The Tariq Nasheed Thread

Professor Emeritus

Poster of the Year
Jan 5, 2015
the ether
Nobody gonna read that shyt breh, you already admitted that you didn't even watch OP and don't know what we're talking about yet you think we want to read your essays that ain't even on topic?

Professor Emeritus

Poster of the Year
Jan 5, 2015
the ether
Arent the highest amount of divorce rates and OoW children are located in red states, though? :patrice:

Red states are WOAT in every fukking family values category:

Highest sexually transmitted disease rates

Highest teenage pregnancy rates

Highest out-of-wedlock birth rates

Highest divorce rates

Highest violent crime rates

Highest child mortality rates

Highest poverty rates

Yet we're supposed to believe that White Republicans are "family friendly" and somehow support Black conservative family values


Jul 25, 2018
How does social conservativism mesh with a radical, race based, redistribution of wealth such as reparations:jbhmm:
Or Civil Rights:jbhmm: (jk history has and contines to show us how well they mix)
Or Religious non-Christian Freedoms
Or the Drug War
Or Public school teaching (telling the truth about this country's history)
Or White supremacey (jk we ignoring the racist side of this)

Wait til these fake militants turn off Tucker fukking Carlson and find out you can be liberal and value family at the same. Wait until they stop getting their black militant cues from Fox News contributors and find out **GASP** you can be religious and liberal at the same time. Oh boy will that change everything. But the dudes been reading too much CPAC speeches and actually believe bein liberal means you you hate God and families.


These "black people are socially conservative" threads are always the best. It's where all the "both sides" TLRepublicans come right out and start celebrating the superior values and virtues of the conservative party. It's where you find out exactly who are the fake militants using "reparations" for their own agendas of getting black people to "stop voting Democrat" are.


Jul 25, 2018

Unfortunately, they're getting that anyway Hispanics are RUNNING towards conservatives

That's such a historically ignorant statement.

So, when Malcolm X & the Nation of Islam were preaching not doing drugs, drinking, creating strong Black families, and not engaging in degenerative behavior, what do you call that, liberalism?

Of course not.

Black people are the most religious group in America.

Minorities in general are more religious and conservative than White people are in this country.

Now, the problem with y'all is that y'all don't understand the difference between conservative and right-wing and liberal and left-wing.

Just because you're a conservative doesn't mean you're right-wing.

Again, Malcolm X thought "capitalism was for bloodsuckers" and supported Fidel Castro & Che Guevara, but he was not out there on the culturally liberal "sex, drugs, and rock n roll" lifestyle that liberals promote.

If you look at virtually EVERY country of color in the world from India, to Iran to Nigeria to China, they are ALL socially conservative.

Virtually all of the culturally liberal countries that don't support traditional families/sexuality, support drug/alcohol culture, and open immigration are CAC countries.

This got to be the biggest bunch of incoherent juelzing I ever read.

You watch way too much fukking Newsmax. You sound like Rush Limbaugh in the flesh.

Being against drug use, alcoholism, broken families, and "degenerate behavior" doesn't make you a conservative. It's how we combat these issues that separates both sides. Conservatives want to combat drug use, alcoholism and broken families by making YOU the poster child of all these social ills, blame it on social programs that you are "leeching" off of at the expense of taxpayers and at the expense of your character, so that they can pass racist ass laws and take away those social programs. Liberals believe in combatting these issues without the blatant white power agendas or rhetoric.

All y'all trying to glorify conservatism as this virtuous belief in family and moral values are showing yoru asses. Inventing BS terms like "socially conservative" cus you're too weak to just admit you a pro-Trump Republican. Conservatism is about small government and racism. That's it. Them capitalizing on religion and family values was part of an old political strategy that was intended for clueless Christian southerners but apparently it works on Coli contrarian smart-dummy militants to.

"I believe in family and staying away form drugs, so I'm a "social conservatives".....also CUT THE CHECK!!!"

TLR is a damn joke.


Jul 25, 2018
Honestly if the Republican Party wasn’t so racist then a lot more Black people would openly support them. Most of us have strong conservative values. :yeshrug:

If the Republican Party was "not racist" we would still be the poorest minority group in America and we would still prefer liberal economic as well as social policy. Is being "not racist" all it would take for you to abandon that whole phony, TLR reparations agenda and become a Republican? Says a lot.

