The Sopranos - Adriana admits to Christopher she's a Snitch/Her Murder


Street Terrorist
May 1, 2012
What disturbs me the most is how Sil can interact with Adriana and not feel anything. The ability to interact with your victims, talk to them and see that they are human beings and still kill them is so dark. It makes me look at the mafia in a different light. Even serial killers do not look at their victims as people, but as objects to act upon. So many times on the show we see characters that we love kill people that they have close emotional ties to and they don't seem to care afterwards. How can you laugh with someone, hold them and call them your friend, lover etc and end their life without batting an eyelash?
Blew his cousin's face

Red Shield

Global Domination
Dec 17, 2013
I just binge watched.... After years of thinking tony was arrested....I now lean towards tony getting murked....Paulie n patsy did it

Tension been building seasons with him n Paulie, with their issues coming to a head on the episode remember when, that episode showed Paulie then and there tony didn't trust him for a long time...on blue comet where sil got popped NY was meeting with Nj management about popping tony behind his back, tony even felt questionable about sil once sil told him, plz believe they pressed others, so he told bobby to handle the Phil hit, once they made the decision as tony trusted Bobby most, then after their meet with the top 3, bobby informs Paulie of the Phil hit, with Paulie replying does tony know, and bobby said of course he knows, Paulie the underboss knows now after being nervous of how tony feels of him, that tony has been working around Paulie years and bumped bobby to his seat even past sil meaning he was expendable... Bobby being sloppy not handling things right gives Paulie the line on those hitters from oversees...Paulie and pasty leaves the bar and says don't talk about this out here as if they were scheming, at that point only the top 4 knew of the impending Phil hit, why was patsy privy to this...tony didn't notify his troops til he got confirmation.. Now when NY did the plans for the hit they specifically excluded Paulie and said management only, well only tony, sil, bobby, and Paulie himself could have told ny of his stance in tony let's start with patsy who is another who had his target on tony, in the final episodes the tension is high as tony figured out Carlo son snitching, so Patsy and his child could flip any given moment, watching their families together you get the feeling although his son went with meadow they was playing the sopranos for a come up, Carlo son presented a issue he had to silence tony before tony silenced him...between patsy, Paulie and tony there were a lot of weird faces the last few ep...also Charmaine artie wife was fukking with Carmella as she always does over not having a family with tony, and Gide's them over pasty son and meadow, tony leaves the table n charmaine gives camella the smug look and askdoes patsy still work for your husband as even she knew of tony murking his twin, as even with seasons past patsy may have been still chirping about his bro in public...after sil and bobby, Phil are murked the motions is in play, Paulie refusing a high rolling money hustle as if that was beneath him at that point, even using excuses tony would use on him for choosing chris and bobby over him he had his mind made up he would murk tony and had other plans, tony with the last use of his amazing insight mention giving the opportunity to Patsy, and Paulie acts as if he despises Patsy, when they been close the last season and were seen drinking at the bar and Paulie saying to the bathroom what we discuss for our ears... Paulie knew if tony gave that bone to Patsy, patsy may have been content with playing father in law, he might've even told of the plan for the hit...Also patsy son being with meadow gave them a direct line on when and where tony would be

A lot of subtle shyt the last 2 seasons just caught junior getting bad from janice not feeding or giving him his meds, as seen he was fine in the meda in tge facility...junior rather stay in the facility to get a meal n etc, rather than break out with beppy...also in the last episode junior slipped he caught Janice cutting on the stove n putting the flame out, trying to poison him to death, this was something only a adult Janice could do, probably while he was in her care before he shot tony... Once beppy alerted tony about Janice he put two and two about Junes health and tried to bury the hatchet
I think you may be right bro and i never ever even gave that a thought.

Check this out it makes the case
Paulie gave order to kill Tony. - The Chase Lounge

I totally forgot the paulie/tony threat of 3 oclock from chris dream and all the times tony wanted to kill paulie. There was a hidden story there all along.

That and as dude pointed out he brought barber scissors to satriales after ny planned tonys hit in the beauty shop.

He always was running to ny behind to ys back and his last scene is just takin in the sun like it was just another day in the sun while everyonw ia being killed around him.


DJ Paul's Arm

Dec 15, 2015
They did Chris dirty! I thought the show would eventually turn into Chris vs Tony but na they just made him into a complete junky. His death was the wackest most anti-climatic thing in the entire show. The character and actor deserved better.

"You killed Cosette? I ought to suffocate you, you little prick!"

Dat writing



Jun 6, 2012
New York
Started a rewatch and I just watched the ep where Chirs is getting canolis and other assorted Italian pastries for the crew and Vito comes in but he's not Vito and he cuts the line. Chris gets pissed kicks him out and menaces the bakery clerk ending with him shooting him in the foot.
- "You shot me in the foot!"
- "It happens." :mjlol:

Great Goodfellas call back. Haven't rewatched the ep since I realized that was Chris in Goodfellas.


