The Tariq Nasheed Thread


All Star
May 22, 2012
nikkas wanna be conservatives and for federal funded reparations checks at the same time.


TLR need to go vote Republican and get it over with. Spare us the bullshyt.
If something is “reparations” does that qualify as socialism? That’s like saying receiving money from a lawsuit against a government entity is socialism.


Jul 25, 2018
If something is “reparations” does that qualify as socialism? That’s like saying receiving money from a lawsuit against a government entity is socialism.

It's not about socialism its about knowing which ideology is in more favor of our lives and our needs.

Slave trading was part of a system of capitalistic free enterprise which all competitive nations and corporations participated in at the time.

Conservative ideology is all about keeping government intervention--including and especially social justice causes and regulations--away from a free economy.

Liberal ideology is all about protecting, preserving and serving the rights of citizens within a free capitalistic society.

That's it. All the smart dumb babble from a bunch of people who want to be Republicans don't mean jack shyt.

In all honesty IF reparations were to be acheived in this country youre right, t would more than likely be in the form of litigation. It would not come in the form of sweeping lump sum checks signed by the President. It would not come in the form of everyone who "ain't no immigrant" brandishing silly hashtags getting checks in the mail. That's smart dumb nikka fantasy from idiots who don't know butlick about government or economics. It would more than likely be between specific people and specific parties. Lawsuits exactly as you say. In other words only a few people who can prove their ancestors indeed were involved in the contmstruction of government landmarks and what not can sue and receive "reparations." The rest will be fighting in court with rich families and others. People look silly talking about all this hypothetical "laws written for other groups" that never happened. Just crazy talk from people with agendas of getting black people to not vote.


May 24, 2012
Tha Land
Our values lined up with man coming together with woman/women to have children. That’s a family. The family would have titles/land/memorabilia passed down to the next generation as well.

Our culture rejected homosexuality. We didn’t go along with the killing of our young either. Yet you’re in here arguing about that lol. All in the defense of liberals.

shyt is :scust:
So it’s all Gay shyt and Liberals :mjlol:

If you haven’t noticed. Black people as whole disagree with you buddy.

You sound like a whole ass white man trying to pretend black people agree with you.

Sorry to break it to you but Gay shyt and liberals run rampant in the black community :mjlol:

The Nixon’s aide quote shows that there was a PLAN to destabilize the black community. And even with them killing, jailing or forcing into exile all the leaders from the civil rights movement, even with feminism teaching our women the “I don’t need a man” ideology, even with them saying they targeted the black community (I.e. black MEN)when it comes to the war on drugs, even with the crack era where they pushed drugs into the community then cracked down harshly on the users, you still have something negative to say about men being absent?
So if the black home was always under assault. When was it again that black people ever lived under the “man woman child+ House” lifestyle in America or abroad???:ohhh:

And I’m with that if you’re willing to call black men “gods” of the earth that should be able to overcome people who themselves say they are part ape/Neanderthal. Are you willing to go that far with it? And after they destabilized the community, you champion it in its lowest state as something we should be proud of?

“Man in the house” rule

A regulation that was formerly applied in certain jurisdictions that denied poor families WELFARE payments in the event that a man resided under the same roof with them.

This is why you liberal ass nikkas is c00ns. You’re willing to lie and bend the truth all because you want to defend liberals. Thankfully your influence is waning
There’s no such thing as the “Man in the house” rule. That’s an internet boogeyman you goofys came up with to try to blame black women for American society fukking over black families.

That’s called gathering the resources necessary to RAISE a child and you call that being absent?
Absent is absent. There’s no negative connotation to the word. Doesn’t matter why. Effectively women have always raised the children.

Okay this is a yes or no question then. Black people should put themselves first before other groups of people right?


