Kid McNamara
'97 Mike Bibby
Film was disappointing. That Suicide track (Che) almost save it, but they only used like twenty seconds of it.
Was it vulgar![]()
This one is pretty new and valuable. Breaks down 50 movies in different genres and tells you the key plot points and tricks used in each.
Scriptshadow Secrets (500 Screenwriting Secrets Hidden Inside 50 Great Movies): Carson Reeves: Kindle Store
This was a quick read but good. Especially if you already have something written. Your Screenplay Sucks!: 100 Ways to Make It Great (9781932907452): William M Akers: Books
This one is a really heavy read. Generally considered brilliant. Some people despise it.
Story: Substance, Structure, Style and the Principles of Screenwriting: Robert McKee: 9780060391683: Books
One of the industry standards. A little outdated but a good base. An especially good read before or after you read Save The Cat.
Screenplay: The Foundations of Screenwriting: Syd Field: 9780385339032: Books
Not a screenplay book but essential in telling stories. George Lucas (and others) basically used this book as the Blueprint to build his career. This book is the blueprint to Star Wars.
The Hero with a Thousand Faces (The Collected Works of Joseph Campbell) Books
I'll have to check my Kindle and iPad for more.
Made them into TinyURL links because The Coli rapes Amazon links. Tries to format them, add images. Looks horrible.
at what happens to gosling less than an hour in.. cooper may have the more mainstream movies but he's not half as entertaining as gosling to me.
and someone PLEASE gif gosling dancing with the dog, if its not out there already
I had serious issue swith the way the move was formatted what with each story be sectioned off.
I think the movie would have been more enjoyable if the Gosling and Cooper storylines were running concurrently and then intersected with that last bank robbery instead of Gosling basically handing off the baton to Cooper. By having the separation it made the movie feel really disjointed to me.
And the final segment of the movie focusing on the two sons was ass.
That's cool. It's always the same 15-20 books. Frankly, in my opinion I believe some people can do good just off 3-5 books. There are people who take it as a hobby and have got over a mill for scripts in comparison to those who went to school for screenwriting and have nothing.
Question, do you read the books while you're in the process of writing a script or do you read it first then write? Lately I've had a lot of free time to read but I don't know why I cant get my self to read. The funny thing is usually when I'm reading or writing dialogue for a script I can go on and on.
Ever sent a script to screenwriting contests/film festivals?
The movie was about not being able to escape ones destiny and the sins of our fathers. If they hadn't made it disjointed it would have been a completely different movie.
I really despised this once it went all Copland. Don't even get me started on the predictable bollocks with the kids. Alternative names for this film: The Place Beyond The shyt. The shyt Beyond The Pines.
This film was shyt.
movie had me likethe whole time and I aint ashamed
shyt was sick
they should have let the the cops son die, karma like a mutha