you made it seem like capitalists were the only ones with militaries

Depends on the country
Your definitions of exploitation are absurd.
You're free to live in communist long as its got a capitalistic arm, right?
You shouldn't have any problem with that
unskilled = replaceable
I'm not indian
I do speak against class solidarity in some cases, especially when people dont take their own efforts to move out of their situation
Mind you, in capitalism, you have that choice. In socialism, you CANT
I disagree. Not all people have equal claims.
Charity is voluntary, not forced reallocation, so no your little unicorn scenario doesn't live up to expectations.
What's lavish?
Most small businesses struggle to keep everyone on payroll, much less keep the lights on.
Higher levels can't be attained if everyone is on your same level. Didn't you just say this?
Wage slavery is working in Qatar building stadiums. Not working at Walmart.
Blame the citizens.
Not if every comparison of yours is unchecked hyperbole.
OK, Comrade