The specter that still haunts capitalism

JahFocus CS

Get It How You Get It
Sep 10, 2014
Republic of New Afrika
Oh, so now the police and the military are just physical force? :heh:

I guess we're ignoring Afghanistan in the 80s :mjlol:

I don't support monarchies because the public is not represented, or at least informed members of the public.

Nation-states didn't even exist, only kingdoms and fiefdoms. Stop with this obfuscation and wild spin you're putting on everything.

Monarchies also reinforce religious/divine rule...aka bullshyt. Miss me with that.

Those who have no experience

Those who have no will.

As a matter of public policy, its a poor one.

You can keep misrepresenting words, but you can't do it in front of people who know what they're talking about.

UNSKILLED labor can't effectively strike.

Remember that.

Skills = Assets = Value.
Actually, i enjoy the freedom to experiment and to live out my life with my own incentives and rewards, not those mandated by those who pretend to know more than me when in reality they wish to control my outlook

I really hope you're not black, because every time you equate slavery to modern capitalism you recount how fukking ridiculous some of your talking points have evolved into.

I didn't say they didn't have power. I said they have limited power UNLESS they can figure out a novel way to introduce their own path in the system and sustain their own independence. No one forced you to work for corporate.

To an extent.

Some people just want something for nothing though. And you won't ever address this.

Not sure what your point is with Afghanistan... please elaborate.

What is "the public?" :jbhmm:

If only you opposed oppression and exploitation with the same fervor you do religion...

No experience? :dead: No will? :dead: You pull something out of your ass for everything :pachaha: Workers organizing and fighting for their class interests and liberation have PLENTY of will, more will than anyone in the world. The will to get rid of a terrible system that consigns them and the planet to exploitation and death. The will to build a society worth a damn, something that deserves the title "civilized."

Unskilled labor can effectively strike, it's called fighting off scabs who effectively serve the interests of the ruling class.

I am Afrikan but I don't need to prove that to you, Apu :umad:

The working class' power comes as a collective. Individual workers have next to no power - they can just be replaced. But an entire workforce? Bosses go :whoa:. A majority of the working class? :sadcam: It's a wrap for the ruling class. You are speaking against working class solidarity, thus trying to keep workers unaware of their own power.

No, not to an extent. They have every right to buck the system and whoever is keeping them down, point, blank, period.

Some people do want something for nothing: couch potatoes who don't work. Under socialism: you don't work, you have no right to the proceeds of society's production. Now, in a case like THIS, charity is appropriate because there will be some people who feel they can do with less and would hate to see someone hungry/starving, even if it was because they refused to work and contribute. Charity could keep those free riders alive.

Why do you want citizens to all have some same standard of living? As if once achieved, higher levels won't be aspired to?

Because no one's labor should be exploited, enabling someone else to live lavishly. Higher levels will absolutely be aspired to, and should be. That's the goal and it can be attained by democratic means.

Working a job is not the same as being a slave, a human sex toy, or being a police punching bag.

Your attempts to employ metaphor just reveal how incredibly naive and immature you're being about anything in this discussion. Its frankly insulting

No, being a worker is not the same as being a chattel slave. But it is wage slavery.

The fact that negative social phenomena are linked together by the economic system and the conflict it encourages and actively foments continues to go waaaay over your head.

You repeating the same charge of "immaturity" doesn't make it so :umad:

fam, i don't understand either why no one else is not calling you out for making simple and trivial comparisons like human trafficking and slavery to...working at walmart.

You gotta be trolling

I'm not your "fam" :pacspit: :camby:

JahFocus CS

Get It How You Get It
Sep 10, 2014
Republic of New Afrika
Breh anarchism/libertarianism is not the same as socialism. It's not even close. I'm not sure how you could equate a system that has no Govt and limited Govt to a system were the state controls most of everything

And I'm telling you it is desirable to not have Gov't messing with the prices of things.


Anarchist communism - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Peter Kropotkin - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Libertarian socialism - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Council communism - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Libertarian Marxism - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia



Kae☭ernick Loyalist
Aug 3, 2015
Breh anarchism/libertarianism is not the same as socialism. It's not even close. I'm not sure how you could equate a system that has no Govt and limited Govt to a system were the state controls most of everything

And I'm telling you it is desirable to not have Gov't messing with the prices of things.