The Original
Dec 9, 2012
The Deep State
I don’t care for your cap bruh. A people with that skin color rocking locks would be classified as black today. But when we see it on a mural, you have to come up with excuses as to why it’s not who it most closely looks like. But your propaganda doesn’t work on me and as time goes on is working less and less in regards to all people. Keep it pushing next time
I’m open to the idea of pre-Columbus contact. More than most. I just think many of the arguments rely on supposition rather than any evidence than that could be used for any other equivalent claim.


May 29, 2012
The Rucker
The guy is just dumb on politics. Anyone that even hints to some Trump support isn't to be taken seriously, and you know once someone gets some money in their pocket, taxes are seen as a bane on their existence.

So it's like, okay, you aren't for the racism? :mjlol:

Are you for the gerrymandering that leads to undeveloped predominantly black areas?

Are you for Republicans actively trying to cull the black vote, either through making voting more difficult, striking down voting rights, and once again gerrymandering to weaken the black vote?

Are you for Republican local control of the education board, and are ready to forget about any black history that mentions white people in a bad light because that is CRT, right?

Are you for further reducing taxes as a Republican, because you don't realize the services that taxes can go to that would significantly impact black people?

Are you for hemming up black people on weak charges that get them designated as felons and thus in Republican states make it easy for them to stifle their vote further by preventing felons from voting?

You must also love those for profit prisons too, right?

Were you also for the way Republicans were handling COVID, more specifically, did you even notice how lax Republicans were being in densely populated areas that featured black people?

Ah, and when black people end up in the hospital, fukk any Dem backed healthcare that would be covered by taxes and definitely fukk the state of care in those hospitals too as Republicans want that ran on a for-profit basis?

I will stop there as it's just scratching the surface. Matters like this seperate the children from adults, those that actually read vs. those that don't, those who look out for the interest of others vs. the selfish. What a time to be a live when idiots can move as freely as they are spewing ignorance to the masses while others put the effort to accommodate their ability to do that, it's a slap in the face to those people to be so ignorant and effectively work against any progress made. Just so you run right into the hands of Republicans, who can seemingly do no wrong, while working every year to screw you over behind the scenes, but not really behind the scenes, you just refuse to read legislation.

This is all that need to be said. “Socially conservative”



Nov 21, 2013
Did Jesus say that or David? Are we talking about Jesus or David being a socialist? This is addressing the original post by Will. I don't do deflections homie, try again

Deflection? If Jesus said that but David was practically a walking lick everywhere he went that means 1 of 2 things:

Jesus was wrong(hint: this is the answer)

Or David didn’t make it to heaven. What’s your answer?


Nov 21, 2013
I’m open to the idea of pre-Columbus contact. More than most. I just think many of the arguments rely on supposition rather than any evidence than that could be used for any other equivalent claim.

If someone was to say “George Washington was black not white” people like you would run to paintings as proof. But when I say “black people were in America before the “slave trade” murals on STONE showing people with the same skin color as blacks and dreadlocks like blacks, that doesn’t count.

But it’s too late. The damage has been done and we’re off cacs limiting all black people to Africa.


Jun 12, 2013
Deflection? If Jesus said that but David was practically a walking lick everywhere he went that means 1 of 2 things:

Jesus was wrong(hint: this is the answer)

Or David didn’t make it to heaven. What’s your answer?

Interesting question


Ain't shyt
Mar 11, 2013
Deflection? If Jesus said that but David was practically a walking lick everywhere he went that means 1 of 2 things:

Jesus was wrong(hint: this is the answer)

Or David didn’t make it to heaven. What’s your answer?

Good question...Peter said David didn't in scripture

“For David did not ascend into the heavens” (Acts 2:34); “Men and brethren, let me freely speak unto you of the patriarch David, that he is both dead and buried, and his sepulchre [tomb] is with us unto this day” (Acts 2:29).

And that then leads to another can of worms that I can't explain or understand enough to discuss :yeshrug:


Nov 21, 2013
So it’s all Gay shyt and Liberals :mjlol:

If you haven’t noticed. Black people as whole disagree with you buddy.

