The Tariq Nasheed Thread


Keep my name out of it
Apr 28, 2014
And this is what most people don't understand....
Some of these cats have lost their damn mind and started coming to their own conclusions on MY behalf off that basic ass statement :dead:


yOu JuSt WaNnA vOtE fOr TrUmP

tHeSe tLr RePuBliCaNs ArE OuTtA liNe



Biggest baddest boss
May 13, 2012
No one cared before and they don’t really care now. Gay shyt was never a wedge issue in the black community. Or in America. Gay marriage wasn’t even banned until the late 70s It became something to debate about when republicans began to run on it to whip up their cac base.

No black person is voting on Gay issues, No black politician is running on gay issues. Black people just don’t care much.

Only you internet goofys who think you are gonna turn Gay by watching teletubies care:mjlol:

Black people(Africans) before slavery never lived in homes the way we see them today. It was all communal living. Large families/tribes lived together for the most part. It was a matter of resources. Throughout most of human history there was never excess in the way it was in America when people started to move to the suburbs and own their own homes.

Trying to look at Family structure then through a lens of what we consider normal “family values” today is way off base.

The law only existed in a very limited capacity in order to try to deny black people benefits Kinda like the attacks on social welfare conservatives are still doing today. It was quickly declared unconstitutional, and had literally no effect on Black family structure.

You already said it was the drugs, Violence, Racism, Wars, Etc, that stripped black families apart. It wasn’t some obscure rule that barely ever even existed. :stopitslime:

This is just an extension of the “welfare queen” narrative used to demonize black women for Racist America tearing families apart.

The word absent doesn’t have a negative connotation. Again. doesn’t matter why. The result is that all throughout history, it’s women raising children. That’s how it’s always worked until very recently and ironically it’s black men leading that charge in progressive parenting. So much for “conservative family values” :francis:

I didn’t give any “credit” to anyone.

I merely stated how family dynamics work. Women are home and raising the children. It’s how it’s always worked for the majority of cultures around the world.

More tales from your ass. In reality black people are moving to the left faster than the rest of the country.

You will be(or already are) Relegated to preaching this dumb shyt on internet forums with other cac incels while the rest of us laugh at you :mjlol:

It’s not that simple, but in a perfect world i guess it could happen. :manny:
Black man, 40's and I despise the gay agenda. I speak against as much as I speak against white supremacists


Nov 21, 2013
No one cared before and they don’t really care now. Gay shyt was never a wedge issue in the black community. Or in America. Gay marriage wasn’t even banned until the late 70s It became something to debate about when republicans began to run on it to whip up their cac base.

No black person is voting on Gay issues, No black politician is running on gay issues. Black people just don’t care much.

Only you internet goofys who think you are gonna turn Gay by watching teletubies care:mjlol:

Nice try shifting the argument. But again no one black supported this gay shyt like you until they dismantled the community.

Black people(Africans) before slavery never lived in homes the way we see them today. It was all communal living. Large families/tribes lived together for the most part. It was a matter of resources. Throughout most of human history there was never excess in the way it was in America when people started to move to the suburbs and own their own homes.

Trying to look at Family structure then through a lens of what we consider normal “family values” today is way off base.

This is what I was waiting for. I got you :sas2:

So black people lived in huts and open air till cacs came around and put them in homes with AC? This is where you fake (liberal) pro blacks want to take it? You also believe this is the most advanced the world has EVER been right?

The law only existed in a very limited capacity in order to try to deny black people benefits Kinda like the attacks on social welfare conservatives are still doing today. It was quickly declared unconstitutional, and had literally no effect on Black family structure.

You already said it was the drugs, Violence, Racism, Wars, Etc, that stripped black families apart. It wasn’t some obscure rule that barely ever even existed. :stopitslime:

This is just an extension of the “welfare queen” narrative used to demonize black women for Racist America tearing families apart.

You just said it was made up. Now that you have a source you’re changing your tune. You fake liberal pro blacks are so easy to confound and stoop. Go play with a low level thinking breh. Your arms ain’t long enough to box with me

The word absent doesn’t have a negative connotation. Again. doesn’t matter why. The result is that all throughout history, it’s women raising children. That’s how it’s always worked until very recently and ironically it’s black men leading that charge in progressive parenting. So much for “conservative family values” :francis:

I didn’t give any “credit” to anyone.

I merely stated how family dynamics work. Women are home and raising the children. It’s how it’s always worked for the majority of cultures around the world.

That is called caretaking. When a man goes out and gets food for his children, that’s a contribution to them raising said children. When a man is out building a house for his wife/children to live in, that’s contributing to the raising of the children. When a man goes out and gets clothing/shoes for his children, that’s contributing to the raising of the children. How can a child be effectively raised without food and clothing? Without the safety and security that a father can provide? Stop diminishing mens l contributions because you want to defend liberals

More tales from your ass. In reality black people are moving to the left faster than the rest of the country.

Your word don’t hold more weight than mine tho

More people of ALL races are getting off the politics game. People of ALL races are seeing that politicians aren’t there to help the average person, let alone the below average person (in the sight of the law) in black people. They understand that those in power answer to those who lobby them into office thru money. Not those who simply vote. You can say what you want but you already lost...

