The Queens Ask Ice Cube About Black Women in The Contract


Nov 18, 2016
Thank you for admitting that.

Im not at all tryna cosign year birds or give them any succor or hiding room. I don't think Cube was being purposefully exclusive and i appreciate his willingness to include their proposal. (Shockingly, a panel of former actresses and models didn't have one. :skip:)

Its saddens me that the relationship between bw and bm is so far gone that my gentle plea received so much push back. If yall are really upset at how bw are acting, one would think that you'd appreciate my approach. If even that's not acceptable, i have to question the quality of leadership. You can't be a good general if you don't take your soldiers' needs into account.

Is 'new black politics' is being framed into a bm- only thing? Don't give lip service to the women in the comments if yall don't really want us involved. :francis:

Its not that. Its just men focus on providing what necessary.. And im not saying the women health topics aren't important, we're just no versed too good on them..

So when Cube asked the women to provide him with some direction, they didn't.. Even though they're the ones who brought it up...

That leads me to believe that even the women on the panel don't even connect with the democratic party womens agenda.. They're just along for the ride..


Sep 11, 2015
Please tell me why the Dems refused to meet until after the elections? That's the benign neglect we've heard about from the Democrats. They had time to meet with the functional retard in Cardi B, yet they had no time to meet with Ice Cube.

Why nobody has answered this question yet?? Lol


Uptown Thoroughbred
Jun 10, 2018
Its not that. Its just men focus on providing what necessary..
:gucci: Successful reproduction isn't necessary? That's base level shyt. If we don't have that, we might as well just hang it up. What's the point?

Yes, those women have obviously had (incomplete) ideas fed to them. They didn't get famous for their thinking. :usure:


You Don't Have The Answers...
Nov 12, 2012
Elm City
Please tell me why the Dems refused to meet until after the elections? That's the benign neglect we've heard about from the Democrats. They had time to meet with the functional retard in Cardi B, yet they had no time to meet with Ice Cube.
That is a lie they didn't refuse to meet with Ice Cube, he said himself that they like 85% of his plan and would get with him after the election because they're not in power(Presidency & Senate) to implement it. Ice Cube talked to April Ryan on an IG live in August, she said to Cube that she was getting text messages from the Biden camp that they would like to discuss CWBA with him. Ice Cube said "I'm not interested in talking to no one from either camps if they're not the candidates(Biden & Trump)". Cube blew off a meeting with Kamala Harris last month that was setup with other black entertainers he could've discuss his CWBA then but he didn't show, he instead turned around and met with Jared Kushner and other people from Trump administration.


Sep 11, 2015
That is a lie they didn't refuse to meet with Ice Cube, he said himself that they like 85% of his plan and would get with him after the election because they're not in power(Presidency & Senate) to implement it. Ice Cube talked to April Ryan on an IG live in August, she said to Cube that she was getting text messages from the Biden camp that they would like to discuss CWBA with him. Ice Cube said "I'm not interested in talking to no one from either camps if they're not the candidates(Biden & Trump)". Cube blew off a meeting with Kamala Harris last month that was setup with other black entertainers he could've discuss his CWBA then but he didn't show, he instead turned around and met with Jared Kushner and other people from Trump administration.

You got any evidence for this??

He saying something different in other videos


Sep 11, 2015

At the 5 minute mark he says it.


The video doesn't match with anything you stated

I'll ask:

Who are the 85% that Cube stated like his plans?? the Dems??

Is there any evidence where he blows off Kamala who wanted to meet up with Cube specifically and talk to him about the plan and Cube said no

Where's that evidence?


You Don't Have The Answers...
Nov 12, 2012
Elm City

The video doesn't match with anything you stated

I'll ask:

Who are the 85% that Cube stated like his plans?? the Dems??

Is there any evidence where he blows off Kamala who wanted to meet up with Cube specifically and talk to him about the plan and Cube said no

Where's that evidence?
I clearly stated he said "the Biden camp like 85% of his plan and would met with after the election" This what Ice Cube said when he was on Roland Martin show.

I got him blowing off the meeting with Kamala from Jawn Murray
Here's what you don't know though. He was supposed to have a meeting with Kamala Harris about his CWBA and guess what happened? He no-showed. Harris met with DL Hughley, Killer Mike, Snoop Dogg, Charlamagne and others. Cube left them waiting. But Cube did meet with Jared Kushner - you know Ivanka's hubby, Van Jones' buddy and the one helping Kanye West try to sabotage this election.


Aug 23, 2019
Its not that. Its just men focus on providing what necessary.. And im not saying the women health topics aren't important, we're just no versed too good on them..

So when Cube asked the women to provide him with some direction, they didn't.. Even though they're the ones who brought it up...

That leads me to believe that even the women on the panel don't even connect with the democratic party womens agenda.. They're just along for the ride..