You sound like a whole ass white man trying to pretend black people agree with you.

Sorry to break it to you but Gay shyt and liberals run rampant in the black community :mjlol:

Of course they don’t agree. And to get them to agree to the shyt you push they had to dismantle the civil rights movement, kill/jail/exile the leaders, create a fictitious “war on drugs” campaign that aimed to disrupt the community, push feminism on our women when our men were under this same attack, then during the crack era, support cartels on one end, push drugs into the black community, then arrest users/dealers in the community with harsh sentences. That’s what it took to agree with the gay shyt you do. Before that? No one was on that.

So if the black home was always under assault. When was it again that black people ever lived under the “man woman child+ House” lifestyle in America or abroad???:ohhh:

When has a black man married a black woman, had children, then lived in the same place? You think these things started with cacs? Like this is how low you bootlickers stoop to defend liberalism that they’ll claim the prospect of private ownership started with cacs??

You’re literally claiming that black people have their own houses until cacs came around?

There’s no such thing as the “Man in the house” rule. That’s an internet boogeyman you goofys came up with to try to blame black women for American society fukking over black families.

I’m glad the real are splintering off from nikkas like you. Just lying to defend liberals. I quoted the National Low Income Housing Coalition and you still come back and try to pass off your lies. Your influence is waning breh. As time goes on more and more brehs are going to give up on the goofy politic game and turn to each other to create a better way of life for themselves and the next generation.

They won’t be fighting tooth and nail to defend liberals.

Absent is absent. There’s no negative connotation to the word. Doesn’t matter why. Effectively women have always raised the children.

More lies. If you say a father is absent that absolutely has a negative connotation. And it’s false. Nobody calls the father that goes and works two jobs so his wife can stay at home absent or “absent father”

The man is gathering resources that if were not there, would not allow for any child to be raised. And instead of including the resources he went out and got for his children in the raising of the children, you call him absent and give all the credit to women.

The good thing is the influence you and liberals once had? Waning. And nikkas like you deserve the same consequences liberals, republicans, and this country as a whole has coming. fukk ya

Gotcha. So if every black billionaire/millionaire/doctor/lawyer/plumber/barber/teacher/professor/mechanic/dentist/carpenter/masonry-concrete worker/architect/engineer/banker/accountnt etc... teamed up together; what would we need from cacs again? It would be minimal right?


Nov 21, 2013
Good question...Peter said David didn't in scripture

“For David did not ascend into the heavens” (Acts 2:34); “Men and brethren, let me freely speak unto you of the patriarch David, that he is both dead and buried, and his sepulchre [tomb] is with us unto this day” (Acts 2:29).

And that then leads to another can of worms that I can't explain or understand enough to discuss :yeshrug:

Yes that was referencing a PHYSICAL ascension. Jesus wasn’t referencing a PHYSICAL ascension to heaven when he said a camel thru a needle. That’s one.

Two, what you’re saying is the Creator blessed David with wealth to only turn around and say no one wealthy can make it to Him? It makes no sense. Without mentioning that Abraham was wealthy as well. And he was called a FRIEND to God. The Creator made them wealthy, called one His FRIEND, only to come later and say no one healthy can make it?

And I didn’t mean to get into a deep biblical discussion, but nah. What Jesus said was totally incorrect when comparing it to the rest of the Bible. Maybe that wasn’t your point originally though and you only wanted to point out what Jesus said. If so, my fault


Ain't shyt
Mar 11, 2013
Yes that was referencing a PHYSICAL ascension. Jesus wasn’t referencing a PHYSICAL ascension to heaven when he said a camel thru a needle. That’s one.

Two, what you’re saying is the Creator blessed David with wealth to only turn around and say no one wealthy can make it to Him? It makes no sense. Without mentioning that Abraham was wealthy as well. And he was called a FRIEND to God.

