The Tariq Nasheed Thread


Apr 18, 2013
I was ready to KIM but if you really want to put full blast out there....

Yvette tried to memory-hole her 2012 Ron Paul caping by deleting all posts where she did it, but thankfully the Wayback Machine still exists that includes some of the times she was going to bat for him, including where she literally told Black people to stop worrying about racism because there are other bigger issues out there:

Remember, this isn't just a guy whose newsletters were full of racist rants, a guy who was frequently associated with and photographed with known white supremacists, but a guy who publicly posted shyt like this as recently as 2018:


Apparently one of those issues that's "bigger than racism" is immigration. In 2014 Yvette became a board member of PFIR, "Progressives For Immigration Reform". Yvette tried to juelz and claim it was a progressive cause because the org had "progressive" in its name, but it was open knowledge from the beginning that PFIR was just a front group for John Tanton, a White Supremacist who founded FAIR and a dozen other racist organizations. The SPLC had a piece exposing PFIR as a mere FAIR re-tred with different packaging from the moment it was founded in 2010. The founding president of PFIR was a former attorney for FAIR, the founding VP of PFIR was a board member for both FAIR and CIS (another racist hate group founded by Tanton), and the blogger for PFIR was an author at CIS. Events run by PFIR have included White Nationalists such as VDARE's Peter Brimelow, the Social Contract's Wayne Lutton, and U.S., Inc's K.C. McAlpin.

In case there's any doubt that John Tanton is a White Supremacist, more receipts are here: PFIR is not a progressive organization

As late as 2017 she was fully pushing the FAIR agenda, complaining that "Native citizens who are white" were being mistreated in this country because people were talking like they were no better than immigrants...and running with the incredible claim that White people aren't immigrants because they successfully killed off the Native Americans and thus it's a native white country now.

Yet at the same time she was throwing on the cape for "native white people", she was shytting on anyone who pushed for reparations as promoting "identity politics". This is Yvette in 2016 shytting on Coates and others who were pushing reparations:

Isn't that wild considering her positions now? Saying, "Black Americans need to put aside their personal issues with racism because it's not the biggest problem facing America" or "Pushing for reparations is bullshyt identity politics" or "It's okay to be part of a John Tanton front group because it has 'progressive' in the name" can you justify that? And the worst part to me is that she speaks with such venom and disregard for anyone who holds a different position than her now, when just three years earlier she was shytting on the exact same people from the opposite side.

Yvette in 2016: "Ta-Nehisi Coates is on some bullshyt pushing this pro-Black reparations, he should be more like Bernie Sanders and only push race-neutral things."

Yvette in 2019: "Ta-Nehisi Coates is on some bullshyt supporting Bernie Sanders, I don't think his commitment to solely pro-black tangibles is strong enough."

We need reps back :salute:


Mar 26, 2017
Shut up idiot. I'm familiar enough with Nasheeds nonsense to know there's nothing valuable about him and whatever he has to say. I'm not digging through a mountain of shyt and dropping a donation behind me just to hear some opportunistic bigot give me some shallow take about "white supremacy" I would obviously agree with. You are the perfect audience for these scammers. Someone who willing to be bullshytted if he can just hear something that makes him feel good. Forget their intent.

It reminds of all these fools back 2017 who will eagerly "agree with Trump" on any dumb obvious shyt...including Tariq himself cours...when hes being opportunistic about certain subjects. Yeah let's start validating, boosting, and listening to racist, bigoted, narcisstic white supremacists because once in a while they say something you agree with. "Agreeing" and taking away only what you want to hear like a bunch of lost puppy dogs waiting for a biscuit.

Everyone is capable of saying something you can agree with. A Ku Kux Klansmen can tell me children's mental health is important, we should have universal Healthcare in this country, people have a right to take pride in this race, and the Yankees rock. Oh look we agree on some shyt. That doesn't make them someone I need to listen to consistently, seek knowledge from, or actively support financially or in any way if the embodiment of his view are lies, weird conspiracies, sensationalized bigotr, and steeped in his own agenda that is counter productive to my own. What type of critical thinking you call that? In fact that's anti-critical thinking. That is literally tuning out your own critical thought in favor of just looking for shyt you agree with.