I don’t see it that way. I see the women were pointing out to Cube as many have tried to do, that if you are going to jump out there on a grand scale such as going to Presidential Candidates and basically skip over Congress he should have had everything in specific details. Brothers have to stop thinking that every time you are questioned or someone asks you to provide the rationale of a move or be held accountable that saying you don’t know or getting upset and calling people Ops is the answer. Most people ask questions to get an understanding. You all cannot disagree with the detailed level of all the plans. Trump and Cube for that matter had very surface level plans. Trumps plan was to pacify because it’s late in the game and he needs votes. 1 page. Cubes request was a high level overview of what Black community needs. A lot that is already being addressed and on the table but cannot get passed due to no control in the Senate. Biden’s plan was 22 pages. It discussed in detail ( and even still needs more work) the problems, the proposed solutions, and the plan that would be used to address the issue. The examples provided in this thread alone show specific language that is for African Americans. The words minority and POC were sparsely used in the Biden plan. Did I want Biden? No. Did I want Kamala? Not at all. But we can’t be blinded right now to say their team isn’t the better of the two. And if you are still in denial about that you need to just admit one of two things. 1. You are capitalist and prioritize money over the Black community and will sell the community out to get it. 2. You have a problem that a Black Woman (that is not a perfect candidate) being married to a WM could become the VP and President in 4 years. Those are the facts. A lot of people are too coward to admit it. We are not even discussing that Cube had to know his lawsuit and connection to Bannon and Bannons connection to Trump would raise eyebrows. I haven’t seen him address that at all.


Aug 23, 2019
That is a lie they didn't refuse to meet with Ice Cube, he said himself that they like 85% of his plan and would get with him after the election because they're not in power(Presidency & Senate) to implement it. Ice Cube talked to April Ryan on an IG live in August, she said to Cube that she was getting text messages from the Biden camp that they would like to discuss CWBA with him. Ice Cube said "I'm not interested in talking to no one from either camps if they're not the candidates(Biden & Trump)". Cube blew off a meeting with Kamala Harris last month that was setup with other black entertainers he could've discuss his CWBA then but he didn't show, he instead turned around and met with Jared Kushner and other people from Trump administration.
And you have to wonder why turn down a meeting with your peers. Other Black Men and a Black Woman Senator from your home state. Could it be you not wanting to be transparent in front of your peers? That is a fair question to be asked. He’s known all those people for years. He should have felt more comfortable and powerful in a room full of Black Men discussing these topics he feel is so important to Black America. We certainly will never know what was said in his meeting with the other side because he was the only one in the room besides them.

The Fade

I don’t argue with niqqas on the Internet anymore
Nov 18, 2016
I don’t see it that way. I see the women were pointing out to Cube as many have tried to do, that if you are going to jump out there on a grand scale such as going to Presidential Candidates and basically skip over Congress he should have had everything in specific details. Brothers have to stop thinking that every time you are questioned or someone asks you to provide the rationale of a move or be held accountable that saying you don’t know or getting upset and calling people Ops is the answer. Most people ask questions to get an understanding. You all cannot disagree with the detailed level of all the plans. Trump and Cube for that matter had very surface level plans. Trumps plan was to pacify because it’s late in the game and he needs votes. 1 page. Cubes request was a high level overview of what Black community needs. A lot that is already being addressed and on the table but cannot get passed due to no control in the Senate. Biden’s plan was 22 pages. It discussed in detail ( and even still needs more work) the problems, the proposed solutions, and the plan that would be used to address the issue. The examples provided in this thread alone show specific language that is for African Americans. The words minority and POC were sparsely used in the Biden plan. Did I want Biden? No. Did I want Kamala? Not at all. But we can’t be blinded right now to say their team isn’t the better of the two. And if you are still in denial about that you need to just admit one of two things. 1. You are capitalist and prioritize money over the Black community and will sell the community out to get it. 2. You have a problem that a Black Woman (that is not a perfect candidate) being married to a WM could become the VP and President in 4 years. Those are the facts. A lot of people are too coward to admit it. We are not even discussing that Cube had to know his lawsuit and connection to Bannon and Bannons connection to Trump would raise eyebrows. I haven’t seen him address that at all.
We have a problem with this particular Indian woman who has a horrible record of keeping innocent black people people locked up for money. Just like other Indians involved with the legal system do. But y’all want your moment so she’s your sister girl now. It’s a legitimate concern to have.


Aug 23, 2019
We have a problem with this particular Indian woman who has a horrible record of keeping innocent black people people locked up for money. Just like other Indians involved with the legal system do. But y’all want your moment so she’s your sister girl now. It’s a legitimate concern to have.
No I never said that. I clearly said she was not my pick. And you know what happens when you assume...... But I ask you, show me facts where someone that was innocent was personally prosecuted by Kamala. That is one question that I ask that has yet to be answered and continually ignored. And before you bring up Jamal Trulove please know I’ve already researched that case. Go!