It’s not that simple,

Why not? :sas1:


May 24, 2012
Tha Land
Nice try shifting the argument. But again no one black supported this gay shyt like you until they dismantled the community.
Didn’t shift anything. No one black cares about it much period. Our community was dismantled from the jump. Which is why we never cared about trivial stuff like Gay shyt. There was nothing to “support” cause there was no debate until Republicans created one in the 70s.

This is what I was waiting for. I got you :sas2:

So black people lived in huts and open air till cacs came around and put them in homes with AC? This is where you fake (liberal) pro blacks want to take it? You also believe this is the most advanced the world has EVER been right?
No one lived in homes the way we know of them until the industrial revolution and advent of the suburbs. It has nothing to do with white folks or huts or any of that other nonsense you are talking. It was the progression of humanity as a whole.

You just said it was made up. Now that you have a source you’re changing your tune. You fake liberal pro blacks are so easy to confound and stoop. Go play with a low level thinking breh. Your arms ain’t long enough to box with me
Where and when were any of the laws in action?

That is called caretaking. When a man goes out and gets food for his children, that’s a contribution to them raising said children. When a man is out building a house for his wife/children to live in, that’s contributing to the raising of the children. When a man goes out and gets clothing/shoes for his children, that’s contributing to the raising of the children. How can a child be effectively raised without food and clothing? Without the safety and security that a father can provide? Stop diminishing mens l contributions because you want to defend liberals
I have not diminished anything. You seem to not have a very good handle on the english language. Absent is a neutral word, it doesn’t imply anything good or bad, it just is.

Your word don’t hold more weight than mine tho

More people of ALL races are getting off the politics game. People of ALL races are seeing that politicians aren’t there to help the average person, let alone the below average person (in the sight of the law) in black people. They understand that those in power answer to those who lobby them into office thru money. Not those who simply vote. You can say what you want but you already lost...
Here we go conflating a social/economic ideal with politics again.

Stay on topic. Black people can be and are very liberal and progressive without voting or engaging in politics at all.

In america there’s no getting around the fact that supply chains, natural resources, property, land, etc are all overwhelmingly controlled by white folks. Any black utopia will have to deal with that reality.

Kyle C. Barker

Migos VERZUZ Mahalia Jackson
Feb 5, 2015
Black man, 40's and I despise the gay agenda. I speak against as much as I speak against white supremacists

How many gay people do you come across on a daily basis? Has the gay agenda effected you financially?

Honestly, the only time gay people are on my radar is when I read TLR. Same thing with transsexuals.


Jun 12, 2013
Yes that was referencing a PHYSICAL ascension. Jesus wasn’t referencing a PHYSICAL ascension to heaven when he said a camel thru a needle. That’s one.

Two, what you’re saying is the Creator blessed David with wealth to only turn around and say no one wealthy can make it to Him? It makes no sense. Without mentioning that Abraham was wealthy as well. And he was called a FRIEND to God. The Creator made them wealthy, called one His FRIEND, only to come later and say no one healthy can make it?

And I didn’t mean to get into a deep biblical discussion, but nah. What Jesus said was totally incorrect when comparing it to the rest of the Bible. Maybe that wasn’t your point originally though and you only wanted to point out what Jesus said. If so, my fault

Solomon also


Seduce & Scheme
Apr 30, 2012
How many gay people do you come across on a daily basis? Has the gay agenda effected you financially?

Honestly, the only time gay people are on my radar is when I read TLR. Same thing with transsexuals.
TLR and Dave Chappelle keeps me up to date on everything happening in the Trehs community


Jan 3, 2017
No one lived in homes the way we know of them until the industrial revolution and advent of the suburbs. It has nothing to do with white folks or huts or any of that other nonsense you are talking. It was the progression of humanity as a whole.

Pre-Colonial Africa

Mombasa (present day Kenya) 1572


University of Sankoré and Timbuktu (Mali) 988 AD


Prtuguese diplomats meet Nzinga a Nkuwu, king of Kongo Kingdom. (1482)



Louango, Kingdom of Kongo


Pyramids of Meroe, ancient Sudan


Medieval Ethiopia


City of Benin (present day Nigeria) in 1602 a Dutch native, Dierick Ruiters, described the main street of Benin as seven or eight times broader than Warne Street in Amsterdam.




May 24, 2012
Tha Land
Pre-Colonial Africa

Mombasa (present day Kenya) 1572


University of Sankoré and Timbuktu (Mali) 988 AD


Prtuguese diplomats meet Nzinga a Nkuwu, king of Kongo Kingdom. (1482)



Louango, Kingdom of Kongo


Pyramids of Meroe, ancient Sudan


Medieval Ethiopia


City of Benin (present day Nigeria)

you are only proving my point.

If enough resources were gathered to create permanent dwellings, people almost always lived communally.

It wasn’t separate houses and land for individual nuclear families as we live today.

That was made a possibility through the industrial revolution. Where people could purchase land materials and labor enough to own their own permanent homes.


The Original
Dec 9, 2012
The Deep State