The Tariq Nasheed Thread


Sep 2, 2014
The more they tweet and talk, the more I'm proven right :pachaha:
Anytime I talk to people, I’m about to start linking the house and pages so they can see who is pushing what and who is blocking what. I it’s about time that if people are going to argue these things, they have to cite sources Otherwise they act like emboldened goofies who are above being questioned.

2 Up 2 Down

May 4, 2012
It was more due to perceived electability than anything else.

It's not that black folks didn't like Warren or Bernie, it's that they were seen as having a higher chance of losing to Trump. :yeshrug:
As it was portrayed by the media even though the polls read differently.

Uno Venova

Your honor, I was merely capping.
May 29, 2012
:mjlol:I said it before: tangibles are expected of Dems but Rs can just dislike the right people and issa wrap. Meanwhile, that candidate may have some deplorable positions but his ‘cism is just right.
They can't name ONE bill the republicans put up in the last decade that actually helped their people but they shyt on LGBT and that's enough for them :russ:


All Star
Jun 6, 2012
If you haven’t realized by now that “states rights” and everything else conservatives espouse is coded language for :mjpls: then idk what to tell you. Republican politics without racism is like Baskin-Robbins without ice cream, it doesn’t exist.

Code for "if these states want slavery we need to let them just do them and leave them alone"

Just like The Confederate flag "is my heritage (of enslaving you and your people and I'm proud of it and wish we could go back to that time when we were "great"

He's a black "independent thinker" aka "he isn't knowledgable enough to understand but he agrees with our coded language and you people should let him think for himself and just agree with what he thinks we're talking about"


In Sauce We Trust!
May 1, 2012
Big Gete Star
Black people all over the world are socially conservative.

White people didnt invent conservative values.

We value family, education, hard work, responsibility, law and order, we dont support LGBT, etc etc etc

Not gonna lie, I lost some respect for my parents when they still supported Obama even tho he was travelling to Africa campaigning for homosexuality and pushing gay marriage.
You musta gotten popped in the ass by your uncle or something

Professor Emeritus

Poster of the Year
Jan 5, 2015
the ether
The proof is even in the election results, when the Democratic nomination was on the line, most black people heavily supported Biden over the largely left leaning options like Bernie or Warren. Biden is a conservative Democrat

Biden is "conservative" because he favored mass incarceration, was slow as fukk on race issues, happily partnered with segregationists, shills for credit card companies, doesn't embrace strong environmental measures or Medicare for All, and voted for Bush's No Child Left Behind. None of that has anything to do with mainstream Black "conservativism".

How does any of that make him more in line with Black folk than than Bernie? Folk supported Biden because they thought he could beat Trump and because the Black elite in Congress and the media pushed him hard, not because of his policies and positions.

Professor Emeritus

Poster of the Year
Jan 5, 2015
the ether


Jul 25, 2018
Imma go ahead and flesh this out. You asked, so you better take the time to actually read. Look: I left the church in my early 20s. I learned right then and there how socially conservative we really are.

We value God and spiritualism. Family. Marriage and births within wedlock... I know the TREND has been opposite since we've come of age, but historically speaking the values have been there.

Now, as for me... I'm still socially conservative, "crazy" enough. Cause for me, conservatism isn't some "White" or "Republican" shyt. It's the values any group lays as a foundation for the advancement of their people-- and yes, I'm an African American. For me that means reviving Black love in the mainstream. We watched that vanish as we came of age. I'm not worried about gay people, "bedwenches" or their 'influence' personally, I'm worried about Black men and women's relations with one other. Are we actually dating or marrying appropriately, are we actually valuing one another on our paths or is it just about me. It means honor. There's a lot of people on both sides throwing "nikka" around carelessly and I cringe every time I see it. Especially from a position of supposed 'uplift'. It damn sure means integrity, because before the mods put everyone on notice, there was a whole lot of "tether this, tether that" talk about what other groups are doing but meanwhile, we could have our own smutting, hurting or killing each other and that same so called concern over lineage never enters the convo. So yeah... that's kinda what it is. I hope I made sense.

This dude really thinks preferring marriage and family is some "conservative" trait. As if Americans who identify as liberal are against marriages and families. As if Donald Trump wasn't enough to tell you all that marriage and family shyt is nothing but a big front to hide their own agenda, but you've been so brainwashed by Fox News you think "conservatives" have some exclusive rights to moral values. Dudes here are just dumb and wanna be Republicans after so bad it's not even funny. So tired of reading all this senseless poetry from black Trump supporters.


