The percentage of men between ages 18-30 with zero sex partners tripled from 08-18


Oct 25, 2017
So Cal
Wise young breh :ehh:.

Young Men know the game but it seems like the Gen Z broads don't understand what's coming.

Women can date "up" for casual fukkin but not for relationships. A female 6 can be the sidepiece of a male 8 but the male 8 will never see her as anything more than a sidepiece. She knows deep down that she can't have him....but gotdamn she's gonna suck his dikk as much as possible to lock him down.

Then she has her wakeup call and discovers that her best chance at a quality breh is dating down to her level....the male 6.

This used to be a legit workable strategy but men don't trust women anymore. The male 6 wants the freaky sex from female 6 that she gave the male 8. She wants to give up as little as possible to get male 6 to commit. He KNOWS she's holding out so he holds out too.


The smart broads limit the amount of time they spend chasing the 9s and 10s. A little bit in college and then early 20s before ducking out. The dumb ones keep chasing until they get desperate.

Appreciate it OG, the bolded is a great way to put it. That's why women get mad when guys like me that they occasionally fukk/mess with say they're not interested in anything serious past a certain age. It's indirectly communicating that if you want me send choosing signs, and BUILD WITH ME NOW, because once you do all the work of getting setup/established, it leaves a bad taste in your mouth to deal with someone who wouldn't of given you play/time of day/acknowledged you before the bread.

A guy ITT said it, a bit too lazy to go back and @ them, but I'm self improving and with that comes more women, but not because I changed as an individual, my circumstance is just shifting as work/study/grind is beginning to pay off. Women who never spoke to me, all of a sudden develop manners when you have a car, or in my case a mild luxury car. If you have a nice place and are in shape you can eat crazy. Difference is men can transparently see because of the economy, and social media (#brokeboy) that women are giving them play moreso because of situation then personality. A lot of men in my gen are having that "I thought it was me" BBD moment, and aren't mad/spiteful per se, but feel like if the broad don't fukk with dudes for who they are what's the point.

Overall one thing this thread is discounting is how many men are like @Rozay Oro and more so want intimacy/companionship that makes the sex worthwhile. When you tell a man they need to get things it shatters all the crap Gen Z got fed growing up about being special, and being loved for you. Frankly it makes women more of a guaranteed chore than a potential pleasure.

I can't put an accurate number on it but I'd say out of that 27% half literally are incapable (not enough social skills or understanding of game/women), but the other half isn't motivated to try, whether it's because they feel like they have to put in more effort than better looking/better off dudes (which is true), and they don't feel the women is worth that, or they don't value that sex highly and get joy/pleasure that keeps them content elsewhere in life.

I don't think some you older heads fully understand how much feminism/equality stuff was rammed down gen z males throats growing up only for them to realized that it's just talk mostly. Most women would rather not work and wish a dude could provide everything for them, most women are more shallow than men and only lose it as they continuously end up as a quick effortless nut for men outside their league, most women are choosing situations not character, then becoming comfortable/adaptive to character later. If you bought/entertained/operated on the spiel of them being equal, having morals, being more understanding, etc. when you go out there and see the high expectations lack of self sufficiency, lack of accountability, and for christ sake lack of personality. It's a turn off in general.

The funny thing is if broads carried their own weight or were more accountable or were more interesting people, guys would try more with like literally any one of these three things changing. I'm an outlier as I personally expect more because I know my worth/what I bring to the table. fukk I look like giving strong game or courting to a woman that hasn't sent a choosing signal? Nothing annoys/frustrates/puts off men my age more than getting dubbed by a woman that's exactly on your level. You know a broad that's as attractive as you more often than not won't be as smart, not because she can't be but because there's no pressure for her to do for self with simps, sugar daddys, and parents acting as a multi-layer safety net. She probably doesn't have more money than me because she more likely than not doesn't work like that or blows money on stupid shyt, more likely than not doesn't have hobbies outside of shopping, eating out/drinking with friends, yet society assumes I want to go out of my way to make an effort to bang this woman.

