The Sopranos - Adriana admits to Christopher she's a Snitch/Her Murder


May 26, 2012
San Diego
I think the implication was that he was coked up that night with Tony.....Other subject, someone I was talking to recently was 100% convinced, irrationally so, that Jimmy Altieri wasn't cooperating with the FBI, when it is really clear the writers strongly implied that. Does anyone in here think the same? I can't see how anyone could really read it different, but interpretation is like that, frustrating as it may be sometimes.


Never Ever
May 3, 2012
I think the implication was that he was coked up that night with Tony.....Other subject, someone I was talking to recently was 100% convinced, irrationally so, that Jimmy Altieri wasn't cooperating with the FBI, when it is really clear the writers strongly implied that. Does anyone in here think the same? I can't see how anyone could really read it different, but interpretation is like that, frustrating as it may be sometimes.

jimmy was definitely ratting. between coming to tony's crib after getting out...

well.... you look good.... thanks... i wasnt gone that long

he was straight up asking tony about a murder and some stolen money, then he asked for a meeting with junior and all the captains to go over shyt that was weeks and months old.

he was ratting.


May 8, 2012
Tri State Area
Even tho she flipped that scene with her getting clipped was hard to watch

That's how I took it as well.

When he told the cop why he was there to kill him the cop was :gucci:

And then in the end Chris was just like :yeshrug:

It's also interesting how Tony mocked Chris wanting to be hollywood, but he ends up sending his own son to that industry. In season 3 we find out Chris kind of resents Tony for protecting kids of the other mobsters (Jackie jr) but keeping Chris in the mob.

Their relationship was ill.

"That's the guy Ade, that's the guy I'm going to hell for. My uncle Tony" :mjcry:


Down By Law
May 1, 2012
Dallas, TX
Working overnight I find myself watching the sopranos on youtube all the time. It was such a brilliant show and by far my favorite of all time.

I wish Adriana would've went to Chris immediately when she found out her friend was a fed. She was being very naive. Also Tony was a scumbag, I have no doubt that eventually he would've fukked Adriana if they didn't have that crash.

I thought Ralph was a great character on the show because he was funny as hell. The way he always shytted on GiGi was hilarious.

That one episode where he comes to the club and his stripper girlfriend tries to kiss him and he says "WHOA, how many cocks you sucked tonight?, get me a drink" And then he proceeds to kiss GiGi on the lips and says "where's the skipper?"
Gigi "he's getting his weasel greased" Ralph, "oh your kid brother is here":russ:

Tony got in everyone's face and talked shyt, the only person he would take shyt off of is Silvio and Johnny Sack. I think he feared Johnny because of NY and what Johnny was capable of. Johnny also let that joke about his wife ruin him in a lot of ways. Wanting to take out carmine and ralph. Even when silvio was acting boss he couldn't handle the pressure, but he was a good #2.

The only person on the show I despised was Janice, she was a epitome of a nasty woman in so many ways.


Never Ever
May 3, 2012
Working overnight I find myself watching the sopranos on youtube all the time. It was such a brilliant show and by far my favorite of all time.

I wish Adriana would've went to Chris immediately when she found out her friend was a fed. She was being very naive. Also Tony was a scumbag, I have no doubt that eventually he would've fukked Adriana if they didn't have that crash.

I thought Ralph was a great character on the show because he was funny as hell. The way he always shytted on GiGi was hilarious.

That one episode where he comes to the club and his stripper girlfriend tries to kiss him and he says "WHOA, how many cocks you sucked tonight?, get me a drink" And then he proceeds to kiss GiGi on the lips and says "where's the skipper?"
Gigi "he's getting his weasel greased" Ralph, "oh your kid brother is here":russ:

Tony got in everyone's face and talked shyt, the only person he would take shyt off of is Silvio and Johnny Sack. I think he feared Johnny because of NY and what Johnny was capable of. Johnny also let that joke about his wife ruin him in a lot of ways. Wanting to take out carmine and ralph. Even when silvio was acting boss he couldn't handle the pressure, but he was a good #2.

The only person on the show I despised was Janice, she was a epitome of a nasty woman in so many ways.

everything you posted is A1 quality posting.

