I think what I'm about to say is fair but I'd like some real Star Wars junkies to chime in
The Last Jedi was kinda trash and the decisions made were mostly trash and subverting expectations is trash however... what actually happens in the movie makes sense.
The Rise of Skywalker makes no sense period. That's why I feel it is the worst SW movie out of the 9. I don't actually get what happened. In fact, they are making entire series on Disney+ to attempt to explain what happened..
Am I wrong here? Make this movie make sense for me.. lol
I think you're right.
I think TLJ also didn't really make sense:
- e.g. Rose trying to sacrifice herself to save Finn to tell him we need to save what we love.....but in doing so she stopped Finn from sacrificing himself to save what he loved.
- That whole Holdo/Poe beef was so stupid, so was the Holdo maneuvre even though it looked dope.
- Turning Hux into an absolute clown doesn’t make sense at all given what TFA set up.
With that said, at least it tried telling it's own story and RJ swung and missed with Luke imo but I liked the attempt to tell a Rashomon-like story. That was very Lucas-ish of him.
RoS was just an overall clusterfukk on
all levels. I rank the Clone Wars movie higher than that shyt. Nobody knew what they were doing, from the writers to JJ to the actors. You literally have one of the three actors ROLLING THEIR EYES at possibly the most important line in the movie ("somehow Palpatine has returned"). It's littered with JJ's friends who serve no purpose. The Chewie medal scene, the Avengers endgame ripoff, the Lando insertion etc.
The ONLY pass that movie gets is Carrie Fisher passing away, which I can understand messed some shyt up. They went about solving it in all the wrong ways though.