The most insulting thing for me was the way they disrespected Luke and the rest of the OG heroes.
Luke, Han, and Leia never got a proper reunion, and now they never will (with the original actors). Ever. Biggest wasted opportunity in film history.
All three of them died miserable, broken, and alone, all of their accomplishments having been rendered utterly meaningless on every conceivable level. All of their hard fought victories came to nothing in the end.
C3PO and R2D2 got their shine stolen by BB8... the list goes on.
It failed on a microlevel (characters) AND on a macrolevel (galaxy). Characterizations have been pointed out.
But another noteworthy failure is that the galaxy as a whole is left EXACTLY where it was at the end of Episode VI.
Nothing meaningful has changed at all.
Jedi Order is back to one single Jedi left.
All the Death Stars/planetkillers have been wiped out.
The people united to defeat the evil etc.
Sith wiped out
Ewoks dancing.
Just so fukking worthless.
Oh yeah, Chewie got his medal now from that fake ass Yoda.