Jun 26, 2014
I'm still :dead: at the way Tony searched Chrissy to see if he was wired up. Man gave absolutely no fukks when he had the news broken to him. After what happened with Big p*ssy, I can't even blame him though.
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Piff Perkins

May 29, 2012
Damn shame Tony didn't realize something might be up. In his mind he had "won" the war, after learning of Phil's death. That should have been it...but I could have imagined that if Tony was in a better mindstate he would have laid low longer. I'm not saying this was bad writing BTW, Tony wasn't omnipotent and being that weighed down mentally caused him to slip up when he thought shyt was safe.


Jun 6, 2012
New York
I just binge watched.... After years of thinking tony was arrested....I now lean towards tony getting murked....Paulie n patsy did it

Tension been building seasons with him n Paulie, with their issues coming to a head on the episode remember when, that episode showed Paulie then and there tony didn't trust him for a long time...on blue comet where sil got popped NY was meeting with Nj management about popping tony behind his back, tony even felt questionable about sil once sil told him, plz believe they pressed others, so he told bobby to handle the Phil hit, once they made the decision as tony trusted Bobby most, then after their meet with the top 3, bobby informs Paulie of the Phil hit, with Paulie replying does tony know, and bobby said of course he knows, Paulie the underboss knows now after being nervous of how tony feels of him, that tony has been working around Paulie years and bumped bobby to his seat even past sil meaning he was expendable... Bobby being sloppy not handling things right gives Paulie the line on those hitters from oversees...Paulie and pasty leaves the bar and says don't talk about this out here as if they were scheming, at that point only the top 4 knew of the impending Phil hit, why was patsy privy to this...tony didn't notify his troops til he got confirmation.. Now when NY did the plans for the hit they specifically excluded Paulie and said management only, well only tony, sil, bobby, and Paulie himself could have told ny of his stance in tony let's start with patsy who is another who had his target on tony, in the final episodes the tension is high as tony figured out Carlo son snitching, so Patsy and his child could flip any given moment, watching their families together you get the feeling although his son went with meadow they was playing the sopranos for a come up, Carlo son presented a issue he had to silence tony before tony silenced him...between patsy, Paulie and tony there were a lot of weird faces the last few ep...also Charmaine artie wife was fukking with Carmella as she always does over not having a family with tony, and Gide's them over pasty son and meadow, tony leaves the table n charmaine gives camella the smug look and askdoes patsy still work for your husband as even she knew of tony murking his twin, as even with seasons past patsy may have been still chirping about his bro in public...after sil and bobby, Phil are murked the motions is in play, Paulie refusing a high rolling money hustle as if that was beneath him at that point, even using excuses tony would use on him for choosing chris and bobby over him he had his mind made up he would murk tony and had other plans, tony with the last use of his amazing insight mention giving the opportunity to Patsy, and Paulie acts as if he despises Patsy, when they been close the last season and were seen drinking at the bar and Paulie saying to the bathroom what we discuss for our ears... Paulie knew if tony gave that bone to Patsy, patsy may have been content with playing father in law, he might've even told of the plan for the hit...Also patsy son being with meadow gave them a direct line on when and where tony would be

A lot of subtle shyt the last 2 seasons just caught junior getting bad from janice not feeding or giving him his meds, as seen he was fine in the meda in tge facility...junior rather stay in the facility to get a meal n etc, rather than break out with beppy...also in the last episode junior slipped he caught Janice cutting on the stove n putting the flame out, trying to poison him to death, this was something only a adult Janice could do, probably while he was in her care before he shot tony... Once beppy alerted tony about Janice he put two and two about Junes health and tried to bury the hatchet
Shyt like this is why I'm actually rewatching. I missed all this on first viewing. I think my feelings for the show at the time had me paying less attention than I used to. The Wire had started by the latter seasons and I was very pissed the Sopranos got all these award accolades and the Wire didn't get shyt. So I was low key kinda emotionally checked out. Plus, I never found Tony charismatic I was a Chris guy and when he died I felt some type of way about that to.


Never Ever
May 3, 2012
Damn shame Tony didn't realize something might be up. In his mind he had "won" the war, after learning of Phil's death. That should have been it...but I could have imagined that if Tony was in a better mindstate he would have laid low longer. I'm not saying this was bad writing BTW, Tony wasn't omnipotent and being that weighed down mentally caused him to slip up when he thought shyt was safe.

they also did a time jump at the end, so its possible he had laid low for a good while.

I've probably watched this show over 20 times in its entirety, and I honestly have no opinion on the ending.

its just one of those things, its over..... and there was nothing we could do about it


May 26, 2012
San Diego
I recommend reading the book by Alan Sepinwall, and another big critic, (Matt Zoller) which came out in 2019, they spend a lot of time talking to Chase, and he lays out the "final scene", in a way that makes it really clear, he didn't intend to show Tony's death, he was going for something else. One can think he died, and that's fine, but for those who want to go by the intent of Chase, he explains it, in classic Chase prose, that it's not like a death scene. Which doesn't mean the scene isn't intentionally manipulative, because it is.
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