It really ain't that serious when I got 4k porn at the crib, and premium edibles. It is indeed a stalemate, the internet/social media+3rd wave feminism raised and specified women's expectations while allowing them to do less (effort wise) to get the same results if not better than before the internet/social media+3rd wave feminism came to the forefront. Since women started doing less and expecting more some men I know IRL, just are no longer in the game.

TL/DR, To simplify it women are becoming a mild luxury as opposed to a base necessity for a growing amount of men. For some they're metaphorically affordable, but they're not worth it (not motivated). For others they're just too expensive and cant be afforded (inept no social skills).
Thing is you can be content in life without luxury or having mad luxuries, which I feel like is conceptually being overlooked ITT.
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Dec 16, 2016
Young black American men really gotta understand that a whole world full of feminine attractive humble women waits for you out here.
Making it out is the only hurdle.

JQ Legend

Dec 9, 2013
This thread actually answers the question as to why this is happening very accurately. A LOT of broken and damaged men in here with serious intimacy and rage issues.

Youre one of the most bitter people in this thread tho :gucci:

All your posts reek of a woman who is frustrated herself with the dating game because you constantly see attractive men who don’t approach you and you don’t have the confidence to initiate it yourself so you blame men for being scared :umad:


Jul 20, 2013
Off The Cuff Radio/ScrewballRadio/BudeBoyEnt
What’s actually clear from these responses is how lacking in confidence this generation of men, is. SO many excuses. It’s women’s fault, it’s feminisms fault etc.

This generation of men have zero balls. They’re afraid of women, afraid to speak to girls in the real life. They lack charm or social skills and hate accountability. Everything is someone else’s fault.

nikkahs rather sit on the bench and complain instead of jump in the court

Crayola Coyote

Jul 20, 2015
These young bulls need to learn the Philosophy of “p*ssy ain’t got no face” and start fukking ugly chicks to get their numbers up, and I ain’t even talking ugly with a phat ass, I mean UGLY:ufdup:

no no bad advice. This is the reason why bytches that are ugly as being bold and disrespectful. Cause of this advice. Certain women should not be having accesss to certain men. Cause some men can have low self esteem and make millions and not know their worth. Would you want your son to smash a ugly rachet chick cause of this advice :stopitslime:

Crayola Coyote

Jul 20, 2015
Let me tell you, theres a big difference between the city and the burbs sex wise. Living in downtown chicago or new york vs. Some suburb is vastly different.

Plus people that thought i lied need to keep in mind i live in downtown chicago, i worked in night life on top of that, plus i modeled n shyt and still promo model for liquor companies, plus i have its different than being some kid living in the burbs

thank you. I live in suburb area of Florida and the game out here is trash and it’s like playing on difficult mode. When I go to places like Miami, Houston and Paris etc it’s like way easier for me to get something going. I never been outside the air port of Chicago though.

JQ Legend

Dec 9, 2013
I predicted this a couple of years ago on this site, and mentioned it was only going to get worse.
If I recall, people just angrily argued with me then too.:rolleyes:

I used to use phrases like “reject revolution” “pseudo-autism”.

This is only going to get worse.:francis: Men and women have to find a way to move past practices that didn’t work in the past, adapt to new societal changes, and learn how to appreciate each other while taking an honest look at how they are fukkin up and own up to it.

But I don’t see either side being forthcoming about what they are doing wrong. In fact, people celebrate the opposite sex getting humbled and think their own gender is above reproach. We doubling down on the bullshyt and digging out heels in.

Let’s be real men are way more real with themselves than women are about this, if anything men are too real to the point of delusion as backwards as that may sound.

Plenty of men will straight up admit they aren’t attractive, confident, successful, social etc enough to get the women he wants if any women at all. A lot of these dudes prolly got a chick checkin for them right now and don’t see it because of his lack of confidence.

How many women admit to themselves they aren’t attractive enough to land the men they think they deserve? :jbhmm:

Crayola Coyote

Jul 20, 2015
It matters a lot where you're located too when it comes to dating apps.