I feel you on the Janice hate, but I really also hated the mom. Nivia was a terrible person, and at most, Janice is his sister, she is trash, but his sister.

its a hard life is your mom is like that though. good thing she died.

that whole scene in the bing with Ralph and GiGi, straight comedy.

shout to Gigi shooting Spoons in that car and basically blowing his own eardrum out too.
May 9, 2012
I just binge watched.... After years of thinking tony was arrested....I now lean towards tony getting murked....Paulie n patsy did it

Tension been building seasons with him n Paulie, with their issues coming to a head on the episode remember when, that episode showed Paulie then and there tony didn't trust him for a long time...on blue comet where sil got popped NY was meeting with Nj management about popping tony behind his back, tony even felt questionable about sil once sil told him, plz believe they pressed others, so he told bobby to handle the Phil hit, once they made the decision as tony trusted Bobby most, then after their meet with the top 3, bobby informs Paulie of the Phil hit, with Paulie replying does tony know, and bobby said of course he knows, Paulie the underboss knows now after being nervous of how tony feels of him, that tony has been working around Paulie years and bumped bobby to his seat even past sil meaning he was expendable... Bobby being sloppy not handling things right gives Paulie the line on those hitters from oversees...Paulie and pasty leaves the bar and says don't talk about this out here as if they were scheming, at that point only the top 4 knew of the impending Phil hit, why was patsy privy to this...tony didn't notify his troops til he got confirmation.. Now when NY did the plans for the hit they specifically excluded Paulie and said management only, well only tony, sil, bobby, and Paulie himself could have told ny of his stance in tony let's start with patsy who is another who had his target on tony, in the final episodes the tension is high as tony figured out Carlo son snitching, so Patsy and his child could flip any given moment, watching their families together you get the feeling although his son went with meadow they was playing the sopranos for a come up, Carlo son presented a issue he had to silence tony before tony silenced him...between patsy, Paulie and tony there were a lot of weird faces the last few ep...also Charmaine artie wife was fukking with Carmella as she always does over not having a family with tony, and Gide's them over pasty son and meadow, tony leaves the table n charmaine gives camella the smug look and askdoes patsy still work for your husband as even she knew of tony murking his twin, as even with seasons past patsy may have been still chirping about his bro in public...after sil and bobby, Phil are murked the motions is in play, Paulie refusing a high rolling money hustle as if that was beneath him at that point, even using excuses tony would use on him for choosing chris and bobby over him he had his mind made up he would murk tony and had other plans, tony with the last use of his amazing insight mention giving the opportunity to Patsy, and Paulie acts as if he despises Patsy, when they been close the last season and were seen drinking at the bar and Paulie saying to the bathroom what we discuss for our ears... Paulie knew if tony gave that bone to Patsy, patsy may have been content with playing father in law, he might've even told of the plan for the hit...Also patsy son being with meadow gave them a direct line on when and where tony would be

A lot of subtle shyt the last 2 seasons just caught junior getting bad from janice not feeding or giving him his meds, as seen he was fine in the meda in tge facility...junior rather stay in the facility to get a meal n etc, rather than break out with beppy...also in the last episode junior slipped he caught Janice cutting on the stove n putting the flame out, trying to poison him to death, this was something only a adult Janice could do, probably while he was in her care before he shot tony... Once beppy alerted tony about Janice he put two and two about Junes health and tried to bury the hatchet

I never noticed any of this...

I’ve only seen 6A and 6B once all the way thru. I keep starting the show and watching all the way thru the end of season 5 then I stop at 6A (the weakest season imo) then time passes and I start all over again at the beginning of S1.

Need to watch 6A & B again.

Skip b

May 5, 2012
I never noticed any of this...

I’ve only seen 6A and 6B once all the way thru. I keep starting the show and watching all the way thru the end of season 5 then I stop at 6A (the weakest season imo) then time passes and I start all over again at the beginning of S1.

Need to watch 6A & B again.
Season 6A and B you must rewatch back to back.....It list Tony complete downfall with his whole crew character by character; intertwined with subtle shyt

Even by season 6 end he really couldnt trust Sil as NY was talking to him, he started to question Sil the last 2-3 episodes and trusted Bobby with the Hit.....

Also notice how Paulie and Patsy was buddy buddy all season 6 but Paulie was being deceptive with acting like they didnt get along in tony last meeting in front of the butcher shop


Free Sheist
May 1, 2012
Just shows how utterly fukked up Christopher was. A true scumbag. He was so married to the lifestyle that he turned on his most loyal partner.

It was hilarious how he came into the club trying to fight Tony on his own while he was surrounded by all his protectors.
She wasn’t loyal to Chris
The second she started working with the feds, she was disloyal