The Queens Ask Ice Cube About Black Women in The Contract


Nov 18, 2016
I don’t see it that way. I see the women were pointing out to Cube as many have tried to do, that if you are going to jump out there on a grand scale such as going to Presidential Candidates and basically skip over Congress he should have had everything in specific details. Brothers have to stop thinking that every time you are questioned or someone asks you to provide the rationale of a move or be held accountable that saying you don’t know or getting upset and calling people Ops is the answer. Most people ask questions to get an understanding. You all cannot disagree with the detailed level of all the plans. Trump and Cube for that matter had very surface level plans. Trumps plan was to pacify because it’s late in the game and he needs votes. 1 page. Cubes request was a high level overview of what Black community needs. A lot that is already being addressed and on the table but cannot get passed due to no control in the Senate. Biden’s plan was 22 pages. It discussed in detail ( and even still needs more work) the problems, the proposed solutions, and the plan that would be used to address the issue. The examples provided in this thread alone show specific language that is for African Americans. The words minority and POC were sparsely used in the Biden plan. Did I want Biden? No. Did I want Kamala? Not at all. But we can’t be blinded right now to say their team isn’t the better of the two. And if you are still in denial about that you need to just admit one of two things. 1. You are capitalist and prioritize money over the Black community and will sell the community out to get it. 2. You have a problem that a Black Woman (that is not a perfect candidate) being married to a WM could become the VP and President in 4 years. Those are the facts. A lot of people are too coward to admit it. We are not even discussing that Cube had to know his lawsuit and connection to Bannon and Bannons connection to Trump would raise eyebrows. I haven’t seen him address that at all.

Im married to a black woman with black kids..

I am a capitalist with nothing but black workers working with me..

You comfortable with black people only working for white people, and those who can't get a job with white people, should be left to government social programs?

Our lack of economic independence leaves black people to exclusively depend on this party, or even that party.

Meanwhile mexicans came here to work and be independent.. I know this because i see it with my own eyes where I live.. And while they're taking advantage of the "evil capitalist" system, they're getting social programs as well from the democratic party..

All while voting noticeably more for republicans than black people.. They understand business and negotiations. Its painful obvious we don't.

The Fade

I don’t argue with niqqas on the Internet anymore
Nov 18, 2016
No I never said that. I clearly said she was not my pick. And you know what happens when you assume...... But I ask you, show me facts where someone that was innocent was personally prosecuted by Kamala. That is one question that I ask that has yet to be answered and continually ignored. And before you bring up Jamal Trulove please know I’ve already researched that case. Go!
Kevin Cooper and Caramad Conley. I see how you tried to throw a bullshyt “technicality” into the framing of your statement

go google it yourself. There’s a dude on this forum who had a family member fukked over by her


Aug 23, 2019
Im married to a black woman with black kids..

I am a capitalist with nothing but black workers working with me..

You comfortable with black people only working for white people, and those who can't get a job with white people, should be left to government social programs?

Our lack of economic independence leaves black people to exclusively depend on this party, or even that party.

Meanwhile mexicans came here to work and be independent.. I know this because i see it with my own eyes where I live.. And while they're taking advantage of the "evil capitalist" system, they're getting social programs as well from the democratic party..

All while voting noticeably more for republicans than black people.. They understand business and negotiations. Its painful obvious we don't.

And you can do all that without voting for people that are clearly giving the green light to cops and supremacist to kill you and those that look like you. You can do all that without selling your people out. And no, I don’t agree with everyone working for the white man but I disagree that everyone has to be an entrepreneur. Everyone is not made to be a boss. There is no shame in working for someone. Hell we would all love to work four ourselves or other Black people. But I will never support an open racist or someone that would keep 500+ children in cages away from their parents and then now say they can’t locate the parents. I won’t ever sell my soul or my people out for dollar. If you can do that and look yourself and your family in the eye and be ready to answer to your God for it, more power to you. Good luck with that.


Jan 8, 2014
Dallas, TX
Thank God for the comments, and the women that were commenting. They get and understand what Cube is doing.

Vivica was defensive from the start, lol. She had her mind made up before he even spoke. So damn scared of public perception and having people think she’s not aligning with the democrats or other groups. Same can be said for Claudia.

Syleena and Lisa were skeptical, but I felt they did understand him and the plan. They weren’t as emotional.

The plan does need to address funding for women issues such as medical mishaps that black women have to go through, and im sure there’s other issues, but all you have to do is let him know.
Cube said from the beginning that he would meet with other black folks to help refine the CWBA, so that's even more proof that most black folks weren't paying attention to Cube. This whole thing just proved the old saying that it's easier to criticize than come up with a solution. The sad fact is that the same black folks criticizing Cube are the same ones who will be asking him to donate money to black causes that the government still won't support.