TLR was really showing out this weekend. Y'all doing the most showing what you're real political biases are. "Both sides" my ass.


Jul 25, 2018
But none of that has jack shyt to do with what he's talking about.

You're talking about a fukking pickup artist here. He doesn't give a shyt about religion. He doesn't give a shyt about family values. He doesn't give a shyt about drugs. He listed the things he agrees with WHITE CONSERVATIVES on and it wasn't any of that socially conservative shyt, it was just the random dumbass right-wing talking points of the moment.

Y'all are :cape: for him so hard you want to completely reinterpret what he actually said into something more palatable.

All this finessing pro-black politics--none of which align with being "conservative" in any context--for the sole purpose of being agreeable to right wing conservatives and Republicans is becoming so disgusting I can't even take it.


Jul 25, 2018
All this question proves is that you dont understand reparations. Paying me for my ancestors labor is neither liberal nor conservative.

Conservatives believe in the rights of unlimited free enterprise even at the expense of some people's rights, freedoms, or dignity.

The Slave trade was first and foremost a system of TRADE and corporate enterprise which all competitive economies, including the United States, participated in.

Conservatives don't believe in punishing free enterprise because it was mean and inconvenient for "your people" at the time. They didn't believe in it two centuries, they don't believe in it post-Trump. Go ask them since you feel more "socially" aligned with their racist asses.

Interfering with or reversing the success of a free enterprise in order to compensate people who were exploited is very much an ideologically liberal position. You think it's Republicans who are open to hearing a damn thing about African slaves or Native Americans? They don't even want your kids to learn about it in school, let alone reverse any of it. If any part of you wants to be "conservative" than you don't honor reparations or your ancestors or the civil rights movement or none of that shyt, and y'all need to stop with the phony militance. I know it hurts to hear that because you are clearly a Republican and you are a Republican solely because you have a chip on your shoulder about immigrants and lack the intellect to engage in politics in a way that doesn't rely on contrarian viewpoint, but sorry honey, there ain't nothing "conservative" about you or anything you pretend to be fighting for.


Jul 25, 2018
You're asking this like ados and our demands have EVER had political representation/ backing. And why are you asking a random on the internet instead of, say, the CBC? The entire framing of your question is bizarre.

But, because you asked the right one, I've been a financial supporter of Yvette Carnell since she began organizing for reparations. She and Antonio Moore armed us with the data, the drive, and the sense of community necessary to advocate for ourselves. This method has proven much more effective than voting Democratic because they're the only ones willing to "entertain" my people's demands.

This chick got to be the fakest militant I ever seen.


Its soooo easy to get her on some diatribe against liberals, Democrats and Biden but the moment she's challenged to just admit that Republicans and conservatives are the greatest detriment to her #1, supposed data backed agenda it's still a bunch of aimless juelzing about Democrats.


It's like even when she's backed into a corner to see statistical facts and really be about her "both sides" criticism she still proves her self to be nothing but a Republican party stooge who's political opinion is limited to and based entirely on turning people against Democrats and nothing more.

Again, the entire fake militant clique here that uses reparations just to bash Democrats and passively play up fukking conservatives are disgusting. I don't know if yall are stupid or just shameless with your obvious right wing agendas.

This thread is awesome.


Jul 25, 2018
If you're wealthy yeah it is. If you're middle class or lower no it isn't. The republican party exist solely for the benefit of wealthy people. The democrat party exist primarily for the benefit of wealthy people. The key difference is that one will occasionally throw you a bone and the other will fukk you over every single chance they get.

I get what you're saying breh but I do wish people would expand and articulate Democrats a little more than just "nicer Republicans" more willing to give lip service.

Whether you are a conservative Republican or a liberal Democrat or somewhere in between, all American politicians and parties have one collective objective and goal: to make sure the United States of America remains the most economically prosperous and stable nation on planet Earth.

The difference between both sides is one side believes the backbone of a strong and stable American economy is a strong and stable upper class and corporate class that is relieved from taxes or any social justice regulations and burdens--even if it means masses have to suffer.

