Nobody gonna read that shyt breh, you already admitted that you didn't even watch OP and don't know what we're talking about yet you think we want to read your essays that ain't even on topic?
So, you admit that I'm right and you aint got shyt for me.
I aint gotta watch Tariq, I've been studying politics my whole life.
I know the difference between "culturally liberal" and "culturally conservative"
This got to be the biggest bunch of incoherent juelzing I ever read.
You watch way too much fukking Newsmax. You sound like Rush Limbaugh in the flesh.
Being against drug use, alcoholism, broken families, and "degenerate behavior" doesn't make you a conservative. It's how we combat these issues that separates both sides. Conservatives want to combat drug use, alcoholism and broken families by making YOU the poster child of all these social ills, blame it on social programs that you are "leeching" off of at the expense of taxpayers and at the expense of your character, so that they can pass racist ass laws and take away those social programs. Liberals believe in combatting these issues without the blatant white power agendas or rhetoric.
All y'all trying to glorify conservatism as this virtuous belief in family and moral values are showing yoru asses. Inventing BS terms like "socially conservative" cus you're too weak to just admit you a pro-Trump Republican. Conservatism is about small government and racism. That's it. Them capitalizing on religion and family values was part of an old political strategy that was intended for clueless Christian southerners but apparently it works on Coli contrarian smart-dummy militants to.
"I believe in family and staying away form drugs, so I'm a "social conservatives".....also CUT THE CHECK!!!"
TLR is a damn joke.
Eat a dikk.
I'm pretty much a socialist and have never watched a Newsmax in my life.
Yo hoe ass just watch too much Roland Martin & MSDNC
And AGAIN, being against degenerative behaving ABSOLUTELY are conservative values in a UNIVERSAL sense.
Your dumb ass is too stupid to understand that conservatism doesn't equal right-wing or republican, it's a cultural designation
That's why you hear about how CONSERVATIVE Indian families are with their daughters
Or how CONSERVATIVE Asian families are who have never stepped foot in America.
Conservatives believe in the rights of unlimited free enterprise even at the expense of some people's rights, freedoms, or dignity.
That's just factually untrue.
It's hilarious how somebody can simultaneously be so ignorant and so arrogant at the same fukking time
Dude, conservative families in poor 3rd world villages, who don't let their daughters wear pants or their sons listen to rock music have nothing to do with "free enterprise"
Again, pick up a book and learn the difference between CULTURAL conservatism and right-wing capitalism.
If older black folks were so conservative before Obama why do they vote so collectively and vehemently against it?
I'll wait.
Because conservatism and right-wing aren't the same thing, dummy
Black people like ALL communities of color are conservative, but definitely not right-wing
Black people are the most progressive people in this country
this forum is full of dummies
Another genius who doesn't know the difference between conservative and right-wing
To me the question of being liberal comes down to how you feel about Black people.
So, conservative families in India or Mexico or Zimbabwe are that because of how they feel about Black people?
He's appointed more black judges and political assignments than any other president, next to Obama.
His federal government is black as hell.
He's directed more federal dollars to black contractors and business opportunities and HBCUs than any president. Ever.
He's put more tokens in place who won't do a damn thing for the average Black people, while things that actually affect the average Black person
Gas Prices
Minimum Wage
Medicare 4 All
Marijuana decriminalization
Student Loan Debt
Abandoned Police Oversight Committee
Is against Reparations and thinks that Blacks not playing enough records for our children is the reason for the racial wealth gap
"Nothing will fundamentally change"