The Tariq Nasheed Thread


May 17, 2012
the internet
Again, everything you described is learned behavior. If you claim that whites were looking out for whites, while making sure to impede access for blacks, is the same as blacks hiring another black, and an indian restaurant that has indians working in there, then that's a separate discussion for another thread. You have a skewed perspective on the black/white relations of yester-years, thus your perspective on today's results from that past relationship is also skewed

What is this based on?
Everything isnt based on race...and black folks are only hurting themselves if they believe that. Sure its a factor, but who care...there is NOTHING that can stop you from doing what you want to do.

TLR Is Mental Poison

The Coli Is Not For You
May 3, 2012
The Opposite Of Elliott Wilson's Mohawk
Again, everything you described is learned behavior. If you claim that whites were looking out for whites, while making sure to impede access for blacks, is the same as blacks hiring another black, and an indian restaurant that has indians working in there, then that's a separate discussion for another thread.
How can one look out for their own without impeding access to others? And how is it not relevant? Tariq took white people to task for looking out for their own, but then brags about looking for brothers first when he has to hire someone for something. Why is that double standard OK, and what would have to happen for us to be subject to the same morals/codes of behavior as everyone else?

You have a skewed perspective on the black/white relations of yester-years, thus your perspective on today's results from that past relationship is also skewed

How are my views skewed, and who is to say yours aren't?

People claim to want equality, but apply different standards to different people by their skin color. Does that make sense to you?
Apr 30, 2012
What is this based on?
Everything isnt based on race...and black folks are only hurting themselves if they believe that. Sure its a factor, but who care...there is NOTHING that can stop you from doing what you want to do.


but the topic is about race,so what is the point of saying everything isn't about race. Oh yeah, it's because black folks are more conscious about race, we got BET :laugh:

You can't say it's a factor, but claim "bu bu who cares". That's typical chatter of folks who are quick to dismiss because of their lazy rational, and their acceptance to having a complacent attitude and motivation of just to "go-along-to-get-along"

How can one look out for their own without impeding access to others? And how is it not relevant? Tariq took white people to task for looking out for their own, but then brags about looking for brothers first when he has to hire someone for something. Why is that double standard OK, and what would have to happen for us to be subject to the same morals/codes of behavior as everyone else?

How are my views skewed, and who is to say yours aren't?

People claim to want equality, but apply different standards to different people by their skin color. Does that make sense to you?

So now you're rationalizing that impeding others for your own gain is suddenly fine? But Tariq addressing that common practice against blacks and providing a solution to counteract it, you said he was in the wrong and being hypocritical? :huh:

Your views are skewed because on one hand you want to recognize the plight of blacks but then on the other, you are trying to down play it. You're trying to straddle the lines.

That's the power of the media, those who control it can make characachers of those without control. Thus minorities fearing of being viewed as a reverse racist, they would down play the realities of yester-years and the results of today, so they go-along-to-get-along. But let the subject of the critiques be black folks' behavior, then they would have no difficulties or worries

TLR Is Mental Poison

The Coli Is Not For You
May 3, 2012
The Opposite Of Elliott Wilson's Mohawk
So now you're rationalizing that impeding others for your own gain is suddenly fine? But Tariq addressing that common practice against blacks and providing a solution to counteract it, you said he was in the wrong and being hypocritical? :huh:
Is that how you read what I said?

All I said was its silly for Tariq to complain about a practice against blacks, and then advocate for blacks to engage in said practice. It's h-y-p-o-c-r-i-s-y.

Your views are skewed because on one hand you want to recognize the plight of blacks but then on the other, you are trying to down play it. You're trying to straddle the lines.
What plight, and how am I downplaying anything? Tariq doesn't seem to be facing any plight, he is doing the very discriminating you claim is what held black people down. So what are you talking about?



*EDIT* I mean :aicmon:


#TunnelGang #RingGangRadio
Staff member
May 9, 2012
I listened to the ep with Tariq debating the white cat and he pretty much sonned his ass off the show. He shut down every argument that cac would bring up. As far as the so called contradictions nikkas is accusing him of, he just wants black folks to use the same strategy that's been working for white people (Look out for ya own) Lots of black americans don't really stick together and help each other out as much as they can. You see other foreign cats come and get a good position at a job and soon start hiring they people until they done took over the job. shyt, you see that happen a lot down in south Florida with the hispanic peeps.

It's not like black people have organizations that solely help them, so I don't know how people can say that shyt is racist. shyt, black people should be glad Tariq encouraging black people to help each other out more/hiring qualified brothers and sisters.


Jun 6, 2012
^^^ Yeah I just listened to that episode too and honestly I'm starting to enjoy listening to Tariq's social commentary moreso than his playa advice/tips. I don't agree with everything he says but he opens my eyes to new things like that one episode about black feminism it was good stuff.

Its funny though to hear Tariq talk about sports every once in a blue moon. You can clearly tell he doesn't really follow sports.
Apr 30, 2012
Is that how you read what I said?

All I said was its silly for Tariq to complain about a practice against blacks, and then advocate for blacks to engage in said practice. It's h-y-p-o-c-r-i-s-y.

What plight, and how am I downplaying anything? Tariq doesn't seem to be facing any plight, he is doing the very discriminating you claim is what held black people down. So what are you talking about?