Jul 25, 2018
If Republicans weren't so outwardly racists, they would have a lot of support from all kinds of minorities. Hispanics, Asians, Middle Easterns..etc.
Yeah well, they are. They "could have" all this support and dominate American politics with their clearly superior ideology to those liberals and Democrat, but they just happen to prefer white voters exclusively. Yup. Funny how that works. Oh well.


Jul 25, 2018
No shyt nikka


You act like you're the only one that has heard about the southern strategy.

It's almost as if the parties switched after the civil Rights movement :ohhh:

And what's the deal with that little quip at the end? It wasn't too long ago that you were all up in my PMs asking me about getting into electrical and computer engineering.

That post made me lose all hope in the Coli. Dude is telling other people to open a book as he's repeating a bunch of ahistorical St* BS on a black website. I just don't even know about this place no more.


Jul 25, 2018
Are black people naturally socially conservative though?

I feel like that would involve having strong family structures, holding marriage as a key value, avoiding excessive drug and alcohol use, being on code, etc.

I think we were more naturally conservative when we were participating at a high level in the Black church. Which ironically is in low regard with Coli ‘social conservatives.’

Conservatives period are only "conservaties" when its convenient to THEM. Being an insensitive selfish hypocrite dikkhead sticking your nose up at others is what being "conservative" is all about. This is why these MFers will play up the same ideology of Donald Trump as the ideology that takes family values and marriage serious. This is why folks here want restrictive conservative rule against the government helping minorities in this country until it comes on to African Americans. Than suddenly we need trillions in tax payer money going to reparations exclusively. Nothing else.

Conservatives are the biggest idiots in the planet and I wish TLR dumbasses would just own it instead of writing the phony pro-balck poetry.

Wild self

The Black Man will prosper!
Jun 20, 2012
This dude really thinks preferring marriage and family is some "conservative" trait. As if Americans who identify as liberal are against marriages and families. As if Donald Trump wasn't enough to tell you all that marriage and family shyt is nothing but a big front to hide their own agenda, but you've been so brainwashed by Fox News you think "conservatives" have some exclusive rights to moral values. Dudes here are just dumb and wanna be Republicans after so bad it's not even funny. So tired of reading all this senseless poetry from black Trump supporters.

Arent the highest amount of divorce rates and OoW children are located in red states, though? :patrice:

The Amerikkkan Idol

The Amerikkkan Nightmare
Jun 9, 2012
But none of that has jack shyt to do with what he's talking about.

You're talking about a fukking pickup artist here. He doesn't give a shyt about religion. He doesn't give a shyt about family values. He doesn't give a shyt about drugs. He listed the things he agrees with WHITE CONSERVATIVES on and it wasn't any of that socially conservative shyt, it was just the random dumbass right-wing talking points of the moment.

Y'all are :cape: for him so hard you want to completely reinterpret what he actually said into something more palatable.

I don't even listen to the nikka:gucci:

I'm just telling you the difference between liberal & conservative.

nikkas always say this stupid shyt but can never point to what they mean by "socially conservative."

Family, education, hard work, and responsibility aren't conservative values - straight shuck and jive talk

They absolutely ARE conservative values, not Republican values, but they are the values associated with religious people, who are across the board in every country considered CONSERVATIVE

Define conservative values in America.

Edit: You do realize social security, welfare assistance, Medicare and Medicaid, minimum wage, federal public school funding, college financial aid are not supported by conservatives right? If they had it their way, those programs would be abolished.

Those are leftist values, not liberal values.

Plenty of super-religious, culturally conservative nations in Latin America, Africa, Asia, and everywhere else offer welfare programs for the poor & working class.

Bullshyt. I'm "conservative" on a lot of topics (religious, sexual morality, abortion, don't trust government, etc.), but that doesn't have jack shyt to do with what Tariq is talking about. The video is a fukking pickup artist who barely even talks about religion gassing up some young white conservative with an American flag as his background. When you are talking about white american conservatives, how can you pretend "most topics" don't mean:

white supremacy
extremist patriotism
serving the rich
caping for police
destroying education systems
destroying health systems
taking away the social safety net
rugged individualism
corporate capitalism
bosses over workers
landlords over renters
obsession with guns
mass incarceration
anti-voting rights
anti-housing rights

Again, maybe you listen to this guy more than I do, because I don't listen to him, but Tariq Nasheed doesn't get to define what conservative means in the world.