Nov 18, 2016
And you can do all that without voting for people that are clearly giving the green light to cops and supremacist to kill you and those that look like you. You can do all that without selling your people out. And no, I don’t agree with everyone working for the white man but I disagree that everyone has to be an entrepreneur. Everyone is not made to be a boss. There is no shame in working for someone. Hell we would all love to work four ourselves or other Black people. But I will never support an open racist or someone that would keep 500+ children in cages away from their parents and then now say they can’t locate the parents. I won’t ever sell my soul or my people out for dollar. If you can do that and look yourself and your family in the eye and be ready to answer to your God for it, more power to you. Good luck with that.

im voting for Biden and Harris though..:mjlol:

You think because im not on my knees next to y'all panicking, im voting for Trump.. :pachaha:

You guys want me to be scared and cry and shout and fuss everyday..

Im casting my vote on November 3rd and im going to continue to live my life like i always have been.. Working hard and helping the black people in my community.


Sep 11, 2015
I clearly stated he said "the Biden camp like 85% of his plan and would met with after the election" This what Ice Cube said when he was on Roland Martin show.

I got him blowing off the meeting with Kamala from Jawn Murray

He stated that he wanted a one on one with Kamala, why didn't you post and state that?

He asked her, or someone from his camp asked knows someone from her camp, and they told him, Cube, that she would call him....she never called him?

He already stated that he was on the phone with the Dems, for 45 mins, they never got down to his plans or addressed anything in regards to Black ppl..

So why Omit that information

Him not meeting with Kamala was because he stated it was like a rally, call, 12 other rappers/entertainers...

Cube felt that the meeting wasn't going to address anything...

if that's the case, do you think any of those 12 rappers/entertainers ask Kamala about the Black Contract?? Is not like they didn't know about's been out??

So can you hold those others 12 ppl in that Zoom call accountable too?? Why they didn't ask Kamala about the contract??? and why hasn't Kamala called him back and did the one on one setup like she stated that she was going to do with Cube since he didn't attend the Zoom meeting

It's a lot of stuff you left out in your posts, but I'm glad I was able to listen to Cube side.

Dems are not trying to help black folks cuz....Not sure if that matters to you, but it does to me


Nov 18, 2016
He stated that he wanted a one on one with Kamala, why didn't you post and state that?

He asked her, or someone from his camp asked knows someone from her camp, and they told him, Cube, that she would call him....she never called him?

He already stated that he was on the phone with the Dems, for 45 mins, they never got down to his plans or addressed anything in regards to Black ppl..

So why Omit that information

Him not meeting with Kamala was because he stated it was like a rally, call, 12 other rappers/entertainers...

Cube felt that the meeting wasn't going to address anything...

if that's the case, do you think any of those 12 rappers/entertainers ask Kamala about the Black Contract?? Is not like they didn't know about's been out??

So can you hold those others 12 ppl in that Zoom call accountable too?? Why they didn't ask Kamala about the contract??? and why hasn't Kamala called him back and did the one on one setup like she stated that she was going to do with Cube since he didn't attend the Zoom meeting

It's a lot of stuff you left out in your posts, but I'm glad I was able to listen to Cube side.

Dems are not trying to help black folks cuz....Not sure if that matters to you, but it does to me

My question is, Kamala met with 12 entertainers including the well beloved snoop and also killer mike.. Why they're so concerned about Cube?


Aug 23, 2019
Kevin Cooper and Caramad Conley. I see how you tried to throw a bullshyt “technicality” into the framing of your statement

go google it yourself. There’s a dude on this forum who had a family member fukked over by her
You brought up what she did. I asked you to prove what you said with facts. You obviously can’t do that. So I’ll take that as you regurgitating information you’ve been spoon fed like most negros that refuse the read! FOH


Sep 11, 2015
My question is, Kamala met with 12 entertainers including the well beloved snoop and also killer mike.. Why they're so concerned about Cube?

Killer Mike?? and he didn't bring anything to her table??

What Killer Mike told her?? Nothing....smh.

What those other 12 folks said to her? They don't need Cube...Everybody knew that the contract been out, everybody knew in that Zoom call, black folks need x, y, and z....


Aug 23, 2019
im voting for Biden and Harris though..:mjlol:

You think because im not on my knees next to y'all panicking, im voting for Trump.. :pachaha:

You guys want me to be scared and cry and shout and fuss everyday..

Im casting my vote on November 3rd and im going to continue to live my life like i always have been.. Working hard and helping the black people in my community.
Yeah ok. Cube Jr. Lol

The Fade

I don’t argue with niqqas on the Internet anymore
Nov 18, 2016
You brought up what she did. I asked you to prove what you said with facts. You obviously can’t do that. So I’ll take that as you regurgitating information you’ve been spoon fed like most negros that refuse the read! FOH
You can google it just like I did cause numerous places explain and fact check it. I’m not doing your homework for you. I gave you two leads to do the reading yourself. You can’t critically think if it’s spoon fed to you all the time just like what you want to do
To you. I cross referenced and found that shyt out myself. I’m not here to teach you or change your mind. Just to call you and your sister girls idiots

you make hypocritical ass posts first with assuming shyt about nikkas while telling me not to assume, now you saying I’ve been spoon fed info but you want me to spoon feed you shyt I had to go get myself.
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