The other side believes the backbone of a strong and stable American economy is a strong and stable middle class that is relieved of tax burdens, cost of living burdens such as healthcare, and whose families and ability to prosper, take care of their families and be mobile is protected by law.

Everything else they do is an accessory to their core ideology. Conservatives don't want to see our economy destabilized by social justice causes, changes and regulations against big business. Liberals don't want to see our economy destabilized by a overpowered upperclass, a weak and immobile middle class, and civil unrest fueled by racism and discrimination.

All this smart dumb nicca babble about how often black people go to church is just idiots listening to Rush Limbaugh and st0rmfr0nt rhetoric of the stereotypical "Godless Liberal SJW" simply to demonize minorities and activists as if these motherfukkers aren't as immoral as they come. Old school southern strategy of painting liberals as more than ideological counterparts who love this country as well, but as an evil force that hates God and wants to transform the world into a place of degenerate chaos has been a classic strategy for centuries. And as someone stated these phony talking points about Church and values were originally used by yee haw pro-slavery pro-segregation rednecks to promote white supremacy and describe black people and the liberals supporting their causes as a threat to a stable and sophisticated white society.

And these pro black nikkas falling for it. These niccas sound more desperate than Ku Klux Klansmen that want you to so badly look past their history (and current acts) of violence and racism and see them as just a group of "social conservatives" who love God, family and country.

This shyt is sad. TLR really some type of Twilight Zone of pro-blackness.


Jul 25, 2018
I love how OP was being opportunistic and disingenuous with that thread title. News flash: Prior to Obama (most especially prior to his 2nd term), most Black people in this country were either socially moderate or socially conservative :mjlol: It’s amazing how y’all can’t seem to remember shyt prior to 2013 lmao. Thankfully a lotta FBA/DOS are returning to those social values for our own sake :blessed: :blessed:

Now let’s see which of you idiotic shills on here will assume I’m a Republican :lolbron:

Name one conservative movement, organization or political campaign in America that welcomed black issues or that we largely participated in.

Black voters are mostly older, middle or senior aged people and vote upward 90% for liberal politicians and policy. Social, economic or otherwise.

If older black folks were so conservative before Obama why do they vote so collectively and vehemently against it?

I'll wait.


May 20, 2015
Conservatives believe in the rights of unlimited free enterprise even at the expense of some people's rights, freedoms, or dignity.

The Slave trade was first and foremost a system of TRADE and corporate enterprise which all competitive economies, including the United States, participated in.

Conservatives don't believe in punishing free enterprise because it was mean and inconvenient for "your people" at the time. They didn't believe in it two centuries, they don't believe in it post-Trump. Go ask them since you feel more "socially" aligned with their racist asses.

Interfering with or reversing the success of a free enterprise in order to compensate people who were exploited is very much an ideologically liberal position. You think it's Republicans who are open to hearing a damn thing about African slaves or Native Americans? They don't even want your kids to learn about it in school, let alone reverse any of it. If any part of you wants to be "conservative" than you don't honor reparations or your ancestors or the civil rights movement or none of that shyt, and y'all need to stop with the phony militance. I know it hurts to hear that because you are clearly a Republican and you are a Republican solely because you have a chip on your shoulder about immigrants and lack the intellect to engage in politics in a way that doesn't rely on contrarian viewpoint, but sorry honey, there ain't nothing "conservative" about you or anything you pretend to be fighting for.
You do know the democratic party was the ones who enslaved you right?


Aug 26, 2019
The Voiceless Realm
As others have said, most Black people have traditionally been pretty conservative (not necessarily republican). It’s only been recently where we’ve been on some super liberal shyt.

Bring up certain topics and issues on this site and watch a lot of dudes make those same exact arguing points as the Conservatives they love to complain about.


Jul 25, 2018
You do know the democratic party was the ones who enslaved you right?

You do know the slave trade outdates the Democrat Party by at least four centuries right?


You do know political parties were a lot different in the 19th century right?


God damn man I joined thecoli cus I got sick of hearing this same shyt from comments section cacs a million times and here I am now reading this shyt from Coli militants.