Most of the stuff that you named are neoliberal values, which is not the same thing as conservative values, even though IN THIS COUNTRY, most conservatives do adopt those stances, leading to the idea that they are one in the same. They are not.

Look at countries around the world, who are culturally conservative about sex, religion, immigration, art, dress, etc. . .

Conservatism is an aesthetic, cultural, social, and political philosophy, which seeks to promote and to preserve traditional social institutions.

I.E. Preserve the status quo.

In America that IS racism.

There is no way to separate racism from conservatism in America. They are literally one in the same.

The abortion, Gay shyt, Family values stuff is just red meat republicans throw out for votes.

In reality conservatism is driven by the idea of preserving things they way they used to be.

Only c00ns and cacs say stuff like “I’m socially conservative” Stop it :smh:

America does not get to redefine what conservatism means.

Name a "culturally liberal" Black country in the world:stopitslime:

Name ONE that's not centered on either Christian or Muslim or some sort of religious values

Even Asian countries like China that have tons of atheists are still CULTURALLY conservative as they encourage traditional nuclear families (man, woman, child), do not encourage drug or alcohol usage, limit the freedom of what can be said or done in art & culture

Your confusing "right wing" with Republican because conservatives are on the right wing of the political spectrum. This isn't debatable.

And to sit there and frame Malcolm as simply conservative because he's pro religion/family is disingenuous. Those values are restricted to any side of the political spectrum. The change he wanted to see in America was a radically, socially progressive one. Every civil rights activist by definition is a progressive. Does than mean he's a liberal? No. You can call form social reforms w/o being a liberal. You cannot be a social conservative while calling for progressive social reforms. The two are opposing views.

That's just not true.

Again, you're conflating right-wing with conservative.

Pro-religion & traditional families are ABSOLUTELY conservative values.

You know what culturally liberal countries are?

Western countries that propagate radical feminist ideas that men & women are the same or diminish the value of males in society

Western countries that don't encourage the traditional family of man, woman, and child, and preach this "all families are equal" crap (tell that to the Chinese)

Western countries that allow for & support the indulgence of drugs & alcohol

Western countries that encourage degenerative behavior in music, culture, sports, etc. . .

Western countries that reject religion & religious values.

Basically, all the CAC countries in Western Europe, Canada, & America.

Now, don't get me wrong, there's a lot of hypocrisy in all of these places, even in Black America.:yeshrug:

A lot of us don't actually follow what are textbook "conservative" values, but still hold them as the ideal that we want to live up to.

what do black people actually do socially that’s “conservative”

Our music isn’t conservative. Our language isn’t conservative. Art?…no. Even our form of christianity is anything but traditional/conservative.

What the hell is it that black do that’s actually conservative?? :dahell:

Dude, being a religious Christian, Muslim, Jewish, etc. . . in itself is conservative.

Look at Western Europe, they're all atheists now in Scandanavia, France, Japan, etc. . .

And the artist class that you're referring to is ALWAYS more liberal than the average person in every society.

Just because rappers, comedians, and Hollywood actors are liberals don't mean the people watching them are.

There is no black community of the future. This is the death knell. It’s dunzo. Jump ship.

I’d rather take any resources that I have and throw it at Africa. Throwing money into black America at this point is burning a hole in your pocket.

You think Africans who've been poor for centuries are in a better position than African-Americans, who as a group would be one of the richest countries in the world?:mjlol:

Before colonialism swept through Africa with Christianity their attitudes towards gays was different. They even had third genders.

People say that but African countries are more conservative than EVERY European country and virtually all the conservative countries in the world are people of color, while all the liberal countries are in Western Europe or the Americas.

I was amused when I saw that
Aren’t conservatives the least educated and the most prone to conspiracy theories

Aren’t conservatives more likely to prevent work by trampling on workers’ rights?

Aren’t conservatives more likely to prevent civil rights ?

Arent conservatives more likely to prevent a national health insurance scheme to keep people more sick and prevent work from occurring

aren’t conservatives leaders so far the most likely to be caught as paedophiles?

if you’re a woman aren’t you less likely to get a respectable time off under a conservative?

Again, you're conflating social conservatism with right-wing neoliberal values.

In most of the countries of color in the world, that are overwhelmingly religious countries those things you're talking about don't apply
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