Hinge: My good matches live an hour and a half away and a lot of bullshytters since the Pandemic.

Tinder: Instagram 2.0

OK Cupid: Officially fell off

Blk : Thots and scammers

Threw them all in the bushes cause it aint worth it .

tinder only works if you are in a big city but small town your gonna have a bad time like me plus your pictures count. Women don’t even read your bios as I found out. I said “no single mothers,feminist and trump supporters” I got all 3 swiping right on me no lie. :beli:

Crayola Coyote

Jul 20, 2015
Let’s be real men are way more real with themselves than women are about this, if anything men are too real to the point of delusion as backwards as that may sound.

Plenty of men will straight up admit they aren’t attractive, confident, successful, social etc enough to get the women he wants if any women at all. A lot of these dudes prolly got a chick checkin for them right now and don’t see it because of his lack of confidence.

How many women admit to themselves they aren’t attractive enough to land the men they think they deserve? :jbhmm:

i keep forgetting that there are women out here that think you would not be interested in them for different types of reason so they will just reject you off rip even if you do shoot your shot. :shaq2:


Nov 19, 2016
Large in shirts 34 in pants
Eat healthy
I've posted my face before and I have a thread in the Gym section
Dreads but are braided most the time because I have an office job which are retwisted and braided monthly. Got a recurring schedule with my hair lady
Double Black by Polo is one of my favorite colognes
Have a skin routine of African Black Soap, Witch Hazel, and Neutrogena firming facial lotion I use twice a day
Used to be into Streetwear heavy, I still am but I dress a little more conservative with it now that I'm older.
I like BAPE polos, with the small ape logo tho. I don't like shyt that's flashy.
That and a pair of Clarks are my go-to work attire.

Not sure how bad your actual face is but based on your physique you should be eating good breh. Were you still getting rejected after you dropped the pounds?

Mandarin Duck

Majestic and Highfalutin
Dec 27, 2012
u really don't look bad in that gym photo from the bit i can see :ld:

if u ever decide you wanna give it another chance i think going to a female-dominated space in person or online is best. dating sites are mostly men, so competition is tougher for men sending messages. go somewhere where the odds are in your favor. u might even get some women acting the aggressor and approaching u
Honestly I'm too content/comfortable for all that now.

I like to stay at home, read books, spend time with family and watch YouTube videos.

Going out to some random club, spending money on drinks and entrance fees just so that I can go home alone seems like a giant waste of time and money and not to mention what more rejection will do to my low self esteem. It's best I don't go down that road again.

I'm also not expecting some random woman to fall from the sky so I understand the choice I've made.

The Fade

I don’t argue with niqqas on the Internet anymore
Nov 18, 2016
all thats left to do is stand out

gym, get rid of your double chin, adopt fukkboy fashion cues and get a crisp line up regularly

if you still not getting laid maybe you smell and your breaf off


Dec 11, 2012
Honestly I'm too content/comfortable for all that now.

I like to stay at home, read books, spend time with family and watch YouTube videos.

Going out to some random club, spending money on drinks and entrance fees just so that I can go home alone seems like a giant waste of time and money and not to mention what more rejection will do to my low self esteem. It's best I don't go down that road again.

I'm also not expecting some random woman to fall from the sky so I understand the choice I've made.

Spending money to go to a random club to have fun should be your goal...:ufdup:

Whatever happens happen

Mandarin Duck

Majestic and Highfalutin
Dec 27, 2012
Not sure how bad your actual face is but based on your physique you should be eating good breh. Were you still getting rejected after you dropped the pounds?

And I said to myself "why am I taking care of myself if it's still leading to rejection?"

So I went on a downward spiral again, not taking care of myself, hard drug use, depression, etc.

Once I started taking care of myself for me, I didn't care about dating or doing anything for someone else's approval anymore.

I dropped the weight, kept it off and stopped using drugs.

Trying to date and facing rejection again will have me going right back down that negative path.

If you keep getting burned every time you touch the stove you'll learn eventually to stop touching the stove.