The percentage of men between ages 18-30 with zero sex partners tripled from 08-18

JQ Legend

Dec 9, 2013
I’m just not convinced that the preferences of women who are considered average/below average by men are really the primary factor in this.

It almost seems like the advice is that basic chicks should just fukk dudes on their level. But many dudes on their level only want them for sex JUST like the other higher level guys want. So what does bussin it open for even more men who don’t want you, do for the dating game other than give sex to more dudes who view you as less than...
Even worse, these chicks would be adding sexual partners they don’t even like to their body count, who also feel “meh” about them too.

The level of commitment and devotion you have to somebody you attracted to vs somebody it’s a chore to fukk with is like night and day...

I get the point you’re trying to make but it’s no reality behind it

Most men are hella intimidated by beautiful women and see them as too good to be true. Most men would happily wife up an average looking woman and if he won’t it ain’t because she not bad it’s because of just about everything else mainly her attitude. A cool average looking chick will have no problem getting the average guy to see her as more than just good for sex. That same women will not find any attractive man who sees her as more than an easy fukk.

A lot of beautiful women actually complain about the lack of attention they get especially in real life because men don’t approach them for being too good to be true. This is not even a recent thing.

Roid Jones

May 1, 2012
The 2008 recession and 2020 covid pandemic have erased the chances of an entire generation of men from creating wealth and entering the middle class.

Social media also fukked it up for this generation of men. A young broke college breh cannot find his female equivalent (for LTR) because there are 10,000 simps in her dms willing to drop a stack on her. What incentive does she have to be with you and build when she can find a breh already at the finish line and hope he commits to her?

Also kevin samuels exposed what lays ahead for this generation of young black men, at least one third of brehs under 35 are listening to him and are hearing the type of nonsense that modern women are on.

Ask your young male relatives why they are not dating, the answer you will get from 50% of them is "I am working on my self"

nikkas are 16 years old and mgtow :dead:

An entire generation of brehs all vying to get into that top 20% :wow:

It won't end well for society at large, which is why my only advice I give to any breh reading this is to focus on accruing as much wealth as you possibly can in this decade to escape from the 9 to 5 hellhole, and take care of your health and fitness :yeshrug:

Shyt is crazy, when I was 18 the only chicks I checked for where in my immediate area and the competition was localised too, now dudes have access to chicks across the globe and with that comes more competition. I know chicks that have had celebs in their dms checking for them and those chicks now see that as their market and a lot of women move like this. Bad actors and bad information is also not helping, it's sad that so many kids are listening to all that MGTOW, black pill crap. I took some thunderous L's as a kid but I did not have access to a community that encourages men to basically check out of life to reel me in. Dudes always clowned PUA's but at least the main point was to get girls and relations.
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Staff member
Apr 30, 2012
Top 4
The main problem is that most men on the coli rely only on dating apps to get women , when that's skewed heavily to favor women.

Dating apps makes men who are regular looking, into thinking they are disfigured. While, making average women think they super models.

If dating/social media apps wasn't a thing. Sexless men wouldnt be as common.

yup you are correct dating apps should only be a part of the whole package

an average fat chick will have a hundred messages on a dating app


Staff member
Apr 30, 2012
Since the game transitioned moreso online.. The Competition is more fierce than ever for alot of these dudes... Nikkas is now competiting with Industry nikkas, club owners, scammers, and "ballers" from different states.

Nikkas up in the DM whereas Trey Songz or Chris Brown is up in there and offering to fly her out for a pool party.. Who she gonna roll with?

Gotta keep telling yourselves this shyt is a numbers game now and you gotta keep trying

It's always been like this though, imo the biggest thing happening goes into something you said with the more online access to hollering at women there is a bigger occurrence of getting rejected and most men can't deal with rejection

A second thing I've noticed and there's no way to say it is guys hollering at women way out there league, dudes act like average/below average broads ain't got good p*ssy:yeshrug:


All Star
Apr 4, 2017
So if they were receptive to you, would you be willing to love and cherish them or pursue a deeply romantic relationship with them?

Or are you just trying to have sex?

It would be one thing if men were saying, I’m trying to be serious and honorable with chicks that look like this but they ain’t wit it.

But that’s not the case. Men are literally adamant that females who look like them are for smashing and dashing. And men are vocal about this. Which is fine.

But if this is the case, why shouldn’t those chicks not have standards for themselves? Should they just “play their role” or “know their lane” and be happy to get nutted on by somebody because they are considered unattractive?

And if they did just completely do a 180 and become wonderfully sexually permissive, how would that help you or them when you don’t truly want to build with these types anyway...

I personally think since society dates just to date when young this is the result. If most women culturally were harder it would mitigate it, bus most dudes know these women have given it up for less than a happy meal so we all try to get that bargain price. Why try harder in most cases, when u know this fact?


All Star
Mar 17, 2017
South London
I've met women with the strongest of social anxieties talking about doing the unthinkable. :pachaha: Most women aren't going to be open about that because despite how society is nowadays, people still save face. Which is valid, because not everyone rocks with the same thing.

But when you eventually find out... :wow:

And women tend to become more receptive to you once you've been on your purpose, because your focus isn't all on them. Of course, it doesn't mean they're just going to fly into your DMs all of a sudden, but people as a whole can feel when you've got something going for your life and you're not desperate and needy over them. It's like when you can feel when somebody's just negative, the vibe is off and you're repelled by them. Doing your own thing is probably the best thing to do because at least you'll have your mind focused on other things.

Plus... A lot of people in general aren't interesting enough to pour all of your attention into like that. Especially with the pandemic throwing a wrench into everything. So like that old saying goes, "If you want to be interesting to people, you've got to do interesting things." That being said though, it should be done for your own benefit and enrichment, not for the sake of others. Documenting a lot of your journey can go a long way, many people could make really fire Instagram pages just off that alone.

Don't comment on here much but. This part here stuck out to me. Currently working on this damn video game. Gotta keep going man. Have a good day bruh!


Judge me by my heart not my hairline
Jan 5, 2017
i think the internet should make it easier to find a woman to want to fukk you.

i know it has for me. smashed some chicks i met playing games online or on a dating app in my early 20s, i've since moved on from that dating app life because those some hoes... but no reason it should be easier.

problem with a lot of these young dudes is they're like Kent and they can't have a conversation with women online even without talking about WWE or their favorite anime or video games or some other shyt they don't give a fukk about.

Using Kent as an example is bad. The dude is average faced along with being really short.


Nov 20, 2013
no no bad advice. This is the reason why bytches that are ugly as being bold and disrespectful. Cause of this advice. Certain women should not be having accesss to certain men. Cause some men can have low self esteem and make millions and not know their worth. Would you want your son to smash a ugly rachet chick cause of this advice :stopitslime:
Yes I would give him this advice:yeshrug: if a man has low self esteem it has nothing to do with a woman, it’s something he needs to figure out and fix as a man.

men should fukk all the women they safely can. When your 90 in a nursing home just thinking about all the women you ran through will give you solace, even as you look in the mirror and see a fragile raisin of a man.

You can look at them thick CNA’s and honestly say, I was a bad man back in the day I could and would have turned your ass out:smugdraper:

Rozay Oro

2 Peter 3:9 if you don’t know God
Sep 9, 2013
You don't have the cache to make that statement nor the presence of mind to even know what above or beneath you looks like. Sit in your corner and continue to have your meltdowns on this site you incel.
Seems like a striked a chord. I have a girl and been successful on tinder. No more meltdowns. You can keep paying for p*ssy but brehs should have pride not to imo. Too many brehettes out here. Do you.