Critical thought is realizing this guy is clearly running his own agenda for white people, is opportunistic in his concern for black people, and needs to just go away, not receive more viewers and support because "he says things I agree with sometimes." Yeah, that's how the grift works dummy. Reel you in with shyt about white supremacy you can agree with then get you to not vote Democrats and go with his agenda. Because yall can agree sometimes, right? fukk him.

I'm not looking for a perfect political figure. I'm looking for a trustworthy one. Which Tariq is 100% not. He can shove his little jokes and gags and speeches up his ass.
You must be non-FBA and Tariq hurt your feelings.
That's the only reason for you to be on here crying like a hoe with these long rants.
You can respond but I'll just put your bytch ass on ignore.


Dec 2, 2012
You must be non-FBA and Tariq hurt your feelings.
That's the only reason for you to be on here crying like a hoe with these long rants.
You can respond but I'll just put your bytch ass on ignore.
:mjlol: So in essence, you have nothing you can say to defend your cult leader and have to resort to insults and immigrant bashing to reply.

Cobalt Sire

All Star
Nov 22, 2016
I never listened to Tariq until you guys kept making "The Honorable Tariq Nasheed" threads. Once I saw a bunch democrat agents hating on him, I knew he was worth a listen. You guys would be more successful at dethroning him if you paid him dust. You guys think you can influence people, but you don't have talent, you don't have pull, and these threads are having the opposite effect. I listen to a lot of people that I have to turn off mid stream because they said something stupid. People that follow these guys don't do so blindly. Black people can think for themselves and aren't easily influenced. You guys' entire strategy is based on a misunderstanding of how Black people think, and that's why you'll keep failing, on here and IRL.
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Cobalt Sire

All Star
Nov 22, 2016
Which means "FBA" will logically vote for Warnock. Sorry it's not your militant pipe dream "exclusive to the foundational black Americans, descendants of slaves" legislative agenda but it's clear who is the better choice for black voters.

In fact given the opportunity to think and decide for themselves black voters will always go for the liberal candidate and the liberal party. For some reason this makes you phony pro-black militants mad.

Nobody with any true aspirations of becoming President of the United States, a US Senator, or any position of law making or executive power in this country is going to push an agenda that only supports like 10% of the population and neglects everyone else. Obviously that person will fukking lose and you won't even get a "POC" or "middle class" agenda that benefits you, let alone any "FBA" bullshyt. You'll just be handing over political power to Republican conservatives to eliminate your rights entirely. Which is clearly the goal the way yall constantly move the goal post to find any reason to not vote, blame Democrats for all your issues, call other people c00ns, and hand over all political power and favor to Republicans.

Just vote red and get ot over with bro. You and Tariq and the rest of the hashtag militants have quit making sense, showed your asses, and been talking like Fox News watching Republicans and "proud to be an Amurican" aspiring southern rednecks for the longest. No one trusts yalls shyt no more.
Why are you putting FBA in quotes you immigrant?

Uncouth Savage

All Star
Mar 11, 2022
I never listened to Tariq until you guys kept making "The Honorable Tariq Nasheed" threads. Once I saw a bunch democrat agents hating on him, I knew he was worth a listen. You guys would be more successful at dethroning him if you paid him dust. You guys think you can influence people, but you don't have talent, you don't have pull, and these threads are having the opposite effect. I listen to a lot of people that I have to turn off mid stream because they said something stupid. People that follow these guys don't do so blindly. Black people can think for themselves and aren't easily influenced. You guys' entire strategy is based on a misunderstanding of how Black people think, and that's why you'll keep failing, on here and IRL.