*EDIT* I mean :aicmon:

oh yeah, the good old comparison, without perspective approach to a debate. You focus on his solution, but not on the problem he's addressing with the solution. Thus, had I been a lazy rational thinker, who is quick to reply because of emotional trigger words and phrases, then I would have fallen for your poor attempt at trying to sway the discussion

But since I'm not, I focus on what you wrote

Again, you can't make reference to understanding the black plight of yester-years, but then want to downplay the socio-economical results we have today, greatly due to what occur in the past. Tariq suggested solutions that directly addressed those socio-economical results, that were spawned from blatant discrimination. But of course, someone like you, who is attempting to ensure that you are not viewed as a reverse-racist, will only focus on Tariq's solution, without adding perspective, like Tariq did, because if you do, then you won't be able to straddle the lines in race discussion

Perfect example of straddling the lines
How can one look out for their own without impeding access to others? And how is it not relevant?

Now you trying to suggest that conscious discrimination was due to the natural tendencies of humans because they naturally want to look out for those who physically look like them, which is BS because that's learned behavior

What are characachers? :whoo:

TLR Is Mental Poison

The Coli Is Not For You
May 3, 2012
The Opposite Of Elliott Wilson's Mohawk

oh yeah, the good old comparison, without perspective approach to a debate. You focus on his solution, but not on the problem he's addressing with the solution. Thus, had I been a lazy rational thinker, who is quick to reply because of emotional trigger words and phrases, then I would have fallen for your poor attempt at trying to sway the discussion

But since I'm not, I focus on what you wrote

Again, you can't make reference to understanding the black plight of yester-years, but then want to downplay the socio-economical results we have today, greatly due to what occur in the past. Tariq suggested solutions that directly addressed those socio-economical results, that were spawned from blatant discrimination. But of course, someone like you, who is attempting to ensure that you are not viewed as a reverse-racist, will only focus on Tariq's solution, without adding perspective, like Tariq did, because if you do, then you won't be able to straddle the lines in race discussion

Perfect example of straddling the lines

Now you trying to suggest that conscious discrimination was due to the natural tendencies of humans because they naturally want to look out for those who physically look like them, which is BS because that's learned behavior

What are characachers? :whoo:
Obviously there is a difference between Jim Crow laws and Tariq looking out for a black guy when he has work to hire someone to do

But we are not facing Jim Crow levels of discrimination anymore. History is relevant in the outcome of where we are today, but it doesn't excuse blatant double standards, nor is it necessarily relevant to the thinking process behind decisions made today. IOW, its silly to say a white hiring manager picked a white candidate today because they have the same seeds of racial hatred as certain whites decades ago on its own... but its especially ridiculous when Tariq does the same thing for reasons that can be applied to anybody (looking out for their own at the expense of others). You can't cry about discrimination and then discriminate yourself. If you can't understand that, :manny:


I trained Sheng Long and Shonuff
May 2, 2012
Just listened to the latest episode, I think my ultimate goal in life now is to become a dirty Mack. Sounds like it'd be right up my alley :jawalrus:


Religion INC.
Jun 21, 2012
I am
any1 got a link 2 his sex magic ppv joint, i've been on my kundalini wave as of lately :youngsabo:


All Star
May 2, 2012
more money

oh yeah, the good old comparison, without perspective approach to a debate. You focus on his solution, but not on the problem he's addressing with the solution. Thus, had I been a lazy rational thinker, who is quick to reply because of emotional trigger words and phrases, then I would have fallen for your poor attempt at trying to sway the discussion

But since I'm not, I focus on what you wrote

Again, you can't make reference to understanding the black plight of yester-years, but then want to downplay the socio-economical results we have today, greatly due to what occur in the past. Tariq suggested solutions that directly addressed those socio-economical results, that were spawned from blatant discrimination. But of course, someone like you, who is attempting to ensure that you are not viewed as a reverse-racist, will only focus on Tariq's solution, without adding perspective, like Tariq did, because if you do, then you won't be able to straddle the lines in race discussion

Perfect example of straddling the lines

Now you trying to suggest that conscious discrimination was due to the natural tendencies of humans because they naturally want to look out for those who physically look like them, which is BS because that's learned behavior

What are characachers? :whoo:

Good sht :whoo:

Obviously there is a difference between Jim Crow laws and Tariq looking out for a black guy when he has work to hire someone to do


But we are not facing Jim Crow levels of discrimination anymore. History is relevant in the outcome of where we are today, but it doesn't excuse blatant double standards

Double standards can be justified when two entities that are meant to be equal are not, in such a case, separate standards of practice are needed to correct the difference in parity and bring them closer to equality.

Now, It just so happens that we are no where near as socio-economically privavlaged as whites, so double standards are necessarily to "even the playing fields", if you will.

For example; for every white employer that says "no" to us due to our skin color, we need a black employer that will say "yes" to us due to our skin color, that in esscence evens things out and ensures equality/ justice.

nor is it necessarily relevant to the thinking process behind decisions made today. As far as the racial discrimnatory privalage the majority of white familes practice

Where do you think the white "racial discrimitry privalge" you're talking about originated from? A majority of the time racist ideals are past down from generation to generation. Cacs dont just wake up racist, most of the time their belifes are born from racist, traditional upbringings.

In fact, one of the first things white supremists are taught from a young age is to value their heritage and history more than anything else. So don't for a second think that history is irrelevant in regards to a racists thinking process.

IOW, its silly to say a white hiring manager picked a white candidate today because they have the same seeds of racial hatred as certain whites decades ago on its own...

This "seed of hatred" you're talking about is simply an unmerited sense of white superiority, the "seed" is no diffrent now that it was one hundred years ago.

Now of course there are some good white brothers out there, we all know this, but there are also a lot of devils out there that possess very archaic ways of thinking, and that are likely to employ a white boy over you simply because of the color of his skin.

So believe me when i say that the old "seed of hatred" you are referring to is still alive and well.