You have no idea what you are talking about in the slightest. Please look up the terms.

Property rights in a stateless society :mjlol:

Side note: Blocking Napoleon is a move I recommend for everyone. The mushy nonsense of every post, the incessant smilies, and the sheer ahistoricalism; all things you can do without brehs.

JahFocus CS

Get It How You Get It
Sep 10, 2014
Republic of New Afrika
You have no idea what you are talking about in the slightest. Please look up the terms.

Property rights in a stateless society :mjlol:

Side note: Blocking Napoleon is a move I recommend for everyone. The mushy nonsense of every post, the incessant smilies, and the sheer ahistoricalism; all things you can do without brehs.

Word. I am close as fukk to doing this.

But first...

@Napoleon :umad: :umad: :umad: You maaaaadddd. You maaaadddd. I got dirt on you doggy :umad: :umad: :umad:


The Original
Dec 9, 2012
The Deep State
Not sure what your point is with Afghanistan... please elaborate.
you made it seem like capitalists were the only ones with militaries :mjlol:
What is "the public?" :jbhmm:
Depends on the country

If only you opposed oppression and exploitation with the same fervor you do religion...
Your definitions of exploitation are absurd.

No experience? :dead: No will? :dead: You pull something out of your ass for everything :pachaha: Workers organizing and fighting for their class interests and liberation have PLENTY of will, more will than anyone in the world. The will to get rid of a terrible system that consigns them and the planet to exploitation and death. The will to build a society worth a damn, something that deserves the title "civilized."
You're free to live in communist long as its got a capitalistic arm, right? :heh:

You shouldn't have any problem with that :mjpls:

Unskilled labor can effectively strike, it's called fighting off scabs who effectively serve the interests of the ruling class.
unskilled = replaceable

I am Afrikan but I don't need to prove that to you, Apu :umad:
I'm not indian

The working class' power comes as a collective. Individual workers have next to no power - they can just be replaced. But an entire workforce? Bosses go :whoa:. A majority of the working class? :sadcam: It's a wrap for the ruling class. You are speaking against working class solidarity, thus trying to keep workers unaware of their own power.
I do speak against class solidarity in some cases, especially when people dont take their own efforts to move out of their situation

Mind you, in capitalism, you have that choice. In socialism, you CANT

No, not to an extent. They have every right to buck the system and whoever is keeping them down, point, blank, period.
I disagree. Not all people have equal claims.

Some people do want something for nothing: couch potatoes who don't work. Under socialism: you don't work, you have no right to the proceeds of society's production. Now, in a case like THIS, charity is appropriate because there will be some people who feel they can do with less and would hate to see someone hungry/starving, even if it was because they refused to work and contribute. Charity could keep those free riders alive.
Charity is voluntary, not forced reallocation, so no your little unicorn scenario doesn't live up to expectations.

Because no one's labor should be exploited, enabling someone else to live lavishly.
What's lavish?
Most small businesses struggle to keep everyone on payroll, much less keep the lights on.

Higher levels will absolutely be aspired to, and should be. That's the goal and it can be attained by democratic means.
Higher levels can't be attained if everyone is on your same level. Didn't you just say this?

No, being a worker is not the same as being a chattel slave. But it is wage slavery.
Wage slavery is working in Qatar building stadiums. Not working at Walmart. :snoop:

The fact that negative social phenomena are linked together by the economic system and the conflict it encourages and actively foments continues to go waaaay over your head.
Blame the citizens.
You repeating the same charge of "immaturity" doesn't make it so :umad:
Not if every comparison of yours is unchecked hyperbole.

I'm not your "fam" :pacspit: :camby:
OK, Comrade :troll:


The Original
Dec 9, 2012
The Deep State
You have no idea what you are talking about in the slightest. Please look up the terms.

Property rights in a stateless society :mjlol:

Side note: Blocking Napoleon is a move I recommend for everyone. The mushy nonsense of every post, the incessant smilies, and the sheer ahistoricalism; all things you can do without brehs.
I forgot that this was just an echo chamber where the circlejerk just goes on so hyperbole just gets splashed on the walls for you all to indulge in :stopitslime:

Zeus forbid, some of you get challenged on any ill-formed talking point.