Are you trying to convince us that blk people love racist wites, trump and maga?
maybe in the trailer park YOU from
and you will NEVER say "hey I am from mississippi, hey I am from la, hey I am from ohio"
cause you know damn well you do not live amongst blk people
most of you do not
including yvette and tariq
I would even go so far to say the great majority of you are confused mix breed, interracial married, who simple are insecure in your "blkness"
you live with, fukk, etc racist wites and it confuses you
I am sorry for yall

Uncouth Savage

All Star
Mar 11, 2022
You must be non-FBA and Tariq hurt your feelings.
That's the only reason for you to be on here crying like a hoe with these long rants.
You can respond but I'll just put your bytch ass on ignore.

As an immigrant tariq did not hurt my feelings....
I was disappointed that blk struggle would be "jokes"
in fact I hope he takes every single dollar you have
so you could say I support him

Still Benefited

Apr 30, 2012
And he's loud and wrong in both regards. Warnock is in no way going to "actively try to undermine" black Americans. That's just part of his scheme of pulling anything out his ass about Democrats as true enemies of the black community. Based off whacky conspiracies he just invents for his brain dead audience. The audience is too dumb to know they're being played and manipulated. They are too steeped in their narcissistic fantasies of "knowing the truth they not telling you" and the idea of being part of some political revolution by "supporting" some jackass on the internet. He's paid to perpetuate this nonsense to an audience.

Hershey Walker is indeed completely unqualified. Who do he think is writing his speeches and running his campaign to begin with? He got big money conservative handlers, just like Tariq, who are pushing his political career and giving him his lined, just like Tariq. He will blindly do whatever it is he's told, and that includes doing just what he claims to be privy too: undermine any and all black legislation in Congress. He will be a black mouthpiece for the grievances of white rednecks. Spouting the ills of black people becoming "more dependant on government" at the expense of hard working taxpayers.

This dude Tariq is such a paid and bought out clown. Clearly finessing "pro-black" rhetoric for an audience while selling out to MAGA right wingers for his own gain. A total slimey fraud.

Anyone who still trusts this guy is either in on his games and speaking in bad faith or legit retarded.

We dont know Tariqs full plan,but its hard to question his intentions. Based on the ammount of work he puts in exposing white supremacist.

Black people blindly love democrats so much. Tariq in my view is trying to deprogram them by hating everything democrat. Once he can get us to a place where we arent blindly loyal. Then he can go back to neutral. But you cant be neutral right now because black people will instinctively side with democrats. As that has been our programming.

I dont know if this is his plan,but I give him benefit of the doubt until proven otherwise. Yall quick ro condemn the likes of Tariq and "hoteps". But quick to give a Tory Lanez your benefit of the doubt or full support:respect:


Jul 25, 2018
We dont know Tariqs full plan,but its hard to question his intentions. Based on the ammount of work he puts in exposing white supremacist.

Black people blindly love democrats so much. Tariq in my view is trying to deprogram them by hating everything democrat. Once he can get us to a place where we arent blindly loyal. Then he can go back to neutral. But you cant be neutral right now because black people will instinctively side with democrats. As that has been our programming.

I dont know if this is his plan,but I give him benefit of the doubt until proven otherwise. Yall quick ro condemn the likes of Tariq and "hoteps". But quick to give a Tory Lanez your benefit of the doubt or full support:respect:

Please explain to us...when elections take place in this country and the results show that black voters overwhelmingly sided with the Democrat candidate, what exactly do you and Tariq Nasheed find wrong with this?

Still Benefited

Apr 30, 2012
Please explain to us...when elections take place in this country and the results show that black voters overwhelmingly sided with the Democrat candidate, what exactly do you and Tariq Nasheed find wrong with this?

Same thing I find wrong with a woman who gives up the p*ssy so easily. She is a whore.

Can black people be treated like the whores of this society.
Carry out the actions of whores at the voting booth.
Then rightfully expect to not be treated like whores?

Think of it that way. You would laugh at any woman expecting to be taken seriously who allowed herself to be mistreated by men. But continued to fail to carry herself like a prize,vet anyone,or make them even take her to dinner first.

I wouldnt say it upsets me though. Democrats and republicans are just different routes to the slaughterhouse. As I become an escalationist,Im beggining to lean Repiblican. Although I dont believe in what they stand for. But they can be used as a means to the most positive end in my eyes.