ready to KIM but if you really want to put full blast out there....
Yvette tried to memory-hole her 2012 Ron Paul caping by deleting all posts where she did it, but thankfully the Wayback Machine still exists that includes some of the times she was going to bat for him, including where she literally told Black people to stop worrying about racism because there are other bigger issues out there:
Is Ron Paul a Racist?
As candidate Ron Paul turns up the heat in Iowa, I see, rather predictably, that mainstream writers are turning up the heat on Ron Paul (see here, here, and here). At issue now are the 20 pl…yourblackpolitics.wordpress.com
Yvette Carnell: Is Ron Paul a Racist? Part II | Black Like Moi
Remember, this isn't just a guy whose newsletters were full of racist rants, a guy who was frequently associated with and photographed with known white supremacists, but a guy who publicly posted shyt like this as recently as 2018:
Apparently one of those issues that's "bigger than racism" is immigration. In 2014 Yvette became a board member of PFIR, "Progressives For Immigration Reform". Yvette tried to juelz and claim it was a progressive cause because the org had "progressive" in its name, but it was open knowledge from the beginning that PFIR was just a front group for John Tanton, a White Supremacist who founded FAIR and a dozen other racist organizations. The SPLC had a piece exposing PFIR as a mere FAIR re-tred with different packaging from the moment it was founded in 2010. The founding president of PFIR was a former attorney for FAIR, the founding VP of PFIR was a board member for both FAIR and CIS (another racist hate group founded by Tanton), and the blogger for PFIR was an author at CIS. Events run by PFIR have included White Nationalists such as VDARE's Peter Brimelow, the Social Contract's Wayne Lutton, and U.S., Inc's K.C. McAlpin.
Anti-Immigrant Groups Continue Greenwashing Campaign
Progressives For Immigration Reform (PFIR) held its inaugural conference Tuesday at the National Press Club in Washington, D.C. The small, invitation-only, one-day conference was entitled, “The First National Conference on Immigration, Conservation, and the Environment.” The conclave is just...www.splcenter.org
In case there's any doubt that John Tanton is a White Supremacist, more receipts are here: PFIR is not a progressive organization
As late as 2017 she was fully pushing the FAIR agenda, complaining that "Native citizens who are white" were being mistreated in this country because people were talking like they were no better than immigrants...and running with the incredible claim that White people aren't immigrants because they successfully killed off the Native Americans and thus it's a native white country now.
Yet at the same time she was throwing on the cape for "native white people", she was shytting on anyone who pushed for reparations as promoting "identity politics". This is Yvette in 2016 shytting on Coates and others who were pushing reparations:
Elections, Reparations and Beyonce: Class Politics in Black America
Founder of BreakingBrown.com Yvette Carnell and BlackAgendaReport.com columnist Pascal Robert joined us for a rousing round table discussion of leading topics of the day. Story Transcript JARED BALL, TRNN: Welcome, everyone, back to the Real News Network. I’m Jared Ball here in Baltimore...therealnews.com
Isn't that wild considering her positions now? Saying, "Black Americans need to put aside their personal issues with racism because it's not the biggest problem facing America" or "Pushing for reparations is bullshyt identity politics" or "It's okay to be part of a John Tanton front group because it has 'progressive' in the name"....how can you justify that? And the worst part to me is that she speaks with such venom and disregard for anyone who holds a different position than her now, when just three years earlier she was shytting on the exact same people from the opposite side.
Yvette in 2016: "Ta-Nehisi Coates is on some bullshyt pushing this pro-Black reparations, he should be more like Bernie Sanders and only push race-neutral things."
Yvette in 2019: "Ta-Nehisi Coates is on some bullshyt supporting Bernie Sanders, I don't think his commitment to solely pro-black tangibles is strong enough."
We need reps back