I didn’t mean to get into a deep biblical discussion, but nah. What Jesus said was totally incorrect there when comparing it to the rest of the Bible. Maybe that wasn’t your point originally and it was only to point out what Jesus said. If so, my fault

Yeah that's a completely different conversation...this is pertaining to Jesus being a socialist

That's a good question though


May 24, 2012
Tha Land
Of course they don’t agree. And to get them to agree to the shyt you push they had to dismantle the civil rights movement, kill/jail/exile the leaders, create a fictitious “war on drugs” campaign that aimed to disrupt the community, push feminism on our women when our men were under this same attack, then during the crack era, support cartels on one end, push drugs into the black community, then arrest users/dealers in the community with harsh sentences. That’s what it took to agree with the gay shyt you do. Before that? No one was on that.
No one cared before and they don’t really care now. Gay shyt was never a wedge issue in the black community. Or in America. Gay marriage wasn’t even banned until the late 70s It became something to debate about when republicans began to run on it to whip up their cac base.

No black person is voting on Gay issues, No black politician is running on gay issues. Black people just don’t care much.

Only you internet goofys who think you are gonna turn Gay by watching teletubies care:mjlol:

When has a black man married a black woman, had children, then lived in the same place? You think these things started with cacs? Like this is how low you bootlickers stoop to defend liberalism that they’ll claim the prospect of private ownership started with cacs??

You’re literally claiming that black people have their own houses until cacs came around?
Black people(Africans) before slavery never lived in homes the way we see them today. It was all communal living. Large families/tribes lived together for the most part. It was a matter of resources. Throughout most of human history there was never excess in the way it was in America when people started to move to the suburbs and own their own homes.

Trying to look at Family structure then through a lens of what we consider normal “family values” today is way off base.

I’m glad the real are splintering off from nikkas like you. Just lying to defend liberals. I quoted the National Low Income Housing Coalition and you still come back and try to pass off your lies. Your influence is waning breh. As time goes on more and more brehs are going to give up on the goofy politic game and turn to each other to create a better way of life for themselves and the next generation.
The law only existed in a very limited capacity in order to try to deny black people benefits Kinda like the attacks on social welfare conservatives are still doing today. It was quickly declared unconstitutional, and had literally no effect on Black family structure.

You already said it was the drugs, Violence, Racism, Wars, Etc, that stripped black families apart. It wasn’t some obscure rule that barely ever even existed. :stopitslime:

This is just an extension of the “welfare queen” narrative used to demonize black women for Racist America tearing families apart.

More lies. If you say a father is absent that absolutely has a negative connotation. And it’s false. Nobody calls the father that goes and works two jobs so his wife can stay at home absent or “absent father”
The word absent doesn’t have a negative connotation. Again. doesn’t matter why. The result is that all throughout history, it’s women raising children. That’s how it’s always worked until very recently and ironically it’s black men leading that charge in progressive parenting. So much for “conservative family values” :francis:

The man is gathering resources that if were not there, would not allow for any child to be raised. And instead of including the resources he went out and got for his children in the raising of the children, you call him absent and give all the credit to women.
I didn’t give any “credit” to anyone.

I merely stated how family dynamics work. Women are home and raising the children. It’s how it’s always worked for the majority of cultures around the world.

The good thing is the influence you and liberals once had? Waning. And nikkas like you deserve the same consequences liberals, republicans, and this country as a whole has coming. fukk ya
More tales from your ass. In reality black people are moving to the left faster than the rest of the country.

You will be(or already are) Relegated to preaching this dumb shyt on internet forums with other cac incels while the rest of us laugh at you :mjlol:

Gotcha. So if every black billionaire/millionaire/doctor/lawyer/plumber/barber/teacher/professor/mechanic/dentist/carpenter/masonry-concrete worker/architect/engineer/banker/accountnt etc... teamed up together; what would we need from cacs again? It would be minimal right?
It’s not that simple, but in a perfect world i guess it could happen. :manny: